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Q: Who cuts the grass on Walton's Mountain? A: Lawn Boy.

sci / sci.engr.biomed / I perceive they have grown vascular epithelia on artificial vasculature and artificial hearts,

o I perceive they have grown vascular epithelia on artificial vasculature and artiTreon Verdery

Subject: I perceive they have grown vascular epithelia on artificial vasculature and artificial hearts,
From: Treon Verdery
Newsgroups: sci.engr.biomed
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2022 15:06 UTC
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Subject: I perceive they have grown vascular epithelia on artificial
vasculature and artificial hearts,
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it is possible there are much less immunoreactive tissues to coat artificial hearts with, possibilities are placenta between the maternal and fetus capillary, cyte types, fetal and maternal side capillary cytotypes

Epigenetics of epithilial or other cyte artificial heart coatings; could artificial heart cytocoatings have their epigenetics modified while at tissue culture to make a better form, vascular epithelia of fetuses have had their epigenetics reset, so that could also be a beneficial source of artificial heart cyte coating D

99th percentile or higher of the least morphologically variant and immunoreactive post heart surgery patients, as well as 99th percentile good shape vascular system lining cytes of persons of heart surgery age' vascular epithelia (or other cytes) could be more effective artificial heart cytocoatings

Decreasing unintentional poisonings
I think I read that unintentional poisonings cause more people to be previously alive than vehicle accidents so technologies that reduce unintentional poisonings are beneficial, fluoroipecac or ethynylfluoroipecec could be placed at numerous products where they would not modify product quality, ethynylfluoroipecac could be active at 200 nanograms to 1 microgram a dose, less if the ipecac molecule can be reengineered to be 2-10x as strong, possibly with acetylation (might or might not reach the "vomit now" areas of the brain more effectively) to pass the blood brain area better, a 100 nanogram dose that makes a person vomit when eating an unintentional poison could be functional if 100 nanogram dose ethynylfluoroipecac is possible then a dose would be 1/10,000 of a cent to each typical unintended dose of an unintentional poison or less,

It is possible that compared to ipecac which I think works at the throat there is likely another chemical that causes vomiting when it is sensed at the stomach, fluorinating a chemical can make it 1000 times more active, ethynylizing can make some chemicals, notably sex hormones 1000 times more active and is also used to make protease inhibitors more active, acetylation causes greater passage through the blood brain barrier, and their are chemical moieties that cause greater cytomembrane transport, combining these with a drug that causes stomach based vomiting if they are added to an unintentional poison could produce a 10,000 to 100,000 to 1 million times more effective emetic (vomiting causing) drug to put at unintentional poisons, that is nanograms to picograms a dose, and at $1000/kg to make is 2.5 ten millionths of one cent per dose; one thing about ethynylfluoroacetylcytomembranepassing+stomach-vomiting-molecule is that noting I read much unintentional poisoning is from misdosing pharmaceuticals, perhaps twenty pills taken simultaneously would have sufficient EFACMPSMV to cause vomiting but ten pills would just cause queasiness,

To decrease unintentional poisonings a small intestine motility inducer, ethynylfluoromolecule version causes ultra rapid expelling of poison (diarrhea), at near 1/10,000 of a cent to one millionth of a cent a dose

Find all the medically active peptides with a computerized or even crowd sourced medical database search, then find out which ones are utilizable at the 1/10th of a cent a dose printed paper medication technology, the 300 most frequently occurring medical applications could be made, are there anticholesterol peptides, a topic dermatitis treating peptides, even partially effective anticancer peptides (noting that a full cure is better, tamoxifen receptor activating peptides and receptor modulating antibodies. Could be beneficial), as well as antidiabetic peptides (peptides or antibodies with beneficial effect on insulin receptors or pancreas receptors), macroscopic insult recovery peptides that could rapidify recovery from things like twisted ankles, anti arthritis peptides, This would benefit people globally notcytotypes the developing world


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