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sci / sci.engr.biomed / Creating a universe arching new direction that is right like utilizing a thing with the right distal parts of your body

o Creating a universe arching new direction that is right like utilizing a thing wTreon Verdery

Subject: Creating a universe arching new direction that is right like utilizing a thing with the right distal parts of your body
From: Treon Verdery
Newsgroups: sci.engr.biomed
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2022 15:02 UTC
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Subject: Creating a universe arching new direction that is right like
utilizing a thing with the right distal parts of your body
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White gathering at a white median amount, like the median of a distribution and other than a Gaussian distribution, now think of some greatly similar franchised ski resort with planned greater height paths, different height ski paths, valleys and connecting ski pathways, now think of the entire ski resort as a distribution, the medians that the ski resort makers cause to be things they adjust to cause greater amplitude and less spread out adjacencies at are white things benevolence, benefit simultaneous utilitarianism, kindness and empathy
The different franchise resorts have cosimilar terrain, and the things practiced at any ski resort can be utilized at another ski resort, white beings at any being form visiting any ski resort locate from white tropisms to be at different ski resort areas making a distribution that functionally causes greater white attributes and communications, that has a median of distribution that ski resort utilizers prefer, and as many or few interactions occur they bring the geometric and utilizer components of the ski resort to be nearer and nearer the median of the entire ski resort, which white beings prefer, the white beings notice greater white as a proportion of anything perceived when the entire ski resort is nearest median, that facilitates median amplitude and amount, noting that white beings at the ski resort go to locations and greater and more moderate height ski pathways, valleys, and transportation pathways with planning, tropism, or senses at a way when absent instructions the greater white median that grows greater with more activities and interactions arises from geometry and white ski resort utilizer tropisms
Now compare the ski resort to a math function that from geometry, topology, or other math like math based on equation notations is an autotropic system where utilization and quantity of any variable at the system causes greater amplitude of the benevolent beneficial simultaneously utilitarian kind applied empathy at beingness median, the math version

Time crystal ski resort like the time crystal described at wikipedia focuses and heightens a white median at a distribution, I read that a time crystal has a plurality of states that move to be each other without transferring energy, at an autotropism to a beneficial median mathematical human createable, time crystals could be kind of like the various ski pathways, and the autotropism to a median causes there to be continued continent thingness and geometric and topological chronological occurrence from the math forms autotropism to the median, so a math form created with purpose utilizing things a human, that is a person, that is a member of a group of people, that is a homo sapiens can comprehend and create at an autotropic math limning of actual things that makes a universe spanning and containing as well as containing of all patterns including thoughts and mental patterns and what I describe as pattern resonance things, the math thing that arches the universe then also has a new direction of motion that is white and right with the right being a direction like that of things a person touches with the right area of their being, the attribute, geometry as well as math notation actualization that makes the new direction that is white, like a new temporospatial or different greater white optimality math and all forms arrangement with a new thing like a new directional cardinal quadrant, a new white direction that a thing or items move at, and to the right, with or absent awareness of the universe arching and containing new right direction, a being can keep actualizing, utilizing and do actions with a tropism towards white with doing right things as well as utilizing right, the area of a person, that is a member of a group of people's right body area, the new right direction is a thing the math a human actualizes as universe arching is made actual and tropismly travels towards the new right direction causing the universe and all the patterns at it to go in the new right direction

Math of aleph numbers could structure aleph numbers as time crystals, with the generation and traversal between aleph number forms

I could just create and make a mathy thing out of paper that traverses time crystal math that is simultaneously actuating and active at aleph number focus and the definitional tropism that occurs, like as an actual activity I could create and make a thing with aleph number notation, written at math notation, with time crystal way of being traversal, different math things than aleph numbers are things I could notice, like math of analog things that traverse analogly as compared with what I read about Planck intervals, Planck length,

It could be that a four or greater dimemsional spatial dimension, like the way it causes any pathway of any linearity to traverse to when there is any variati


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