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sci / sci.engr.biomed / Separate polarization converged crystal with IC technology,

o Separate polarization converged crystal with IC technology,Treon Verdery

Subject: Separate polarization converged crystal with IC technology,
From: Treon Verdery
Newsgroups: sci.engr.biomed
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2022 15:01 UTC
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Subject: Separate polarization converged crystal with IC technology,
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a pile of different chemicals together could actually cause a bunch of different polarization angles at light that arises from it at an illumination effect, having the multipolarized light meet an ic technology 3 to 7 mm feature optical form when the non point light reflected from a pile of blended chemicals with a bunch of polarizations meets the IC photonic technology form then the light could travel at a polarizing retroreflective 3-440 mm sized feature, a plurality of these features could reflect to a focal area, and the focal are could do a thing with the light, a possibility is making a beam of the strength that all the naturally reflected light from the pile of chemicals emits that are of identical polarization, then focuses it on a light sensor to make a what po, or have a light sensor under each sensor doing whole item imaging, at a quadrillion feature 300 mm IC wafer making a million or a billion different cofocalizing polarized reflectors cofocalize on a million or a billion light sensors then noting each pile of chemicals is different like blended chemicals or lyophilized longevity mammal material then deep learning AI can find differences and estimate the chemicals

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Cytoplasmic streaming, is velocity and structuralization like Hadley (=) forms modifiable with drugs and genetics, do longevity drugs that function at mice, rapamycin, metformin, Epithalon, as well as longevity drugs that function at yeast and c elegans 400% greater longevity salicylic acid, anything greater than doubled longevity at genetically modified c elegans have different cytoplasmic streaming

Cytoplasmic streaming velocity could vary between Children and adults, also at mice, do genes or drugs that cause child velocities of cytoplasmic streaming at adults have beneficial longevity, healthspan, wellness and tissue particular effects, also do longevizing drugs and chemicals modify cytoplasmic streaming velocity, is the cytoplasmic streaming velocity at the actual nucleus, the membrane limned area, different than the rest of the cyte and does it effect mRNA diffusion and availability to make proteins at the ribosome, less streaming could gradualize making proteins, greater streaming could make more proteins, if organisms tolerate it would double cytoplasmic streaming velocity double healing and repair, as well as double the protein production of the immune system doubling the amount of antibodies and curing diseases at double velocity, it is also possible gradualizing cytoplasmic

Beaver mouse cytoplasmic streaming difference if 1 year mouse cytoplasmic streaming amount and possibly tissue map is replaced with a tissue and cytotype cytoplasmic streaming amount map like from a beaver, then the beaver cytoplasmic streaming amount and tissue velocity map as functionalized at a mouse can be used to quantify the longevity effects, the healthspan and wellness effects and also any separate tissue effects at the brain and cardiovascular system, beavers live 35 times longer than mice so that longevity effect could be related

Cytoplasmic streaming longevity study on glass fish, view and record all the velocities at most of the tissues, cofocal depth microscopes might be able to view some cytes at depth, possibly tissue and organ cytoplasmic streaming average velocity could be quantified, a way to do this is long fluorescing (phosphorescing)GFP that makes length recordable tracers

GFP with different polarization green emission angles could be possible, 300 angles of polarization at different GFP as well as 16 colors of fluorescent proteins is 4800 different optically distinguishable separate cyte types, fluorescent tagged other proteins

Ethynl fluorophenylpitacetam goes from being 30 mg per dose to 300 times greater dose activity from fluorination and 300 times greater from ethynylization is 90,000 times more active per microgram dose, that is 333 nanograms per 4 hour dose, so a gram at a gradually diffusing depot injection, silicosomes, or nexplanon-like implant is 1383.7 years of continuous 24 hour dosing, to cause a 14,000 year span of continuous nootropic from a one administration dose, then a cytomembtane active transport moiety or peptide could be attached to the ethynylfluorophenylpitacetam and at about 11 times greater cytomembrane transport from active transport (which is published as causing 1000 times greater transport than diffusion) the 14 millennia of greater cognitive capability is produced, noting JY says physical things at around and amongst body tissue at the previously alive are able to increase the well being of the previously alive the 14 milenneium cognitive enhancing drug administered to a living person thought near to becoming previously alive as well as injected at the bodies of previously alive persons as well as placed at a 1 gram capsule at the rectum, from what JY describes benefits the previously alive


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