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sci / sci.engr.biomed / It is published that longevity goes up 21% at the upper 32% (including higher amounts) of IQ, also longevity and being alive things that could likely be brain processed, like if a romantic partner is alive and the amount of friends as well as the so

o It is published that longevity goes up 21% at the upper 32% (including higher amTreon Verdery

Subject: It is published that longevity goes up 21% at the upper 32% (including higher amounts) of IQ, also longevity and being alive things that could likely be brain processed, like if a romantic partner is alive and the amount of friends as well as the so
From: Treon Verdery
Newsgroups: sci.engr.biomed
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2022 17:45 UTC
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Subject: It is published that longevity goes up 21% at the upper 32%
(including higher amounts) of IQ, also longevity and being alive things that
could likely be brain processed, like if a romantic partner is alive and the
amount of friends as well as the so
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New longevity drugs based on nootropics (smart drugs), Screen a million or more nootropic molecule variants at yeast, c elegans; they may have longevity molecule actions that complement their cognitive effects, then screen the 99.9th percentile of longevizing nootropic sourced molecules on mice to find those that simultaneously heighten longevity, subjective well being as well as cognitive ability to make beneficial new human drugs

Phosphatidyl serine and variations as nootropics as well as quantifiable longevity drug; other phosphatidyl amino acids and different molecule alkane lengths could be screened as a library

Screen a library of a million nootropic molecule variants and find the molecules that simultaneously heighten longevity, subjective well being like happiness, and cognitive function, then test the 99.99 percentile of them on mice, make them human drugs

All the greater than 100 neurotransmitter genes and all the brain morphology genes could be characterized as to their effect on longevity, heightening subjective well being and kindness as well as heightening cognitive ability; the simultaneously multibenefical effect chemicals, like proteins, the genes make are library screened as protein drugs, those at the 99th or 99.9th percentile of multi beneficial effect are then beneficial human drugs;

it is also possible that among the greater than 100 neurotransmitters there are three where receptor activation is of greatest benefit as well as three where receptor activity decrease causes benefit like greater longevity, happiness as well as cognitive ability, drugs that effect these nifty and antinifty neurotransmitter types are then longevity, subjective well being, as well as cognitive ability increasing drugs, and genetics of the nifty neurotransmitters are genetic enhancement opportunities at humans as well as are the antinifty neurotransmitters activity being genetically reduced, which then heightens longevity or also happiness or also cognitive ability at humans

Bile acids cause yeast to have doubled longevity and increase the maximum age attained; screening a library of a million molecular variants on lithocholic acid at yeast is a way to find new longevity drugs; Finding the 99.9 the percentile of molecules that heighten longevity at yeast then screening them at fish as well as mice, then making human drugs creates new longevity drugs; among numerous molecules variants screenable, along with combinatorial approaches, topology theme variations (undulating 3dness at molecules, near planar molecules, rapidly or gradually repeatedly changing shape (like chair boat at benzene), possibly there are variations at hydrophobicity that happen to also be orders of magnitude differenct from each other at lipophilicity, dimerization at different sides of the molecule, protein versions, that to my perception can actually imitate few AMU drugs, making the distal thing that looks like a butyl to be propyl, heptyl, 6,7,8,9,10 C long (notably longevity molecule 10HDA(10H2DA) could be the distal thing), making the cyclohexane like parts of the molecule unsaturated (C=C areas, like partial benzenes) as well as making them cycloheptyl (7 atom circle) vesions at some of them, removing or replacing the methyl branch with an ethyl, propyl or other lipophilic alkane, changing the =O at the ester to a sulfur, as well as replacing the carboxyl with an amide (less hydrophilic), screen able variants like fluorine or other halogen where the hydrogen's are (fluorine might be notably hydrophobic from the teflonization I perceive possible, also some fluorinated drugs have 1000 times greater activity per mg, enhancing pills/dosing as well as heightening affordability possibly 1000 times, also ethynylization, noting lithocholic acid is cholesterolish and that ethynylizing cholesterolish sex hormones like progesterone makes them hundreds of times more active and active at a few hundred picograms per human dose; noting that sex hormones are cholesterolish, lithocholic acid variations with similarity to the published longevity drug, nonfeminizing 17 alpha estradiol which causes 11% greater longevity could be among the screenable variants

Complementing screening a library of lithocholic acid variants, making radiolabelled versions and at the 14 most longevizing variants out of a million find out which cytoareas, receptors, as well as genetics the 99.999th percentile of heightening longevity variants effect

three or fouteen genes producing differing bile acid molecules linkable to human longevity could be longevity genes

Nootropic stimulants


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