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sci / sci.engr.biomed / Simpsons paradox, engineering and organization, like companies also groups of people that willingly associate that have any plurality of quantifiable things, then it is possible goes with if a thing is non optimal then is it possible

o Simpsons paradox, engineering and organization, like companies also groups of peTreon Verdery

Subject: Simpsons paradox, engineering and organization, like companies also groups of people that willingly associate that have any plurality of quantifiable things, then it is possible goes with if a thing is non optimal then is it possible
From: Treon Verdery
Newsgroups: sci.engr.biomed
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2022 15:00 UTC
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Subject: Simpsons paradox, engineering and organization, like companies also
groups of people that willingly associate that have any plurality of
quantifiable things, then it is possible goes with if a thing is non optimal
then is it possible
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A distribution of response amplitude modifying drug that heightens and decreases the width of medicated persons, thought as a group's, normal distribution or other distribution, as a distribution modifying drug causes a greater amount of drugged people or organisms to respond towards the administration of another beneficial drug's median response, that is typical effect, causing the drug to function at greater numbers of persons to respond like the near 2/3 of near median drug responders, this heightens effectivemess amomg many, and reduces unanticipated effects among many. Possible drugs that do this cause an effect similar to having eaten 90 minutes before taking the drug, drugs that maintain steady amounts of blood sugar and things thay moderate blood sugar amplitude changes could have this effect, as are any drugs that cause lipids or keytones to be available for physiological purposes without relation to when the person most recently ate. Beneficial distribution modifying drugs that modify ion concentations with possible technology branches is proton pump drugs, like proton pump inhibitors, thrse could have versions that cause Mg, K, Ca, Na, Cl, bicarbonate ion, and other ions to be at, or on, the median of well persons, optimally these distribution modifying drugs would also medianize ion concentrations at actual cytes as well as circulating ions, causing towards cytoplasm and out of cytoplasm ion movement to be at or near the median of well median persons while being absent cognitive effects or any perceptible effects,

Things that beneficially cause median response and activity at liver and kidneys could medianize drug metabolism and excretion as well as cause median amounts of any endogenous chemicals the liver metabolizes like communications and activity proteins

Ion concentration snps , lithium

Could there be new ions, which even at trace amounts are physiologically beneficial. do other ions that are an alternative to bicarbonate, possibly po4, or noting Se mildness and the longevity and longitudinal study supported cardio beneficial effects of trace lithium possibly doing things where K and Na usually do things, could replacing one atom at bicarbonate like hCSeO be functional. Also just possibly an atomic swap for ionized elemental atoms with two atom molecules, could MgO+ or ScO+ ion swap for K or Na, could a thing between atomic Teflon and a physiologically compatible metal like from the same group as magnesium and calcium function like CF3Zr+ or any physiologically harmless element from the first top horizontal row of the periodic table at a trifluorine methyl group replace other ions with benefits that could be quantified at mice

Is it white and right to create and build a new trans and pan universal and IT pattern containing, gianter than any known thing direction that utilizes nonsentient materials and causes a new translational direction so that the universe is always doing a new right thing, while arching and directionizing at a new translation (motion, topology like rounded, or like a new cardinal direction like a new coordinate topology or direction that vectors utilize of a kind like, to the right as well as being round while being open curved, also like above, with continuous traversal Å) or if physicists or I think of something and make detectors they could possibly observe it into being, and it could also be good new direction at MWI branch universes whether people at the universe i perceive create, make, or do detect, the new right direction

Globes absent knotness at 4D

At a curved 3D thing that looks like the early middle of a parabola it might wobble back and forward around a middle

Numeric formulas that cause distributions to spread far to the beneficial right. And widen such that the quantity of things to the nonpreferred side is less than it at the previous value. Separate pools of high (the right side benefit of the well comprehended math thing "Simpsons paradox" where all combined components of a numerically described group combined have a different direction like more amount, less amount, whiter or bluer, than the particular member population of the group, they can all heighten blue while the actual group effect is to heighten white) that

whenhere a topological system where you can always make a turn to the right and visit the entire topological area, if you have a piece of paper and you rotate it at any angle, then even if the line you make always turns right

Is it white and right to create and build a new trans and pan universal and IT pattern containing using nonsentient materials translational directiom

At a curved 3D thing that looks like the early middle of a parabola it might wobble back and forward around a middle


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