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sci / sci.engr.biomed / Happiness priming drugs ( brain area drugs) and quiescence improvement drugs and genetics benefit people directly and they could also treat the mentally unwell,

o Happiness priming drugs ( brain area drugs) and quiescence improvement drugs andTreon Verdery

Subject: Happiness priming drugs ( brain area drugs) and quiescence improvement drugs and genetics benefit people directly and they could also treat the mentally unwell,
From: Treon Verdery
Newsgroups: sci.engr.biomed
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2022 14:58 UTC
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Subject: Happiness priming drugs ( brain area drugs) and quiescence
improvement drugs and genetics benefit people directly and they could also
treat the mentally unwell,
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like the depressed, anxious, restless, sleepless, bored, while preserving the quantitatively measured amounts of thoughts and moments of awareness they have as well as preserving the amplitude of their feelings and amplitude of motivation and affection for others, that is because happiness priming drugs and enhanced genetics and quiescence enhancement to produce greater happiness and well being between thoughts and noticings is brain area specific, non diminishing, possibly even nootropic from decreased "ambient background" effects, it is even possible that reducing activity, perhaps the amygdala, or possibly areas of the limbic system that reduce happiness, where reducing these areas localized activity reduces low level previously continuous nonbeneficial ctivity is accomplishable with upactivating a receptor rather than down regulating anything, i read there are more than 100 neurotransmitters, so just like up regulating GABA causes well being to replace restlessness, upregulating a system directing neuron type's activity can avoid downregulation which might sedate, GABA or some other of more than 100 neurotransmitters, so that at one these neurotransmitters changing the amount 40% is not associated with cognitive or behavioral change in mice (if there is one), or upregulating AMPA(nootropic), or NMDA could cause a local directing effect at brain areas that fMRI, positron brain scanning quantifies as decreasing area activity, priming the person for happiness so the next occurrence of good mood, good feeling, notable fun, joy and also euphoria, as well as measured the amounts and frequency of amounts at psychometric measures of subjective well being (happiness) attributes occurs, then the duration of the happiness occurrence and its amplitude are higher from happiness priming drugs and enhanced genetics at humans', that is persons that is people that is homo sapiens' genome

Things that fill children with happiness

Epigenetics of happy children

New delicious epigenetic Plant causes happiness and heightened cognitive ability when eaten once per three or more generations,

Great great great grandmother's finger oils on correspondence or ancestor remains could be used to quantify durability of epigenetic effects, if homologous epigenetics of yeasts and humans exist then a one dose drug changeable epigenetics that persist hundreds or thousands of generations could beneficially enhance humans

Financial corporations and credit unions create and make available a fiscal package that flies you to the city of your genetically and personality psychometric optimal romantic match, with durable relationship option activatable, and also funds social activities that AI like deep learning thinks will cause the greatest lasting and high amplitude of interpersonal attraction, possibly at matches with three or more people, then the person only remits funds, fulfills the financial advance, to the financing corporation if they move in with one of their matches. At just 4/5 likeliness of a match causing a move in together romance then 99.2% of all participants will find a romantic match around (.2 times .2 times .2 times 2 times 100)
three people 99.2% is less than the real estate funding non responsiveness ratio of people, this makes genetic and personality romantic matching financial packages as attractive as real estate financing to corporations and credit unions to provide, like with other financing (real estate) financial companies can do a creditworthiness quantification then finance people's romantic and mate and mating optimization among those who are attracted to their financing package at their fees with their advertising, during 2019 credit union financial products were better, note though like car vehicle financing, I think this is available to all people, from credit union affordability, minimal fees and thriftiness to the "easy financing" of vehicles; as a form that causes a larger number of people to experience beneficial romance and have and retain romantic well being, while also enabling the advertising based propagation of match financing from value to the financial companies, a version where the person finds and communicates with their AI guided romantic matches, the AI quantifies likeliness of romantic with the data from the video chats and correspondence then suggests complimentary travel tickets; this is like complimentary meals on a birthday or complimentary science museum days to get people to utilize the resource, then revisit such that the corporation makes money even though they provide complimentary product initially

I would like to find a partner that is the most optimal beneficial match to my genetics, my personality, and the 99.99th percentile of bringing happiness and value to the raising of my children or any children I may have


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