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sci / sci.engr.biomed / Rescuing children

o Rescuing childrenTreon Verdery

Subject: Rescuing children
From: Treon Verdery
Newsgroups: sci.engr.biomed
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2022 02:38 UTC
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Screen the most popular 40 computer amusements, including sims and Minecraft, and phone amusements with EEG and psychometrics that test irritability when interrupted and aggression levels after one hour of play, with both unimtoxicated and intoxicated persons, notably people with Y chromosomes, there could be some that cause less irritability on interruption and aggressiveness one hour later, if a person was receiving treatment for doing something it benefit children to be rescued from then part of their treatment could be to practice the upper decile of minimized aggressiveness video amusements then voluntarily keep using them where they dwell, I read live-in boyfriends were a numerically frequent cause of things children would have benefitted being rescued from, and the likeliness of an adverse event heightened while they were intoxicated, it is possible interruptions could contribute to live-in boyfriends behaviors that would be beneficial to decrease.

I perceive that sound level effects mood, and that louder ambient sound might contribute to higher emotional volatility. It is possible that heightened emotional volatility among both adults and children could be linked to adult, like live-in boyfriends' behaviors that a child would benefit from being rescued from. Technology that tracks a person's location and produces quietness with antinodal sound systems already exist, so their applications to people at dwellings with children could be characterized as to higher proportion of kind as well as interesting words to non optimal words, vocal tone, and, video and audio recording those groups of persons living together deemed to be at risk of doing things that children would benefit from being rescued from, decrease of actual behaviors that children would benefit from being rescued from. Notably computers could just reduce the ambient decibels maintaining some ambience, and treat things like loud media, loud voices, and activity noises like cleaning or even joyful noises of children, and possibly crying babies to decibel levels people preferred while fostering the identical amount of beneficial baby adult and child adult interaction.

Longevity technology

Screen all GRAS food additives and FDA drugs at yeast coincubation with stable isotopes and the test chemical (4 levels of 6 stable isotopes produces about 16 million individually coded yeast colonies at a multiwell plate) to find out if any cause mitochondrial uncoupling, then make molecular variants on those GRAS ingredients and FDA drugs to find any that are up to an order of magnitude more effective (mitochondrial membrane passing, active transport, halogenation)

At a new topological space like the acoustic singularities I read about (I do not know how it works, I perceive I read they used gravitational singularity equations on an acoustic simulation, made predictions based on the equations and they functioned). Also the acoustic singularity could have a much wider variety of asymptotic shapes, like rather than just _/ they could have
/ That pass through more than one Cartesian quadrant, with two asymptotes, and a variety of nu (graphical nu )quadruple asymptotes or other mass shapes based on what I perceive is the flexibility of the acoustic singularity producer apparatus. Does it also function with THz waves and microwaves that are the size of audible acoustic sized waves. As an MWI thing do laboratory made singularities, optimally with larger numbers of asymptotes to make a plurality of singularities simultaneously, with custom topologies that are different than a sphere around a point make actual physical topological spaces with different electron or atom distribution than 3D space, like multiple simultaneous verges (event horizons) at a nu quadroasymptote, or it is even possible that actual atoms at a atmospheric pressure cold plasma being acoustically modulated could have verge simultaneity while as plasma have electron changes continuously

It is possible that the acoustic singularity maker could make a two simultaneous singularity making parabola while staying positive, the equation would cause instant simultaneous two location advancement from the math. At an atom system this causes simultaneous emission of photons from electrons while being separated with space, a two photon simultaneity could go with a double effect MWI universe at the schroedinger equation, one that is simultaneously multiactual (2 branches of 2 simultaneous photon events, or 3 branches simultaneously which could cause an upgrade to the Schroedinger equation , or a twice as actualness of existence from 2 photon simultaneity reinforcement

MWI (x=y²=z makes a volume parabola, possibly)

Multiasymptote MWI systems could be utilized to make repeated narrow uuuu, traversing the anthropic principle numbers at different new MWI universes to create universes with a more anthropic and gynothopic favoring anthropic principle



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