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sci / sci.engr.biomed / Rapamycin at 126 ppm that causes 60% greater longevity causes more mouse head lifts as well as better cognitive performance; possibly,

o Rapamycin at 126 ppm that causes 60% greater longevity causes more mouse head liTreon Verdery

Subject: Rapamycin at 126 ppm that causes 60% greater longevity causes more mouse head lifts as well as better cognitive performance; possibly,
From: Treon Verdery
Newsgroups: sci.engr.biomed
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2022 17:44 UTC
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Subject: Rapamycin at 126 ppm that causes 60% greater longevity causes more
mouse head lifts as well as better cognitive performance; possibly,
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it could be that head lifts are moments of noticing, or a pleasant mood causing the action; as a human taking about 40-60 mg of rapamycin every 24 hours I noticed near sleep hour rapamycin causing being too slightly enthused and alert to sleep, while socializing while it was light I perceived I responded to the other person more promptly, was absent any new or novel emotional valence, and I experienced a moment when I felt I would have liked it if the person I was socializing with said funner newer things more rapidly, but that was like a few seconds; I experienced the rapamycin as being emotionally non modifying, less stimulating than caffeine, as well as harmless; it brings up a technology of screening longevity drug molecular variants on their projected and actual effects on beneficial voluntary being, form and activity at human mind and behavior;
Screening a library of longevity drugs as to behavior effects, presence of being, as well as being physiological wellness heightening or wellness neutral at 72 hour dosing technology: Screen a library of perhaps 100,000 rapamycin or other longevity drug variants at say 33 mice, with sequential screening of the longevity chemicals to characterize the mice' behavioral, social, fMRI, Positron emission tomography effects; one different chemical per each 72 hours, with the mice on video and their tissue scanned a couple times, is near 300 chemicals quantified per mouse, at a 2019 AD unmedicated mouse; so that is 100k longevity chemicals sequentially quantified with 40ish mice,
To find pleasant or also neutral behavior and mind effect longevity chemical molecules the mice could be screened for a few hours of being medicated at group size: one mouse, before screening any particular chemical molecule on the 8 mice per molecule that generates a p<.05 p value, screening the longevity chemicals at mice to verify beneficial positive or neutral effects on mind and behavior prior to characterizing and screening them at marmosets makes it so the majority of mice and the primates have beneficial, positive, or neutral mind effects and behavior effects; noting these longevity drugs are technology to benefit humans, that is persons, that is members of groups of people that is homo sapiens quantifying and screening to find beneficial positive effects has actual value;

Noting the longevity chemicals are longevity beneficial, 33 marmosets could screen 700k molecules or higher amounts sequentially while providing primate data that could be more predictive of human prosocial, pleasantness of experience, as well as a variety of beneficial things like actualized behavior as well as mind and feeling and sustained presence of benevolence, kindness, empathy behaviors and ways of mind as well as fMRI of mind (like find 99th percentile benevolent empathic kind humans, do fMRI, then at the marmosets note which longevity drug molecules align the fMRI of the marmosets with those of 99th percentile benevolent, empathic, kind humans; also at a different quantification find the longevity drugs that cause, at the marmosets, actual behavior or also fMRI well above the human actual behavior or also fMRI at greater than the previous unmedicated median voluntary amount of: sharing, mating success, above median social fluency, initiating what to a human would be friendly contact, big 5 psychology test openness to experience, conscientiousness, mental wellness, as well as fMRI of creativity

Making longevity drugs globally available, the 24 most frequently occurring kinds of bacteria as well as fungi that live on wet decaying leaves, also wet decaying grass are engineerable with CRISPR/cas9 gene drive to make longevity drugs, the most frequently occurring soil bacteria, among them actinomycetes, are also gene drive modifiable to make longevity drugs, making dirt water longevizing, fungally produced rapamycin, Epithalon AEDG peptide, mTOR decreasers, senolytic fisetin, e coli producible antibodies cause insulin like growth factor 1 reduction, decreased response at the ILGF-1 cytosurface receptor from antibodies on it, are all producible at organisms and gene drive at organisms that cause wet plant material to decay; the person just puts some water on plant parts, puts it in a bag and when the sweetness peptides the genetic engineering produces make it taste delicious, perhaps with an enzyme that neutralizes other flavors, the longevity drugs are orally utilizable

Also mTOR decreasing active proteins
mTOR receptor response reducing active noncytoglomming antibodies

Screening longevity chemicals and drugs sequentially, when the 100-700k chemicals are sequentially screened with the mice or also marmosets at a weather ameliorated (canopied) outdoor mouse dorm as well as outdoor marmoset dorm then the mammals can move and socialize heightening social data value


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