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sci / sci.engr / Epigenetic Modulation for Health Enhancement

o Epigenetic Modulation for Health EnhancementKay Lie

Subject: Epigenetic Modulation for Health Enhancement
From: Kay Lie
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Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2023 15:47 UTC
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beneficial epigenetic modifiers of taste receptors that reduce glycemic response from sweet taste of sugars and artificial sweeteners, possibly irna which can be customized to epigenetically methylate, as far as i know, any gene, can methylate the gene netowk and cascade proteins that go with sweetness, even absent calories, heightening glycemic response, reducing their activity at a way taht maintains sweetness perception while strongly reducing glycemic response, along with taste sensing nerves, all kinds of carbohydrate as well as sweetness responding nerves at the gi tract could have their glycemic response to starches and sugars, and artificial sweetners decreased, decreased glycemic and insulin response i thing is published as associated with greater wellness, and possibly heightened longevity, the iRNA could be made at a depot sensationless airjection form with a volume that lasts plural decades or centuries, or sugar that people add to food could have iRNA combined with it
heightened dedifferentiation of cytes to stem cytes i think is published as heightening mouse longevity, few amu molecules that are dosable drugs to do this are being developed, it is possible epigenetic modulaters like iRNA that methylate, acetylators, and other epigenetic moduclators could heighten production of dedifferentiation to stem cyte physiomolecules causing beneficial dedifferentiation and heightened longevity at humans, localization moieties or peptides at the epigenetic modulator could further heighten beneficial longevity effect

at beneficial, strengthening laser peening, photons actualized as either particles or waves could have different peening effciencies and attributes, as well as different photon emitter energy efficiency attributes, sending the photons through a tube or multislit could actualize them as particles or waves and just be a surface coating on the photon emitter as a new laser peening technology

dendrite length is associated with greater cognitive ability, structural components of dendrites that make them more durable might also be beneficial and could be measured as to authentically beneficial effect on cognition. these components might be proteins

stimulants at the brain, cns, nerve cytes and body stimulate heightened output, a completely different thing is stimulant effect, molecules, epigenetics, mRNA that cuase heightened effect at imuunocytes and the immune system, along with greater atp production, greater nutrient availability ad utilization at immunocytes from ingesting supplemental energy sources like ribose, polyribose, beneficial peptides and proteins like AEDG epithalon peptide and thymalin peptide as nutrients utilizable at mitochondria also have other beneficial effects at the body such as longevization, also along with greater nutrients to mitochondria and other enregy generating structures at immunocytes, stimulating immune effect could be produced with heightened production of any immunocyte sensing structures that detect beneficial immunoreactable illnesses, organisms, and virus producing cytes, along with eprigenetic upregulation or molecular heightening of heightened sensor sensitivity at immunocytes
The internet describes cytolomegalovirus infection during pregnancy as causing birth defects, and notes that injected antibodies each 14 24 hour intervals reduces cytomegalovirus activity, as a technology that prevents birth defects a probiotic bacteria could be genetically modified to produce beneficial antibodies to cytomegalovirus, making a birth defect reducing effect be dosed as oral pills, which are particularly affordable, the probiotic could also have other benefits to teenagers, as well as at all persons able to become pregnant such that those benefits cause the probiotic to be utilized previous to planned or unplanned pregnancy

I read about quanum computers with resonance cavities at them that have “carefully engineered cavit losses”, makinf for more distiguishable quantum data, at quantum computers and completely different cavity oscillators the decrease of energy of a “carefully engineered cavity loss” could be narrowing or decreasing the head and tail of a distribution such that the shape od the resonating energy form is that of a solition, or 100 multiples less spreading out form called a dissipative soliton,

It seems like tubers like potatoes, sweet potatoes, tapioca, and manoic could just be bred or epignetically modulated to be three times their usual diameter, at 4/3 pi r^3 that makes a radius 3 times greater produce much more nutritional value per planted seed tuber. saving planting effort. what is more genetically somplex at tubers is a papery outer layer like onion skin that instantly cleans them off. its uknown if novelty groundnute varieties that produce 3-5 groundnuts per pos at the soil have higher actual groundnut yeils per acre but they could be breedable or engineerable to be. coconut and plam kernal trees could be bred or engineered to produce larger, greater amount of tissue coconuts, noting highest coconut size at nature I’m aware of is near 22 Kg, grain kernal sizes could also possibly be heightened while maintaining or increasing grains per plant.

zeolites do numerous things, including catalysis, photoluminescent zeolites are published which suggests a completely different thing, zeolites with atom lattices tuned to particularly effective spectroscopy absorption wavelengths so that optimal spectral lines from ultraffordable LEDS, laser diodes, or other photon sources most effectively heighten the activity, like catalysis, of the zeolite, along with visible ir and uv spectroscopy absorption wavelengths, it is possible radiant IR or even microwave spectroscopy wavelength heightened efficiency at the zeolite catalyst could be utilized, doing more catalysis more rapidly, or making more highly valued reaction products, previously thought of, but possibly not described is having physical RF inductor circuits, very cheaply produced at the interior of the zeolite nuggets or chunks, that at an rf inductive field warm the zeolite chunk to cause more efficient, rapid, and preferred product production, this could be as cheap as something similar to a 1/100th or 1/1000th of a cent rfid tag like structure being at, or printed on, a synthetic zeolite chunk or form, like synthetic zeolite forms used ay hydrocarbon production

at voluntary male contraceptives that effect sperm, changing the flavor of the human ejaculate from utilizing the male contraceptice is beneficial as it creates a way other people can find out if another person is on male comtraceptives, flavor peptides and sweetness peptides at ejaculate are a possiblity.
at lasers that are pumped lasers like crystal, among them Nd:yag a coatung of quantum dots that upcoverts or downconverts the pumping energy, such as photons, to be more at the pumping frequency of the laser crystal, heightening energy efficiency

flocculants with a tropism towards particular particle sizes could conentrate optimal fineness of diameter crushed minerals for extracting elements from, the flocculant coulb be ver very affordable, like water treatment flocculants
heap leaching ore extraction and concentration utilizes lined areas dug out of the earth, and, just possibly actual tapered heaps of cpmminuted minerals, it is possible the shape and form of the leachate heaps has not previously been cumputer optimized, something that is a different shape could use less fluids and chemicals to do heap leaching and do it faster, generative genetic algithms at AI that is absent being, presence of being, sentience, sapience, awareness, sensation of focalization coulf optimize heap leachate forms, fluid traversal attributes, and piping using genetic algorithms.

a variety of genes, like pten, and chemicals that heighten gyrii surface area at a particular human brain organelle are published, these may be cognitive enhancing genes and chemicals during development at humans.

I read that efficiency of an engine goes up with the greater heightened difference between the cool part and the warm exhaust, it could be that precooling the turbine atmospheric air, and precooling the CH4, with water, the air going to a ch4 natural gas electricity generating turbine could heighten this spread producing more power, one source of water is running groundwater or cooling tower, or hyperbolic paraboloid autocondensing cooling tower, if natural gas ch4 generaters make about 1/10 of 2022AD electricity, then each one percentile efficiency improvement makes 8 million people’s amount of electricity. sort of a big city sized amount,I have read that deprenyl heightens sexual activity at mice, and I have noticed similar effects. Systematically varying the deprenyl molecule to make about 111 molecular variations, then texting them on about 900 miceat two 14 24 intervals per month could find the 90h percentile mostsexually enhancing deprenyl variants, then at that grouo of 11 moleculat variants the could find the 2-4 most longevizing variants of deprenyl to make a new beneficial human sex drugs with longevity benefits, or a human longevity drug with sexual tropism and enjoyment benefits, this could then be made into a sustained dosing deprenyl molecular variant molecule monthlong emitting oral pill with just about 150 mg of active ingredients at a single pill oral dose, or a multidecade airjected depot with higher gram mass. These products benefit humans.

reducing harm from cardiovascular events, other events, and body reactions that produce toxins events, the internet says peptide nasal dosed C3A molecules that, could, while effecting the alflatoxic c3A idchemia reaction to cardiac ischemia could reduce harm and heighten the amount of people that live. just finding out which endogenously produced body toxins are produced at genes, suggests that plural of those genes could be downregulated, heightening wellness.

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