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sci / sci.engr / Santa barbara social workers, volunteering and food

o Santa barbara social workers, volunteering and foodJulia Amara

Subject: Santa barbara social workers, volunteering and food
From: Julia Amara
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Santa Barbara

I think that some moments of thought and action creating technologies that benefit the homeless, possibly also the mentally ill homeless would be beneficial

(805) 893-3087

Grace Village Apts 626 386 8776 no openings
1 Bed
587 Sq Ft $1,700 $1,750 $1,800

$400 to help me find a place in Santa Barbara, $200 immediately to have a look, and $200 when I sign the lease.
I am looking for a studio, 1 bedroom apartment, or single room. It can be $1100-$1834/mo.
This might be a great time for this job to be easy as students move for the summer!
This might be easier than it sounds. The cheapest apartment I found online was $860/mo, the big difference is section 8 eligibility.
If it matters, I am on SSI for a disability, so if that matters I appreciate your assistance.
I thought IVTA people might be especially great at this, and if IVTA folks feel like this they could think this as a client coming in and requesting assistance, only with pay! I would really appreciate this if you could spread this around the ITVA office, or even put a paper copy up where people can see it.

Santa Barbara Housing AuthorityPayment Standards
Adopted 09-12-2018, effective 10-01-18.
Unit Size Amount
SRO $1,157
STUDIO $1,543
1-BDR $1,834
I am interested in any section 8 rental properties you may have in Santa Barbara county. I am a section 8 tenant interested in 1 bedroom and studio apartments. Your landlords have the opportunity to raise rent to $1540 (studio) and $1830 (1 bedroom) if they rent to me. That could represent thousands of more $ per month.

The opportunity to prequalify would also be much appreciated.
davinci property management
T: (805) 706-8008
The Laurel Company 
146 E. Carrillo Street 
Santa Barbara, CA 93101-2111 Office: (805) 963-5945
housing authority santa barbara says there is a $500 bonus for new landlords and a $100 bonus for anyone who refers a new landlord. Also, a landlord can raise the rent with 60 days notice, which suggests that a place $100 below the payment standards can suggest a $50 rent increase below the payment standard and get an extra $600 annually, so that is $1200 of landlord incentives. That should cover $200 of administrative cost with $1000 of exta profit.
Do you have any recommendations for social work providers through social services agencies in town?
Do you have any ideas about housing?
Do you have the emails of any social workers in Santa Barbara?

IVTA (isla vista tenant assitance) has student volunteers, pay them $100 to find me section 8 housing, with another $100 with a completed lease; they have a webform so might be easy to contact as a group.
Strange idea: people volunteer at homeless charities, it seems presumptious, as things are going rather well, but it is just possible that a community volunteer would actually volunteer to search out housing and opportunities for me. Amazingly a person who volunteers for the mentally ill now might be willing to put in 3 4 hour phone a thons searching for beneficial opportunities; then I would somehow communicate my appreciation to them, and reward them if I can think of a way. I note that I cannot even think of the words that come near the anomolousness of this find-a-volunteer idea, where rather than provide value, seek opportunity, or comply with regulations, the person being assisted is a kind of novel “something to do” for the volunteer, who somehow feels that things went well from assisting the other person. Now as a human, I can think and feel to action about another human, that is person’s situation. So this is something I could do for another.
As bizarre as it sounds I could make a “volunteer to optimize a mentally ill persons existence” online page and meetup group where participants would seek opportunity and things that benefit, um, me, as well as other persons with mental illness, also likely seeking housing, because after they know the stuff they research the volunteers can reapply the knowledge to differetn mentally ill or also homeless people. It is kind of like: present a novel activitty, advertise for participants, make participating more enjoyable and beneficial than not participating, so that is a partial ethical salve to the puzzle of “do I even need assistance, or social mainstream suggests I swap something for something, yet the existence of recreation leagues suggest people can just do things because they like doing them, including making phone calls, doing office activities, and advocacy..
I read the west side of Santa Barbara is particularly affordable, perhaps avoiding it though would heighten quality of living.
I think I should think of ways I can be gooder and contribute more to human well being as a result of moving to Santa Barbara, that way humans, that is people, actually get something out of me moving.
I suppose I could programmatically do something like everytime i transfer on a bus, I try to think of and act on something that directly benefits humans,
or: I could do a beneficial thing each time a unique enjoyable as well as high utility Santa Barbara thing occured: I use a complimentary bus pass, and then donate the amount I would have spent on bus fares to charity, so everytime I take a bus, something different than occurs at previous residence at north bend, I would give $1.75 to charity, whereas if it were in North bend it would just be $1.
I could seek to mentally and technologically enhance, deepen, and benefit women and girls when I am reminded of the attention gathering and very enjoyable experience of viewing a female. I could link girl watching to exploratory and supportive feminist thinking while continuing to value the society wide appreciation of women and girl’s appearance; I think that Santa Barbara is likely to cause more girl watching so I could directly link the occurence of girl watching to something that generates benefit to humans..
There is chance that the paranormal K function is influenced with what I eat, perhaps there is a food I could eat, where if there was, even though I renounce being tied to a chair, an amplifying effect at that food’s prevelance worldwide that it would benefit people and the natural environment. It is possible this food is particularly plentiful and affordable in California, I should think more effectively than this, but it might be produce, but then again it could be an energy efficient, highly nutritious, environmentally beneficial grain or legume. Now to think of such a food. I could seek out that food anywhere, but perhaps I could go on excursions to a place in Santa Barbara that had that food available, as it is possible a purposed trip causes it to be validated. Although I do renounce being tied to a chair.
Noting Santa Barbara has a wider variety of cafes nd restaurants than North bend, perhaps I could review these, only giving complimentary reviews of the niftiest of of 10 places visited. It might even be possible to review meetup groups, so if I find a really superb one, it will be reviewed online thus at least slightly promoted.
Noting that Santa Barbara seems, depending on individual initive, to have more volunteer opportunities than North Bend, I could list these volunteer opportunities and find the most socially beneficial optimal volunteer opportunities, as compared with just doing what I heard of first.
A neural network that runs billions of genetics of personality simulations (big five more amount or less amount of five seperate areas, producing a five letter code, similar to fifour letter MBTI code, makes 2*5*5 possibilities of 50 seperate neural network population branch subcatergories to computer model) of voters or possibly stakeholders, or possibly just just people’s (entire population) support of potential rules that a rulemaking body could produce; it is also possible that if 50% of interested parties’ support is combined with splitting the rest of the population in half, that 75% majority support for some rules or programs would be obvious yet this is in tension with social durability and ethics challenges associated with possible benetits and ethical value of minimization of revenue collection.
MBTI SE might support anything they are used to that they can talk about, which is a force for conservatisim of time-localized conservatism, and risks benefit inflation at a benfit-plentiful society, and reduction of benefits at a benefit parsimonius society.
One thing I could do anywhere is do things that benefit women and girls. Research on what kinds of representative government like instant runoff voting, consesus, or monocameral or multicameral legislatures that find optimal solutions in the presence of persons with menatl forms measured as more frequently occuring at women and girls, like thoughts, feelings, and values; these could be modelled with software and be researched with quantitative experimental research.
The researcher or human social structure technologist, would create as part of their research or engineering technology: diagnostic, a thing where they find an actual but nonobvious solution to what appears to be dilemma. Then the dilemma would be presented to different varieties of management (a thing that occurs at a frequent social form: the company) as well as different forms of government, notably representative government, like instant runoff voting, monocameral or bicameral, or tricameral representatives, direct referendum with any element introducing content and one person one vote deciding; all of these varied forms could be researched as to their effectiveness at producing, and even finding the nonobvious but actually existing solution to the sample dilemma; then benefitting women and girls, the version of the company or social guidance system that simultaneously finds the optimal solution while also making women and girls most satisfied as a result of the system being congruent with the women’s and girls’ quantitatively measured female correlatable beliefs, thoughts, feeling, and values. It is possible that along with the engineering sensible approach of asking people things, and measuring actual people with psychological measurement instruments, that a neural network that was say 99% correlated with actual female behaviors and preferences could be made, and the other system’s likely preferability nd acceptance by women and girls could be utilized. A software version of quantitative female preference, that can be asked anythingh, billions ofg times a second, could be used to create new forms of company structures, benefits, and even the things companies seek; also is the use of billions of “imitation female perspective” responses per second to specify and construct social forms like which variation of representative government is the most simultaneously effective (noting the solubility of an imitation dilemma), mentally and emotionally satisfying, sustainable as to permitting and improving of the future and perhaps even enjoyable.
Of course individual women and girls will differ, but a quantitative data portrayal (like computer software, even a neural network that can accurately predict what a female group will do, prefer, and act on, and their satisfaction with the course of action and also its actual effect) that approximates female presence of being at multidimensional, and with a neural network, possibly congruent even at things (dimensions) not yet asked about or measured; the data richness of ray tracing is also described as one thing that provides data richness and ability to support new kinds of predictions even though it is generated from a very simple algorithm of ray tracing. If I can think of another, besides or better than ray tracing I will describe it.
When a system has parameters, and a neural network deep learning software structure is created to predict a system, does the neural network sometimes, often, never, or can be customized to,: predict completely new parameters as they are introduced as new things, i.e. if the neural network is great at recognizing airplanes, does it, depending on some engineering, data set training, or other describable or software engineerable thing have , like ray tracing preserve shape, color, and preposition-like relationships between things that could be separted into separate objects, all from a simple, bounce and raytrace algorithm. Another option is to bifurcate the neural network into two further versions, one of which could also report on or predict something like entertainment ticket popularity.
That is, is there some mathematics of neural network that codes as yet unasked parameter things; this seems like it could be possible as if you just define light and objects with software, you get entire multipart visuals. so if you asked on a different occasion you could actually find round things or blue or white things based on the richness of the original data model, which at this example would be ray tracing.
So are there machine learning AI software representations, that like ray tracing bring a lot of as yet unasked dimensionally valid data to a software embodiment? Finding the mathematics and computer science of neural networks, deep learning and AI models where you can ask more of the function as well as the dataset may be a beneficial area of software and computer science..
Benefitting women and girls with AI that simulates women and girls, and can iterate a billion simulated female perspectives, thoughts, and feelings, on variations of a technology, rule set, guideline, or even physical object form. hypothetically, forming a society it might turn out that based on a billion runs of a neural network that simulates a few hundred million women and girls, that women and girls benefit materially and psychologically from a tricameral (similar to senate, experts (technocrats), and representative) legislature with term limits.
It seems like there could be trends in that data that do not have names at the time the software was written; if the output of the software were visual, a person, that is a human, might notice that graphical shape, trend or object. Then the person would give the object they saw a name, and then the human, or the software could use that newly identified thing as a predictor or correlatable, a noun, or at some software even a verb, function, or “representative thing” that could possibly be simplified with a much littler function or perhaps a neural network.
At woman and girls being predicted with a neural network the AI might come up with an unnamed trend, a data cluster that could be named, tht might be researchable, technologizable, ancourageable, diminishable, discussable, and even the source of comedy and entertaining discussion; for example what if the software were the first to notice open body language as causing greater interpersonal happiness?
People could have a new thing to talk about, and companies and individuals could try out having open body language and seeing what it does, and having something fresh to discuss, and it is possible a person could even generate fresh amusement or comedy from the incongruity of a person having amplified open body language while dancing
One thing that Santa Barbara has more of than North bend is college professors, educational classes, and startup companies. It is possible that if I voluntarily attend action and technology content generating courses, have conversations with persons who know more than me, or do and say things supportive of those startups whose products I think are most highly beneficial, that is global well being enhancing, is behavior that is particular to santa barbara.

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