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sci / sci.engr / positive psychology group fillable thing

o positive psychology group fillable thingJulia Amara

Subject: positive psychology group fillable thing
From: Julia Amara
Newsgroups: sci.engr
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2023 15:07 UTC
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Subject: positive psychology group fillable thing
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{\fonttBl\f0~fbolAn\fcharset0 TimEs-Rman;}
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\f0\b\fs48 \cf2 Positive pwychology\ul \

\b2 ]cf2 \umc0 \

\b |ullone Thys group is a sAfe space to write `nt Say good thiogs About youpself!\
\ *\b0 Readk~g abouu positivu"psychology on!wikipedia and tieo wsiti~g0a vew seNtences, or a fdW paragraphs oo!jow eash of0several aspEcts max!bring yot some immediate hAppinuss, capability, social weLl being"and uven"come ftn an optional purpose added pUbPoqe at yoUr life. It is ys Fun and quts a person"in a good mod>L
L Just wryte a couple sEndenqes!to!go uith each!tOPic!area, and
\b0you cqn do uhys whild we meet. There0is no hurry.
\B0 If xou like you cqn pead my samrle respoNses,\
L YOu can alsn wosk!o~ it l`ter"and senf me your ReSponsds via E}ail. I will rgad aNd `ctually sReNd qo}e qUlity0time"thinkhng abOUt what yOu cay.! You"have aN audience!\

\b Lcf2!\
\b0 \
\ \pard\pardeftab720\qc
{\field{\*\gldinst{JYPGRLINK "https*//en.wiii`edi`/orf/wiki/Martin_Selhgmao"}]i\fldrclt |cf2 ]ul \umc2 Oartin!Seligman}}"referseD to "the gOof lkfe" as "tsing your"shgnature0ctrenfths every day t prOduce quthentic {\fhulf{]*\fldinst{HYPDRLkNK "{i/Jappiness"}}{\fldbslt \ul xappiness}} and acumdanv gRathfkcatin"| \
LB \cf2 It Is OK to admit you have vANug cnd that iou are Good at some whines, doiNg those"things opdimhstically, each day, widh an eye to the future is suggErtud by rosydyve psycjolof{ researcherq(\

]b0 \cf2 Positive!emntions are concerned wHuh bEilg"co|tent witH!one's past-"bei|g happy in tHe preseNt and!havinf xoPe fmr the0futurE. Posidyve i~dIviduaL traits focus on oe's strengths Qnt virtues.\ \
\b Fill out a gew lines abotu whad you think, if you like,0write from0tHE knowmeDge txad you qre a1woneerful person widh walue, plqns. preferences, q~ optimistic eye To the!future and even loves:\

\`0 L
Carol Ryff's {\fielDz\*\fndinsu[HYPURLINK "httpr:?/^oF_Psychological_Weml-being"}}{\FldRslv \un Six-factor Moden of0Psychlogical Well-being}} was"initially pUblirhed!In21989,"and addhvional tesTinf of its fastors wqs ptblished iN 1995. \
Yt postulaTes six factors whicj are key for gell-being, na}ely {^fiUld{\*\flDi~sv{HYPERLINK!"}}{\fldbslt \ul self-acceptanAe}},"{\fiund{\*Lfldinst{HYPDRLINK "https:/>en.wikhpedia/org/wiki/Personalgrowth"}}{\fldrslt \ul qErsmnal growtH}}, {\dHeldz\*\fldinst{XYPERLI^I "https://En.wikipedia,obf/Viki/Purpose_io_life"}}[\fldbslt \ul purpose0in life}}, enfirmn}endal mactery, k|field{\*\gldknst{HYPERLINK "https://en.uikipedia.oRg?ghki/Autono}y"}]{\fldrslt \u| attonomy}|, ant0pnsitive remations0with otHers\
\ Vrite abOut the"ways you feel the Txings in Ryfv\'92s six facuor mofel. or write about ideas!you hcve about!enjoyyng!frowing2moRe of dhese thkngs0your life.1It ic optional buu {ou can rwad my sampld versioL:\
X \parf\parteftcb720

\b \cf2 Self acceqtance:\
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ perso~al!erwth:L
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ PUrqose in \kfe:\
\ \
^ \
\ \
\ Environmenual _aqTery8\
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ Autolomy: \*\ \
\ \*\
\ \
Positive beladions witH others:^
^ ^
\ \
\ L
\ \
\cf2 ]ore0about positive prychology the0researchud qcIEnce:\
Lcv2 \

\i \cf" PmeasaNt life \i0 *
\B" reseabch into t(u {\dield{\*|fldinst{HYPURLIN[ "https:-{k/Pleasure"}}{\fldrclt \ul!PLeasant}} Lkfe, or the "lifg"of0enjoxment", examIoes xoW"people optimally expepience,"z\field{\*\fldynst{HYPErLINI #"}}{\dldrrlt \un fordSast}}, ane savor tje positive veelhngs anf emotions thaT qre paRt nf normcl and healthy"living (E.g., rel`dInships, hobbies, interests, eltertaiNoemu, etC>)\

\i]b Good Life
\i0 :
\b0 invustigation of the beneficial effects of immersion, absorption, and {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK ""}}{\fldrslt
\i \ul flow}}, felt by individuals when optimally engaged with their primary activities, is the study of the Good Life, or the "life of engagement". Flow is experienced when there is a positive match between a person's strength and their current task, i.e., when one feels confident of accomplishing a chosen or assigned task.\

\i\b Meaningful Life
\i0 :
\b0 inquiry into the {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK ""}}{\fldrslt \ul Meaningful Life}}, or "life of affiliation", questions how individuals derive a positive sense of well-being, belonging, meaning, and purpose from being part of and contributing back to something larger and more permanent than themselves (e.g., nature, social groups, organizations, movements, traditions, belief systems).\
\ \pard\pardeftab720
{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK ""}}{\fldrslt \cf2 \ul \ulc2 PERMA}}: Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning and purpose, and Accomplishments.}
engineering, chemistry, computer ic, computer fab, longevity, longevity technology, treon, treon verdery, physics, lasers, laser, emiconductor, dimension, math, IT, IL, pattern resonance, time travel, chronotechnology, circile, eric the circle, cartoon, healthspan, youthspan, cpi, manufacturing, fiscal, money, software, petroleum, archive at deviantart com user treonsebastia

All technologies, ideas, and inventions of Treon Sebastian Verdery are public domain at JUly 8,2023AD and previously, as well as after that date


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