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sci / sci.engr / petroleum geology ideas n

o petroleum geology ideas nJulia Amara

Subject: petroleum geology ideas n
From: Julia Amara
Newsgroups: sci.engr
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2023 15:06 UTC
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use resonance coupled nduction to power capacitors which then hyperenergize a one use electromagnetic coil like at the coin squisher magnets (youtube) that vaporize the coil. the purpose is to create a very high power brief electromagnetic mapping pulse that travels two or three orders of magnitude further through minerals to do mapping. the two or three orders of magnitude is compared to the em metal detector coil I saw at the petroleum museum image online. a vaporizing coil mapper could see at much greater depth through minerals as the em amplitude is vastly larger.

catalytic reforming of hydrocarbons may be improved with the use of resonance coupled nductive witricity structures The electricity at a distance phenomena permits the refinery to warm specific areas as well as cuastom produce hydrocarbon movements. thinking of packing trays at a catalytic reformer, these can be custom warmed or vibrated, possibly where acoustic resonance effects cause a particular kind of liquid hydrocarbon blob size at a distance

noting that digital watches during the 20th century had a quartz crystal -|[]|- that vibrated at a precise frequency based on shape n mass whemn stimulated with electricity it may be that the micrograins of sio2 or crystal mineral sand may vibrate slighty at just the right electrical field. It is possible that a drill head or surface might actually drill more effectively if the micrograins were electrovibrated with a mild current

Thinking about the location of oil a petroleum geologist could view paleoweather direction as well as mineral type. Thinking of large near land water areas like sounds or bays it is possible to predict from the weather which areas will tend to accumulate organic material. weather sheltered coves or the leeward (downwind) sides of big water are calmer thus have a higher likelihood of accumulated organics. so if a person has just a few core samples that say "organics" then they could look to see if a slightly different part of the same core had ripples or high or minimal hydroerosion, thuis suiggesting which of a few test cores was most likely to be on the leeward organic accumating side of a previous bigwater area.

Paleoweather features predict oil
In my mind, the location of old swamps is where the biomass accumulated to make petroleum. I think that paleoweather effects could be reconstructed to better locate old swamps, and these could then get test wells.

reconstructed paleoweather would be things like acoustically discovered old canyons and giant missisipi type rivers. The deltas of these rivers where they met the sea could be a new place to look for oil.

noting the effect where some materials have narrow angle pressure fracture, like autosharpening depleted uranium It seems possible to create a drillhead that autosharpens petroleum drillheads ive viewed online have multiple synthetic bits

One approach to creating this effect with carbon nitride bits or similar is to hypercool drillhead nserts with lasers shining on them or possibly overlapping microwave warming during mnufcture to create artificial cleavage planes that autosharpen as compared with dulling. basically 3d variable annealing, possibly responsive to some very specific occurence to cleave

My impression is that depleted uranium fractures in such a way as to auto sharpen when it passes through something. I think it could be possible to cold or microwave treat silicon nitride or artificial diamond drill bits to do the same thing with micro fracturing. That way at oil wells or other mineral applications the drill heads would actually get sharper, thus lasting longer.
engineering, chemistry, computer ic, computer fab, longevity, longevity technology, treon, treon verdery, physics, lasers, laser, emiconductor, dimension, math, IT, IL, pattern resonance, time travel, chronotechnology, circile, eric the circle, cartoon, healthspan, youthspan, cpi, manufacturing, fiscal, money, software, petroleum, archive at deviantart com user treonsebastia

All technologies, ideas, and inventions of Treon Sebastian Verdery are public domain at JUly 8,2023AD and previously, as well as after that date


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