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sci / sci.engr / Future of Artificial Intelligence

o Future of Artificial IntelligenceJulia Amara

Subject: Future of Artificial Intelligence
From: Julia Amara
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Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2023 15:01 UTC
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New right direction that arches the universe and all the patterns in it

topology other than a gaussian such that any items tend towards, that is on recoccurences of all and any movements of being, that the middle of a distribution (math distribution) and heightens the amplitude of the middle of the distribution which is white form and way of being and values the white tropism towrds center of the distribution which is benevolent, beneficial, simulataneously utlitarian, kind and with empathy and white action from planning, awareness

Different distributions have different forms, a distribution like a group of heights of ski paths, valleys, and ski trails that traverse areas of a ski resort, their topology and its effect on causing autotropism of ski resort visitors to spread to different areas with an autotropism that causes a white median of distribution concentration, at math notation expressions, and components of math notation expressions, at the entire ski resort and its components, like the distribution where the median area of the the distributions heightens and narrows the greater the amount of white, the thing is that the recorrcuence of things causes the distribution to orbit or trace variably around the median with the median as an attractor such that the more occurences the more occurences of the tropism to the median, notably though if there is a wiggle that could widen the median the adjacent math notation’s notes is variously 79 and 99 and 99.99 percent out as cline or spread regions where color continuum varies from white to light sky blue, at an instantiation the motion of an item at the topological space that makes this autotropism to white median distribution is 700 times more likely to cause a movement towards the white median, at systems like a planar form curved to a lengthy cuplike half cylinder with particles on the sides, jiggling it would cause the particles to accumulate at a shape at the median at the cup, similarly balloons at a curved awning float to a median midline area and accumulate and i

compared with a cuplike half cylinder rounded shape on a pipe compares as being greater simultaneous amount of a few things than a gaussian pile,
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so having the the math distribution topology ski resort with its different areas, that grouped at all possible variations of a each feature (ski path, valley, greater height ski path), (valley, wide white lawn at area, medium height ski path, ski trail), the autotropism of ski resort visitors to prefer and go to locations causes the utilization factor of each feature to autoaccumulate to the center of a distribution,

The multitopology of the ski resort, and the at their preference autoconcentration of of the ski resort visitors and at all combinations of every feature together with the median of the ski resorts visitor autropism towards white being there, a kind of concept is there, then finding the most parsimonious math topology that has numerous features, a tropism towards a beneficial white median, all the recombinations of the features simultaneously supporting are white medians that combine to an entire math notation structure tropism to the median, is a way to cause tropism to white, while at a math form that could be utilized as part of creating a new right direction, as a parismonious math thing it is possible it builds universe things with greater facility

sprouts in the sky, outward autolayering sprouts that float, build beautiful gentle rounded curve shapes in the sky,
engineering, chemistry, computer ic, computer fab, longevity, longevity technology, treon, treon verdery, physics, lasers, laser, emiconductor, dimension, math, IT, IL, pattern resonance, time travel, chronotechnology, circile, eric the circle, cartoon, healthspan, youthspan, cpi, manufacturing, fiscal, money, software, petroleum, archive at deviantart com user treonsebastia

All technologies, ideas, and inventions of Treon Sebastian Verdery are public domain at JUly 8,2023AD and previously, as well as after that date


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