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sci / sci.engr / Phototherapy for youthification using ATP activation.

o Phototherapy for youthification using ATP activation.Julia Amara

Subject: Phototherapy for youthification using ATP activation.
From: Julia Amara
Newsgroups: sci.engr
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2023 12:09 UTC
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Subject: Phototherapy for youthification using ATP activation.
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[[Ok, so if they could grow long staple cellulose fiber as algal mats it could be cheaper than actual wood But what about the particle board glue? It is possible the algae could make that as well. This benefits the environment as it replaces wood materials from nature, notably wild trees, with things growable in cheap, nonsterile tanks. No, it is otherwise, the labor to harvest a tree is perhaps 2-5 minutes with automated shears and the tree has a mass of hundreds of pounds, so the algae is not cheaper. There could be ethically sourced cellulose fiber preferences though, Ikea might prefer algae grown fibers to wild growth tree fibers.

Perhaps socially contextualized algae cellulose and tree farms could supply materials to build things from wood or algae cellulose products; my perception is that people in the US would remit a premium during 2019 AD to have higher energy efficiency and things like solar. So, at various forms of building around the globe, renewably sourced cellulose from things like algae and tree farms could have a share, perhaps a large share, of building material and paper consumption based on consumer sociocultural values. Then again, as far as I can figure out, algae based cellulose is not cheaper than a 2 minute snip from a tractor with shears.]]

Longevity things, the idea is that the greater the longevity the greater benefit to humans, that is people, from people who are beneficial to others; advertising longevity technologies to all humans, that is people, is optimal, yet if advertising and communication efforts had an amount reaching less than 100% of earths population then triaging the advertising to encourage beneficial people to live longer would create measurable benefit to all the people considered as a group. The other option is instead of triaging just figure out a form of advertising that reaches everyone on earth, effectively enough to produce longevity causing actions. I am reminded of the artificial satellite banner ad in the sky technology. It just orbits the earth, telling people to get and take longevity drugs, on a pixel-addressable screen that communicates at all written languages.

metformin 3 times a day; if sustained plasma concentration goes with actual amount of longevity increase three times a day dosing might actually cause 1/3 more longevity effect; also is there extended release metformin. Getting that pill could work better as well.

epitalon (20 something %)

sleep hygiene, I perceive I read that people that get 8 hours of sleep and sleep through the night live 5% or, (perhaps I misremember) 10% longer.
If I take phenylethylamine once a week, then each century of living is 52*100*20 ideas or 100,000 ish ideas and technologies that are new to me, with me preferring they be things that benefit humans, that is people. So apparently me changing my sleeping habits could produce 50,000 to 100,000 more ideas from greater longevity.

Eununchs live, I perceive about 14 years longer, so cyproterone acetate, chemical castration could be a longevity drug.

Rapamycin, I perceive one rather lengthy treatment, caused rodenst to live 60% longer.

antiinflammatory drugs of some kind, aspirin and ibuprofen and naproxen, I do not know if COX-2 is one of them could cause weller longer lifespan, “chronic systemic inflammation becomes increasingly associated with risk of death, loss of cognitive function and increasing dependency”

Legumes might be longevity foods, “every 20-gram increase in legume consumption produced a 7-8% reduction in mortality with or without controlling for ethnicity (p = 0.02), while “other food groups were not found to be consistently significant in predicting survival” “Well-known legumes include alfalfa, clover, beans, peas, chickpeas, lentils, lupins, mesquite, carob, soybeans, peanuts”

A food blurb: “outcomes of more than 138,500 people ages 35 to 70 worldwide for an average of nine years”…“The people in the “healthiest” group consumed 54 percent of their diet from carbohydrates, 28 percent from fats, and 18 percent from protein. The least healthy ate nearly 70 percent of their diet in carbs, about 18 percent from fats, and 12 percent from protein.” Cheese, avocados, vegetable oil spread that advertises as beneficial and peanut butter could possibly be beneficial

Are you aware of any drugs that when taken cause a longevity effect that occurs from a brief plasma half life, once a day dose?

Some longevity chemicals with a sustained presence at the body are, I think, supported with things like metformin circulating constantly, possibly doing some AMPK thing continuously.

Are there longevity chemicals that function as longevity increasing switches? Are there things where a dose, perhaps a high amplitude, narrow duration of effect dose causes a published longevity effect?

Two (or maybe just one) that I can think of are melatonin and the peptide epitalon. At the brain, melatonin is released as a pulsatile event, so possibly brief duration of action. I think I read melatonin make laboratory rodents live longer.

Epitalon is a 4 amino acid peptide that makes laboratory animals live longer (I perceive mid 20%) and be weller. I do not know much, but as a peptide, if you snort it, I can imagine it lasting minutes rather than hours at the circulation, so perhaps it is a longevity turn on switch drug. Melatonin is a pineal gland secretion product, and epitalon is an engineered version of a pineal produced peptide.

It would thrill me if anyone here had ideas or knew about brief high amplitude dose longevity drugs and chemicals. What do you think some other ones are?

Senolytics also come to mind, “zap the senescent cytes with one course of treatment, live weller and longer afterwards” is kind of different than brief plasma half life longevity drugs.

Quality of life:
They could measure 12 year olds, 14 year olds, 16 year olds, 18 year olds, 22 year olds and 27 year olds to find out whate kind of lifestyle causes tha greatest quantitative happiness, well, being, quiality of romantic life, and school and life achievement and find out which 5 or 10 teen and tween and twentysomething lifestyles, like romantic sexually active teen that does their homweork and show it to their parent nightly that goes to college and gets a scieinces or technology degree and then seeks out employment and internships based on their interests directing them tracked from 12 to 35; also when it is better to become pregnant. The technology is to find out which of these all work together in concert, as compared with just sexually active, just academically rigorous, and just fun single activity and perspective intensive lifestyles.
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AT the human brain there could be a 99th percentile area of reliability and a 1th percentile of reliability; such as stability over time, absence of nueronal change,what do variations on the amount of reliability do at humans.. Do well humans have better reliability even at their personal 1th percentile structures? Also,
What areas of the human brain are at 99th and 1th percentile of automatic regeneration; improving the regeneration of the 1th percentile could be a healthspan or even longevity effect. Drugs, such as new drugs that Halt or reverse decay at the 1th percentile of brain areas resistanct to decay or messed upness could

chlorophenoxy NMN might pass the blood brain barrier causing mitochondrial improvement and better NAD things at neurons and glia. Another version might be

Chloro or other halogenated curcurmin could a a senolytic, wound healing drug that could have other benefits.

Along with the idea of a washcloth impregnated with beauty peptides, giving hundreds of beautification treatments per cloth, is the idea of a washcloth with an electret surface charge, or even piezoelectricity like PVDF that causes the chemicals in it to be even more effective.

It is possible that electret bandages or band-aids soaked in beneficial chemicals could be quantitatively measured as being more beneficial than non-charged bandages from chemical migration.

Could chlorophenoxy moiety or other moieties that cause passage through the blood brain barrier heighten passage of beauty chemicals like peptides through the cytomembranes of the dermis making these beauty chemicals more effective? Even melatonin, which I think I read accumulates at the nucleus, could be linked to topical beauty peptides and possibly things that modify histones, to heighten transport of beautification chemicals like peptides and poroteins to the nucleus.

A washcloth, impregnated with beauty peptides, which might actually be effective already at micrograms, such that every time you wash with it you get a coating of beauty peptides. It is noted that the wascloth gets utilized when rinsing, so the peptides coat the face after washing is accomplished.

A scientific survey, and an engineering and medical product development application of the data from a survey, of the bacteria at normal skin, as well as particularly well, younger than actual age appearing skin, noticeably facial skin, could find a group of bacteria, not previously known to be beneficial, that are quantifiably beneficial to the skin. Increasing the beneficial skin bacteria could be the basis of topical probiotics, prebiotics, surface topicals like things that adjust pH, or surface hygroscopicity (things like autowetting naPCA, or alternatively surface moisture absorbing things like polyacrylimides or polyacrilic pre-gel powders). These topical, systemic (oral or other systemic drug delivery), or possibly even changing the characteristics of the skin bacterial ecology with laser treatments, laser-resurfacing or microdermabrasion mediated bacterial ecology changers at skin to produce skin wellness and beautification from favoring some bacteria over others.

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