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sci / sci.engr / Innovative Concepts for GSK

o Innovative Concepts for GSKKay Lie

Subject: Innovative Concepts for GSK
From: Kay Lie
Newsgroups: sci.engr
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2023 11:21 UTC
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View all headers researchers have created a nanotextured surface that kills bacteria while not harming mammalian cells.
asthma powder inhaler with valve you blow into that bluetooths your phone giving a health record over time of your capacity and the improvement fem the medication; your doctor uses this to prescribe strength (like .5 1.0 2.)

A cold sore outbreak causes small blisters or sores on or around the lips. With treatment cold sores typically heal within 2-3 weeks, but the herpes virus remains.
“ so transparent henna zovirax lip balm that lasts a couple months

We want to identify novel technologies to address skin ageing. These could be aesthetically superior UV protection products (with specific interest in UVA:UVB 1:1 technologies/products);
“ So topical ibuprofen might be SPF 2.5 transparent henna it so it lasts a couple months; does topical super concentrate ibuprofen to make it higher spf?

GSK said something like electronics and medicine
June 12 laser tongue diagnostic
GSK: There is a mini spectrometer that you can aim at things to find out the chemicals in them. I think putting this in a phone has been published.
What if a laser pen like thing could be aimed at the tongue near toothbrushing time to do spectroscopy? Could it find any health opportunities like high cholesterol or trace amounts of mis-metabolites? C reactive proteins? Possibly.
If it is too much $ perhaps they could simply wave it at your moth when you go to the dentist.
I suppose one improved version of this could be part of an electric toothbrush with optical fiber bristles that got really near the tongue. "laser tongue diagnostic" is not at the
first page of a search engine.

There are many commercially available nail lacquers, creams and topical solutions that offer onychomycosis (nail fungus) treatments. The different products are based on different technologies; however, they all share a common downside: a prolonged and lengthy application regimen (often up to a
“ Transparent henna antifungals; avoids systemic ketoconazole with high local concentrations

Denture cleansers are used to clean dentures when they are out of the mouth.. They kill microorganisms and remove stains. Microorganisms can cause bad breath and denture-related infections. Denture cleansers may be used with brushing and they must not damage the denture.
“ micro pointy koosh balls kill bacteria; Mg is a nutrient; laundry blueing could balance yellowing effects

Itchy, irritated skin is a significant issue that can impact consumer wellbeing and quality of life. It can be a hallmark of atopic dermatitis, skin allergy-but also skin irritation from the number of exogenous factors such as the environment, insect bites and other triggering factors. Overall, resulting in
“ Does potassium nitrate neutralize nerves over a couple weeks like potassium nitrate (sensodyne) or how about a local bromide, perhaps potassium bromide transparent henna would work Could KBr be added to ointments and creams to build up itchlessness over a couple weeks as the hydrocortisone like molecules are frequently reapplied?

Also, could an adhesive bandage, or patch with pop rocks impel aneasthetic or nerve depolarizers to atopic skin to relieve discomfort while still being easy to remove?

puffy swollen oozy things might shrink down with an osmotic pressure reducing protein. What such a protein is I do not know. Smoother skin might result.

We are seeking new approaches suitable for sensitive easily irritated skin for mild to moderate acne that are superior or parity to current technologies. Helping to provide skin with a highly effective solution but protecting the skin barrier and being mild and caring.” Airject antibiotics for topic use or tea tree oil or echinacea
We are interested in innovative transdermal patch, topical, or device technologies that can provide superior nicotine delivery compared to currently marketed transdermal nicotine delivery patches.“ very gradually effervescent nicotine, or other drug, delivery patches. Pop rocks are one possibility. Also, if pop rocks make it 2 or 4 times smaller area then drugs which are currently too high a volumetric dose to be a patch medication could become patch medications with the higher dose for area.

The buildup of dental plaque is the precursor for several oral diseases, including gum disease. In the early stages, this can lead to soreness, inflammation and bleeding of the gums on brushing. Therefore, we are seeking to develop products that help reverse the early signs of gum disease and
“ transparent henna, or some other michael reaction to dentin could adhere pointy metal micro koosh balls made of a nutrient metal to teeth.

We are interested in commercially available or close-to commercialisation technologies to address sugar reduction in food products—including liquids, powder beverages and cereals—while maintaining the sensory attributes of these products. These technologies might modulate sugar release or reduce
“ could a sucralose polymer have different sweetness than splenda?

One of the more active areas in pain innovation is the evolution of devices and digital technologies (eg, TENS) that purport to treat, objectively measure, sense and predict pain (eg, migraine episodes) and that provide biomechanical feedback to the consumer. These innovations are of interest to us
“ Could a suture to the area near the thumb pad that when squeezed provide some relief? Active placebo as well as actual effect.
also, acupuncture passes WA alternative health evidence screening, so suture at any acupressure point.

body odor reducing genetics ABCC11 gene's role in sweat odor is likely in part due to the quantitative dosage of ABCC11 protein.[6]
people with AA genotype and dry ear wax produce scentless sweat. too little of a proteolytic enzyme causes apocrine chemicals in the sweat, so as a technology a proteolytic enzyme at the underarms could have an effect. “beano”alpha-galactosidase is an enzyme, so enzymes might be cheap. Transparent henna version of enzyme? probiotic bacteria that produce this enzyme and secrete it, causeing balanced flora for odorlessness? They could call it ProZyme

MWI to a micro realm MWI researcher, where every electron motion causes a universe, does the sum of the motions equal zero (sort of like me misunderstanding something like all real numbers together are -1/12) does that mean you plug a zero back into the schrodinger equation and get novel results?

MWI does the cosmic background radiation have a fractal character; that is could a time sequenced fractal motion produce what it is measured to be? what shape would it scrunch down to be? does that shape have a curvature associated with a test of the MWI? fractalness could suggest the sizes of zones of probabilities in the MWI. Wallace says there are infinite universes, yet a utilitarian seeks improvement, so could evidence of blocky fractal construction at the observable universe give a hint as to “predominating” or “expanding” modes of form.

A person named Wallace says there are “infinite” MWI universes. Reading about infinity though there are different sizes of infinities. (Ostrovsky) like infinity of real numbers, like decimals, is larger than infinity of integers. Ovstrosky says 2^00 is bigger than the infinity of reals. so what might 2^00 look like as an object? Prhaps a laser beam, split into two, meeting a half silvered mirror _[ ]- following a square path, then recombining would have a planar rather than linear character. Infinities have aleph (or maybe beth) number designations like beth sub 0, beth sub 1 etc. I think these might go up to beth sub 4. So could an AI, or a person, find beth sub 7 or something? Then a physical instantiation of that would make many times more MWI universes than other things. That could be beneficial if you like more stuff, yet concerning to Dave Pearce because it would make a lot more humans prior to a unanimous vote among all sentiences that “being is great!” The thing is that after a unanimous vote that “life is great!” The AI might then ethically produce a beth sub 7 technology creating such a vastly huger amount of sentience than our world as to make our worlds troubles (prior to unanimous “great!”) infinitesimal even with the MWI compared to the amount of sentiences after unanimous “great!” So human existence might be a minuscule workshop of producing unanimous “great” prior to a technological expansion of the MWI.

hedonistic imperative: recreation drugs can be beneficial
improvement perspective: heighten social fluency and reduce the paranormal voices I hear. Less itching. Optimism and courage to do new things. There are two or three similar drugs I could try to reduce voices and have fun. Alternate different chemicals different weeks.

risks: week does not seem as much fun as weekends. Habituation.

different ways to take it; the russian drug way, the recreational drug way

The quick green schizophrenic jumped over the lazy fecund bored venusian waxy aardvark
although I read “Sixty zippers were quickly picked from the woven jute bag“

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