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sci / sci.engr / Magnetic Fields and Dimensions

o Magnetic Fields and DimensionsKay Lie

Subject: Magnetic Fields and Dimensions
From: Kay Lie
Newsgroups: sci.engr
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2023 10:55 UTC
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They could survey persons who hear voices that other people do not, where the voices have different personalities than the hearers and find out what those voices say, notably the difference between men and women

This moment’s thoughts from wikipedia [link]

[mb] can they do lots of dialysis and still operate to remove the cancer?

If you have enough money to tell doctors what to do (usually this is a bad idea), wikipedia says they don’t usually laser away cancers bigger than 5cm, perhaps if you can tell doctors what to do you could get lots of dialysis and tell them to laser away the cancer on the exterior of the lung as well as some internal to the lung.

In epigenetics, which you’ve previously mentioned, FEN1, MLH1, and MSH2 are all usually disregulated in NSCAC, there may be some epigenetic drugs that restore these to a favorable epigenetic profile, you could take those.

Keyhole limpet proteins (immunosensitizers) attached to blood clot components to immunize you against things blood clots are made of possibly fibrinogen could be a nonstandard new drug option. They have keyhole limpet proteins on

Weight loss drug
Just as fingers form callouses it is possible the epithelial lining of the GI tract could be treated with a chemical that does not pass the epithelia to reach the body that thickens the layer of the epithelia making a smaller amount of nutients diffuse through. Even a 30% reduction of diffusion of fats carbohydrates would take a person from 2000 calories a day of eating to just 1300 calories of nutrition assisting weight loss, one possible source is the actual chemicals in dermis that cause thickening, attached to a moiety that keeps it from passing the epithelium and delivered in an enteric capsule so it gets past the stomach

some person on quora asked Would a 3-dimensional magnetic field attract a magnet in the 4th dimension?, so I wrote, Well, I might get this gist of your question, and I do not know, but it is a nifty idea.

Basically I think you are thinking about 4D as being other than time.

The pedantic reply would be, scientists talk about 3D+t with time as the fourth dimension, so one way to interpret your question is: Does anything magnetic done in 3D effect t (time), or even some other spatial or non spatial dimension? Not that I have heard of, but who knows.
The notes I made on your question say
Time magnet
Curved lines make only certain possible paths, change the possible paths [and you] change sequential degrees of freedom [among] timelike degrees of freedom; field equations describe electrons [every electron has a magnetic field] [so to look for new kinds of paths with different degrees of freedom from magnetism you could look at the] field equations that describe electrons, it could be that, just like some equations have two or more solutions electron fields have more than one possible solution, particularly for particular configurations of an electron or electrons]; different simultaneous solutions of the electron suggest fundamentally] new kinds of electrons [and electromagnetism] Different electrons [from that] make different magnetic fields with different curve shapes and different sequential or asequential degrees of freedom linking a new kind of magnetism to time.
Now, as I write this, here is a long version that might be more readable
This might work: if you look at magnetic fields they are always curved, if you could change those to something other than a curve like a different curve, a fractal or a line, then magnetism would move everything it effects would be effected on a completely different 3D space trajectory. Reading about time I get the impression some people think of it as a linear directional process of energy transfer and typically motion, so you cannot just have water pour itself back into a glass back to where it came from and have all the other water rush up to meet it.
There is a thing called the three body problem, what if three things happen at once? how does this sequentialize? I think there are people that might say that actually because of planck units, like the planck length and planck volume everything is kind of like pixels(voxels) and things only meet each other one at a time (I have no idea), anyway, just like moving around little legos a certain number of contact points you trace paths, and each path has only so many neighbors, and only a certain number of possible interactions
But, or maybe thus, when you change the number of degrees of freedom of something you change the types and number of things it can interact with, if you introduce “up” to graph paper a circle can become a sphere, so if you introduce new degrees of freedom to electrons, magnetism or matter, some of those might be in a 4th spatial or nonspatial dimension. You are finding a new direction for the planck length voxels to go, then you can do things like make a jumpable fold (sort of like strolling across the upper surface of a paper airplane fold) So you are possibly asking can you do this more degrees of freedom thing with magnetism.
every electron, and electrons are modeled with field equations, comes with a magnetic effect. What if there were more than one kind of electron? What if there were a few kinds of electrons? What if people could make them or find them? wherever they were or flowed they would make a completely new kind of magnetic field and this could be a magnetic field that is sdifferently curved, even fractal or linear, that magnetic field would not only effect things radically differently it might have different degrees of freedom compared with the magnetic fields made with wire and a chemical battery.
If you can make straight or fractal shapes or differently curved magnetic field shapes instead of wire and chemical battery curved ones you can traverse points on a map with shorter or longer lines, fewer or more steps, if you can traverse space with fewer or more steps it might look like you are using an extra, new, dimension to traverse the top of a paperairplane compared with the much longer path you would make if you had to draw a line, with the pen always touching the line, on the sheet of paper the plane was made from (3d space)
So that is a way a new kind of electron, from finding new simultaneous solutions to electron field theory could make a new kind of magnetic field that traverses 3D space with new characteristics that could look like an engineerable 4th spatial dimension. Also, for fun, there might be nonspatial, non time dimensions that you give more degrees of freedom to.
Kind of related but different than what you ask, there is a nifty relationship between magnetic fields and time though called hysteresis, basically, how long after you turn the power off does the magnet stay magnetized, it is different for different materials.

I read online that some people look younger than their age before menopause, then after menopause they visibly age more, are there any chemicals released after menopause that cause aging, not just a lack of some previously available chemical, things that reduce the amount of those deleterious chemicals in people of all ages could have a youthifying and possibly longevizing effect.
it is possible some types of skin are more sensitive to certain frequency vibrations as well as microvibrations, as well as have a wider range of vibration and pressure sensitivity, as well as continued nondeclining sensation on repeated vibration, stroking, or percussion/pressure, finding beneficially wide frequency response, durability of response and microvibration response at the vagina and clitoris is beneficial, It is possible that within the same genome, the variations in these responses at different locations can be discerned as to their development, as well as finding the 99th percentile of optimal response bandwidth for each characteristic, the outer ear canal, legs and hips (dancing might not reduce percussion response), the tickle response at feet seems to heighten with repeat stimulation (but enhancements would be absent ticklishness) at sex organs like the vagina and the clitoris as well as the penis

engineering, chemistry, computer ic, computer fab, longevity, longevity technology, treon, treon verdery, physics, lasers, laser, emiconductor, dimension, math, IT, IL, pattern resonance, time travel, chronotechnology, circile, eric the circle, cartoon, healthspan, youthspan, cpi, manufacturing, fiscal, money, software, petroleum, archive at deviantart com user treonsebastia

All technologies, ideas, and inventions of Treon Sebastian Verdery are public domain at JUly 8,2023AD and previously, as well as after that date


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