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sci / sci.engr / EEG Brain Interface Technology

o EEG Brain Interface TechnologyJoe Mardin

Subject: EEG Brain Interface Technology
From: Joe Mardin
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Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2023 13:38 UTC
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I read about the kind of thing that might be a new metallurgical effect at chemical vapor deposition metallurgy, a new kind of bendability based on amorphous shear bands,

Isotope effect technology that benefits integrated circuit fabrication technologies, I read that, “The whole wafer is then subjected to UV radiation, allowing the pattern mask to be transferred to the organic layer. The radiation either strengthens the photoresist or weakens it. The uncovered oxide on the exposed photoresist is removed using Hydrochloric acid. The remaining photoresist is removed using hot Sulphuric acid and the resultant is an oxide pattern on the substrate, which is used as a mask.” Noting HCl and H2SO4 are used at making integrated circuits, it is possible that making HCl that has only 34 amu CL or 35 AMU Cl, or just one of what I think might be 8 different stable Sulfur isotopes could change etch characteristics and perhaps one of these 9 variations has quantifiable benefit to making better integrated circuits and MEMs things; I do not know why deuterated, slower moving etchants would be more functional, although they might be similar to etching at a lower temperature.

a CVD gas that is like 1/100 some other gas, where the gas molecule is big (10 or 20 timess more AMU), does thee heterogenous collision regime cause different renyolds numbers swirliness to occur? Then you could get different rates of sponatanbeous mixing, and possibly nudge up to reaction velocity at a distribution, or a different shape of lump at a normal distribution to have a different proprotion of mor elikely to crystallize cooler lumps as a fraction of the whole; that means gas blends could produce different rates of crystallization from something like chemical vapor deposition at semiconductor process technology

similar I have heard nucleation sites cause crystals to grow, and that more nucleation sites can cause cause crystals to grow more rapidly while still being crystalline
do different isotopes make for different nucleation site energies (Hg UV light emissions spectra difference, so might be different

nucleation sites: things like SiCl4 gas might notice more nucleation sites if some of the things thiey were crystallizing on had more nucleation sites, nucleation sites that might be compatible with semiconductor process technology CVD coulkd be like 1/1000 part SICl3F or SiCl2F2 CVD gases, when these were right at the wafer surfaces they might make siCl4 right next to them extra interested in crystallization while having harmless SI deposition if the SiCl3F reacts with the wafer itself.

Customized plasmonics (electron hole pair location and geometry engineering) could cause more, better, optimized production of nucleation sites at a growing semiconductor (or MEMS) wafer; beaming things at the wafer that cause plasmonics geometries at its surface could do this, beneath or side of wafer solitons, dissipative solitons,

mass quantum spin observations (like planar regions of entire spin polarized thing resolvability resolution) could, like the quantum camera described at New scientist, cause entire surfaces to have a micropatterned electric charge on them, that micropatterened electric charge could be used to produce nucleation sites to physically patternize crystal growth at the planar semiconductor wafer surface, as well as create the possibility of customized engineered plasmonic geometries right at the wafer surface which could be used to cause more rapid deposition of CVD gas constituents, rapidifying semiconductor process manufacturing, noting that doubling this velocity could cause the number of semiconductors a fab produces to double, heightening productivity, profitability, and the variety of different kinds of semiconductors that can be produced; As an actual technology, something like a 300 mm wafer with a light source, where the light source, is divided into two quantum entangled (linked) beams, or actually planes, basically planar arrays of light, and one of the beams, that is planar arrays of light, travels to a quantum camera light sensor array that is numerous powers of two higher resolution that the feature size of the features being made at the wafer having its semiconductor features produced, like a (billion times a billion feature, or 10 billion feature times 10 billion feature ) quintillion (10^18) or larger number of light sensors per 300 mm wafer chip, then whenever one of the photons meets the surface of the wafer its electrical charge modifying ability depends on if the photon at the quintillion feature chip has had its spin determined with light detection events, Note there is something that is new to me at the engineering processes, the photon meeting the feature could be doing numerous different things: it could be making a nucleation site, causing growth, it could be causing some kind of mathematically meaningful spin variant effect, fractional charge, which then effects atomic bond formation (crystal growth), it could be causing a moment of reduced reactivity, causing, relatively, other things near it to be growing higher faster, The mathematically meaningful fractional charge variation, Note that just one photon doing something this could be an accumulative number of spin-effect pulses build up to one entire atoms change (crystal deposition, crystal subratacted) amount, (what if it was a few hundred photon spin observation moments to do each atom attaching to a crystal, and a over a quadrillion (LED laser ordinary) light pulses per second but perhaps not two atoms amount, so actual amounts of atom gowth at the crystal growth is directable; the adjustable growth rate for finer, greater repeatability of features of action at this makes engineerable feature fineness, homogeneity of crystallization)Noting the entire wafer at the semiconductor fab being manufactured: then if the kind of custom made, quintillion feature (billion feature rows, billion feature columns) photonic spin detector chip is doing this quantum camera thing at a couple of orders of magnitude higher physical resolution that than the quadrillion (or higher) actual feature chip being produced then that is a new to me semiconductor feature producing wafer technology; feature size, fineness, repeatability, possibly composition (sort of liked doped-ness where beyond the stoichiometry of the chemical vapor deposition gas causing the doping variety of the layer or feature the adjustability of photon spin at several powers of two higher spatial resolution, quadrillions of times per second from the quantum camera causes something like crystal atom at atom growth with a halftone-dot like predictability of dopant spatial geometry, homegenity, or possibly even a new kind of feature, depth (like say you put a 40% halftone screen dopant layer of atoms on a 20% dopant layer, and you might even be able to use the spin effects to change dopant element ratio like 40:Ge:40:Ga:10N:10:P to 90Ga:10:N at a cumulative layer thickness, even at a particular line width)

it could also be a quintillion feature photon spin modifying photon sensing chip, doing the quantum camera thing at semiconductor process manufacture production of semiconductors doing quadrillions of photon cycles of spin observation responses per second could actually write features at a quintillion feature chip

Notably though, can you actually aim light at a semiconductor wafer while making it? Well, the photolithography template is a light aiming thing, and there is likely published material on using a lasers to do things on chip features right on the wafer while it is being manufactured, so this brings up, can you illuminate a wafer, then fill the chamber with CVD gas, then have the gas react with the wafers surface based ont he light you just illuminated it with; some spin polarized gases stay spin polarized for 15 minutes so that is supportive, At some wavelengths, the pure crystals of wafers could be treated as lenses for lasers that shine through to the wafer treatment surface from underneath, at some geometries of shining a laser, or a planar array of spin polarized light (a thing that is different than a banch of parallel lasers, or also different, but possibly producible with a diffration grating and a laser making an array of points), having the light illuminate the wafer obliquely from the side could be done at less than a millimeter above the surface, minimizing beamspread from the CVD gas having a refractive index; also possible is that noting CVD gas has a refractive index, at some applications, different concentrations of CVD gas could be used that have different refractive indexes, so if crystal growth velocity is adjustable with photonic and spin photonic, and reynolds number gas swirl technology that vary surface charge as well as actual CVD gas concentration then it might be possible to grow semiconductors just as well even if CVD gas concentration varies across an order of magnitude, giving an order of magnitude greater transparency and light spatial, intensity, coherence, and other attribute nondivergence

I do not know, but it is possible that if you spin polarize something its emissions and absorption spectra are different so if you shine two lights at a material, one that changes the spin of the atoms at the material, and the other that gives the material a photoelectric effect charge boost that then causes chemical reactivity, that you can change the kinds of things the material will react with, when it will react, if that is

It might be possible to do a raster or parallel version of quantum camera spin customization of spatial things at making semiconductors as well, where a mere billion feature quantum camera spin detector and actualizing photosensor chip, used repeatedly as scanned, at a 10 billion times ten billion feature 300 mm wafer with the features being built on it is used, possibly with photonic spin observations being made quintillions of times a second (noting picosecond lasers exist, and some kind of picohertz elecronics exist to drive them)

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