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sci / sci.engr / Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness

o Quantum Mechanics and ConsciousnessJoe Mardin

Subject: Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness
From: Joe Mardin
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Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2023 13:34 UTC
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It is also possible soaking the paper in 3 of the ingredients, and just printing the electroporation circuits, biochemicals, DMSO (or more effective duoalkane sulphoxide), actual gene sequences, bacteria, single or doube stranded DNA or RNA viruses, the polymer layer that causes deliquescent (autogooey) liquid layer to be at the dermis side, and the immunocolorizing material that lets people know when the gene therapy is successful;

How to make the sugar based cytomaterial inserting probes: These sugar linear probe things are published as functional at immunization, so they can reach through the dermis to the circulatory system to do immunoactivities, a few technologies to make these could be a mm or less deep sugar 9600 DPI print homogenous surface, then have lasers engrave the sugar layer to make various amounts (millions? thousands?) of probe/insertion items per 3 mm paper circle; another technology to make the sugar probes/insertion things, is to just spray coat the paper with microparticulate sugar probe insertion shapes, and measure the actual effectiveness of the actual percentage of right side up, high angle sugar probes that spontaneously occur. It is possible that a technology that causes an order of magnitude greater transfection efficiency could make a 40-70% right side up sugar probe gene therapy transfection paper circle have the transfection effectiveness of a 99th percentile right side up sugar probe array; One possibility for another power of two or even order of magnitude of transfection efficiency is to have the sugar probes have materials in them to be electrically conductive (calcium ions are published as having utility at gene transfer), this could bring the electroporation voltage effect to the dermatocytes at depth, likely near the endothelial capillaries (where I perceive sugar probe immunzation geometry sizes might reach), another possibility if the sugar probes are laser engraved is to have them have linear channels on the sides that cause the transfection material to flow to the tip of the sugar probe, also I read about superhydrophilic microsurfaces, they favor liquid coatings, and look sort of like troughs; bulk mass production of liquid transport geometries at sugar probes: putting linear grooves at the sugar probes might also work at mass produced sugar probes, with the nonspecific application angle as a spray, perhaps the sugar probes when manufactured and previous to placement at the paper circles, could be sprayed on one side with a surface tension reducing agent or some other thing that causes liquids to like flowing a particular direction;

The bacteria would also produce beneficial wellness, healthspan, longevity youthification chemicals even at the non CRISPR/cas9 part of the bacterial genome; At mice and humans, the measured longevity wellness and healthspan of the bacteria would be beneficial even preceding the highly beneficial voluntary gene therapy part;

As the bacteria’s proteolytic nutrient producing enzymes are also the enzymes that make youthification chemical peels functional administration can be at any body location, puffiness of a less than 1 cm area (1 ml tissue transfected/ bacterial colonized continuous output CRISPR/cas9 gene therapy vector) could be an engineering standard; the bellybutton could be the least noticeable, and perhaps 90th percentile or higher of being least probed with fingers, the bellybutton could be among the 90th percentile at user adherence, is completely sensationless, does not cause visible change, has laser addressibility if persons, that is humans, that is members of groups of people, that is homo sapiens would like to laser modify the gene therapy process, notably some varieties of gene therapy are published that are responsive to light, so the 1/6th of 1 cent gene therapy technology is affordable and has further reach, a laser adjustable version is also possible.

Also, to verify the gene therapy has been installed, the bacteria could produce a chemical that causes an aesthetically pleasant color change at the paper circle (similar to color antibody diagnostics), the paper circle could change the visual pattern of the aesthetically pleasing color when the gene therapy had progressed beyond the bacterial vector and was being produced at the user, person, human, or application’s genome

Think of a way or cause for people to distribute something that is less than 1/10,000 of a $

Longevity technology: a new kind of autophagy could be linked to longevity, healthspan, and wellness, if it is functional: Noting the idea that cytoplasm might have nonorganelle enzymes floating around, catalyzing things, possibly even comminuting or nonactivating some cytochemicals: These enzymes, outside the lysosome remind me of autophagy, autophagy is linked to cytorefreshment, longevity, and wellness, it could be that the genetics of having more cytoplasm enzymes outside of organelles do something like an alternate version of autophagy, refreshing and recycling physiostructures and chemicals, so looking at a variety of mammals, notably things like multicentury lifespan whales, beavers, naked mole rats, bats, tortoises, and parrots and 400 year lifespan or longer clams, kings holly, and creosote (reminded of mitochondrial apoptosis) any cytoplasm enzymes, notably proteolytic or membraneolytic, outside of organelles (like lysosome) could be quantified at mice as to longevity wellness and healthspan effects, and if beneficial made into gene therapy, drugs, or germline enhancement or optimization at humans;

Noting autophagy is linked to longevity, wellness and healthspan, and I might have read that AMPK heightens autophagy, it could be possible to engineer larger amounts of autophagy from 1) cytoterminating chemicals, proteins or peptides as drugs (possibly kind of senolytic like), also as periodically automatically activated gene therapy; an accumulation of physiologically beneficial peptides, like AEDG heightening with each sleep occurence, could, when they accumulate to a particular amount, cause the gene therapy modified tissue to produce a new circulating amount of the new autophagy chemical, causing fresh autophagy and renewal at the living human; these likely would benefit from localization to create beneficial differences in concentration and action at different cytes and tissues;

Along with heightening cytoplasmic autophagy like effect enzymes, periodic production of autophagy as algorithmically activated with a completely beneficial physiochemical that accumulates (epithalon, thymosin, likely a variety of things, possibly even beneficially heightened circulating omega 3 DHA from accumulation of DHA from endogenous production), there is also periodic, quantitatively measured as beneficial to longevity, wellness, and healthspan, triggering of mitochondria to zap cytes, causing leukocytes to absorb them.

New to me autophagy longevity technologies: Another possibility is a periodic genetic activation of the production of a non-autoimmune activating production of antigens at the surface of cytes, possibly those at the 40th percentile or less of cyte and tissue youthfulness, where the percentile is an experimentally quantified causative function at wellness and healthspan; this could possibly be quantified with mRNA transcript production’s deviation from a beneficial range (reminds me of engineering tolerance, the 2nd standard deviation at the non-preferred side of the distribution) Periodic activation of the beneficial new form of autophagy could be linked to the accumulation of a physiologically beneficial chemical (epithalon, thymosin, omega 3 DHA);

New to me autophagy with high cytotype localization technology: I perceive I read about where two different receptor proteins, when both activated, caused a cyte to be exposed to a chemotherapy drug, causing fewer well cytes to be dosed with the chemotherapy; Responding to things like: At cytes that are at less than 30th percentile of wellness, longevity and healthspan heightening physiology, the translation/transcription protein generators receive instructions to make notably larger amounts of one normal type, but comparatively tissue and cyte unusual chemical, protein, or peptide transport channel, perhaps something that occurs less than 1/400th of a cytes’ external receptors or transport channels, and at perhaps less than 1 per 200 different cytotypes and tissues, it then becomes 1/20th to 1/40th of the proportion of the cytes external transport channels and receptors enumerated amount, (twenty or ten times as populous as previously), and then an transport channel optimized autophagy causing protein, peptide, or genetic effect causes autophagy at that cyte; The concentration of the autophagy causer is 40 times greater at the 30th percentile nonwell cytes than at well, wellness, longevity and healthspan functionally active cytes; Technologically it seems possible that autophagy could be tuned to to be activated when the transport protein heightened autophagy causer is above 30 times that at an unaffected cyte;

As a another supporting technology, it is possible a protein, peptide, or peptide effluxing transporter could be part of membrane accumulating cytotransport duo; at a well, longevity, wellness, and healthspan support heightening, functional cyte the transport and efflux of a particular protein, peptide or chemical from the duo, which could be spontaneously occuring at a nonmodified organism or human, would be about the same amount, they would omit accumulating the transported protein, peptide, or chemical at the cytoplasm; that would cause any autophagy activating chemicals, proteins, peptides, or gene products, to pass through well cytes above the 30th percentile causing a minimal amount at the cytoplasm of the 30th percentile of higher cyte; When the measure of the longevity functionality, wellness, and healthspan of an unwell cyte occurred it would cause the unwell cyte to make large numbers of the harmless chemical cytotransport structure, causing it to be 40 times more prevalent at the unwell cyte; natural endogenous circulation of things that that particular transport protein transports, would reach 40 times the usual amount, causing a gene at the cyte to make an autophagy causing molecule endogenous to they cyte; another technology is to have the autophagy causing protein, peptide, or chemical that is linked to a 40 times usual amount transport protein moeity for hieghtened transport to the 1th to 30th percentile cytes, be produced at a different area of the body, perhaps from just a few gram, or even one gram area of gene therapy;

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