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sci / sci.engr / Quantum, MWI, Spin, Fronds, Mathematics.

o Quantum, MWI, Spin, Fronds, Mathematics.Joe Mardin

Subject: Quantum, MWI, Spin, Fronds, Mathematics.
From: Joe Mardin
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Subject: Quantum, MWI, Spin, Fronds, Mathematics.
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Physics things could also arise from being able to do math on the aleph numbers of the MWI and unitary MWI, like: spin-polarized lighting at dwellings or modifying the worlds most frequently occuring protein, rubisco, to have some slightly adjusted quantum effects. Or, noting magnets synchronize spin, sleep in a big magnet, not necessarily to simultaneously orient spins, perhaps to cause them to have a frequently reoccuring beneficial characteristic, or even different spins at different brain regions (note spintronics and spin chemical catalysis exist, so modifying atomic spin at the brain while you sleep, varying at different brain areas, could actually have an effect on well being and possibly wellness) Perhaps a spin polarized nucleus accumbens feels even better from daily stimulation.

(unitary MWI: does it permit modification; JY appears to make a sentient, purposed effort to modify the past; perhaps at JY’s amount of capability the belief is there that change is possible; JY utilized time-spanning techniques, which Ithinkof as a paranormal technology, so a person positioned to use a time machine who is smart enough to use it believes change is possible; notably JY also described alternative versions of earth to me, even one without an internet has describable presence of actuality in some sense; that supports a variety of universes, but could be without relevance to the physics based MWI)

Even without the geometricization, any mathematics that supports the generation of fractals using operations with or on aleph numbers could reveal a regime of predictable, semipredictable, or themed order at infinities which might also be called nonfinities (although nonfinity might mean something more encompassing of something like unitary MWI, which might be outside of, kind of bigger than, planck-length/voxel notions of infinite things that could happen at 2019AD concepts like planck length voxels and infinite analog-direction ray photons).

There might even be a statistics of a nonfinite distribution where the fractal equation treatment of the aleph numbers causes sufficient repetition, or varied repetion, of things to have bayesian effects, that is possibly the generation of “artificial priors”, or “traversable area tendencies”, to be used bayesianly, to better predict things that are more likely to occur even at a nonfinite distribution.

You could mathematically, possibly with a computer or AI as well as human thought, seek out anisotropies, that is find clusters of effect, with the math, then look for them, at a nonfinite (some various versions of infinite) distribution. Using Bayesian effects at fractal versions of aleph number formulas could be a way of finding anisotropies, that is: possibly actual nameable things, some of which might have matter or time duration, with math. This could be off-earth, like the aleph bayesian fractal thing predicts that at the “a big universe has near identical matter and energy repeats” idea I read about at Scientific American, that there is a distribution of how near the big area repeats are to each other, and sometimes at a nonfinite distribution they are very near and even overlap, even if not that often, With aleph number statistics equations, physicists could search the observable universe, at whatever extent the observations they technologically make occur, for numerically predictable “big area” near-location overlaps and then find some. People that lived at the statistically likely infrequent big area overlaps might be less than a light year from their duplicate planets and duplicate selves. They could communicate with light.

Finding and predicting anisotropies at a nonfinite distribution, possibly with MWI aware and optimizing value based actions, could also be at different size regimes like , and,although I have no reason to think it would work: visualize a fern, what if using minute energy furling or unfurling the eentsiest frond caused all the self-similar fronds to furlor unfurl. Mechanisms that do something like the frondmotion effect could be described mathematically, then the nonfinite MWI distribution math software screened or a human-conceptually realizes ways, to find, at either the existing pre-branch universe, or MWI branch groups or trees that when considered together sequentially, have producible anisotropic concentrations that do the fern frond motion effect. That would be finding new areas of eentsy-change-> large beneficial effect to heighten the happiness and well being at human and other sentience’ at a larger amount or proportion of MWI universes; amplification at human existence as well asthe sciences like physics.
With MWI functional mathematics that can find anisotropies at a nonfinite distribution, software, or also possibly humans, could chart a course through different anisotropic clusters that promote well being at particular durations. metaphorically humans could go from Santa Barbara to Malibu, wheras without the technology they might have gone from vancouver to stockholm.

Thinking on the eentsy fern frond that adjust the entire fern: perhaps such a thing could even be physically constructed a little like an amplifying pantograph, although gear ratio energies come to mind, although there could be nifty springs; an optical version seems very possible as the energy required to furl/unfurl the littlest frond is eentsy with photons; relatedto optical: A CCD or photomultiplier tube seems like an optical near eentsy unfurl and unfurl technology; also this seems to differ mildly from op amps and transistors and ladders of diode voltage doublers connected in networks. Noting that a quantity of these eentsy unfurler-like things already exist, finding new instances of them at math that is used to guide people, and find new things, at the MWI creates new capabilities of benefit amplification, and possibly new technologyizable physics, chemistry, biology, and popular everyday object technologies.

It seems like at 2019AD a human would be part of the realization and application, but the MWI math software might note a doubling of anisotropic durable areas when data velocities go up ten times. The human could then think, “yay benefitting people and all of the possible MWI futures (branches), I will think of a way to transmit data that is ten times faster, noting the aleph number math being functional at equation software says there are much larger numbers of beneficial anisotropies produced at a large majority of MWI universes; pleasantly Inotice this would also be beneficial at my branch universe.”

The math might be used to look at networks, and transport of all objects, and might predict it would find an anisotropy span and duration improvement that could also be an optimality increaser at motor vehicles; if everybody had two vehicles, they would use the more optimal one, increasing system optimality and individual benefit, the equations of nonfinite MWI distributions qauntify this as about one third”
The human might then think of an idea like: suggest that giving away your car be extensively advertised. The MWI effect of more people getting complimentary vehicles could cause the better of two or more vehicles to actually be utilized, thus improving the experience of driving and being beneficial to the environment. It is majority upside as people, even with advertising, are unlikely to give away their only vehicle, but at least some people would then have the more optimal two vehicles.

Functional mathematics of MWI guidance have benefit.

This could also generate new technologies with like: a person or group thought the image of Doug Mackenzie at the new canadian coin’s image was a drag, so we made some MWI universes, or branch generation technologies, that are toroidal 3 dimensional aleph-equivalent, thus have a non-MWI gap in the middle, reducing the quantity of universes that are without our preferred image of maple syrup on the canadian coin.

Enumerating MWI and figuring out what I as a human, that is a person, one of a group of people, to ethically do based on the possibility that MWI is true: At this moment I do not even know if, noting the outcomes of throwing a spoon in the air, the spoon landing right side up, upside down, or standing up vertically, might each be/are all nonfinite, so the spoon landing vertical, possibly being nonfinite at a quantity of universes happens just as much as the other two. Geometricization of aleph numbers to make nonfinite distributions (like distributions of effect at, and producing of branch universes) adressablle with equations andthentechnologyizable addresses which areas of anisotropy favor vertical spoons.

It is possible that many 20th century AD observation sort of finds itself in a homogenous stretch (anistropic concentration or cluster) at what is actually a nonfinite equiweighted distribution (somewhere at the MWI distribution, or other nonfinite distributions, there are a few million spoon landing vertical events, consecutively) so perhaps a geometric expansion restatement of math on aleph numbers might bring comprehendability of MWI effects of actual human actions to humans; people could produce pre-branch universe benefit (pre branch universe: the universe a 20th century AD person would think of as “where they live”) as well as all the MWI branch universes

Bunching of tendencies at a nonfinite or noticeably big, MWI or unitary MWI: Anisotropic distributions (bunching) of outcomes; If something is nonfinite (infinite) and you representit with a number, then it will have nonfinite number or repetitions of the number 300 in a row. Also you would find areas at the digit length that treated as ascii numerals, said anything anyone ever previously said.

Using the word Bunch as a way of saying mathematical region of anisotropy, among the anisotropies, possible chronologically durable anisotropy as well as width of span of effect are described as bunch, like something bunched up so it is concentrated and more prominent than the background. You would also find anisotropic bunches of things that follow from each other with math word:logic, and areas where any math word:logic setup would be resolved/answered with a nonsequitor. So there could be bunch unexpectedness. At a nonfinite distribution bunches could make more bunches happen; I perceive there were hints that MWI is responsive to the components and makeup of any pre-branched universe. I perceive they think unitary MWI stands outside directable variation.

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