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sci / sci.engr / Spintronics, Electromagnetic Waves, Feasibility, Technology

o Spintronics, Electromagnetic Waves, Feasibility, TechnologyJoe Mardin

Subject: Spintronics, Electromagnetic Waves, Feasibility, Technology
From: Joe Mardin
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Subject: Spintronics, Electromagnetic Waves, Feasibility, Technology
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Research that if corrobarated with more studies and controlled for coastal effects and metaanalysis, says something like: “States with higher taxes and more government expenditures tend to have lower mortality rates among middle-aged Americans, according to new research published in PLOS One.. An increase of one percentage point in state tax burden was associated with about a six percent reduction in mortality.” But the thing is how much lower mortality is produced; I have libertarian tendencies it could be that prescriptionless metformin, and development of new longevity drugs,which could be velocitized with less government regulation, could actually be an order or even orders of magnitude greater benefit to wellness, healthspan as well as longevity. Also, lower mortality amoung the middle aged could concentrate around things like vehicle accidents or cancer.

This says beneficial sleep is linked to 1/3 the cardiovascular problem(s), at stressed employed people, which strongly suggests I do things that cause unintterupted restful sleep; I read about sleep hygeine, perhaps I should see if that is effective.
Work stress and impaired sleep are linked to a threefold higher risk of cardiovascular death in employees with hypertension. The study included 1,959 hypertensive workers aged 25-65, without cardiovascular disease or diabetes.. It also says of just sleep effect, “those with only poor sleep had a 1.8-times higher risk”
“Sleep treatment can include:
Stimulus control therapy: training to associate the bed/bedroom with sleep and set a consistent sleep-wake schedule.
Relaxation training: progressive muscle relaxation, and reducing intrusive thoughts at bedtime that interfere with sleep.
Sleep restriction therapy: curtailing the period in bed to the time spent asleep, thereby inducing mild sleep deprivation, then lengthening sleep time..
Paradoxical intention therapy: remaining passively awake and avoiding any effort (i.e. intention) to fall asleep, thereby eliminating anxiety.”
Possibly zero drugs in the middle of the night could improve sleep as well. Tryptophan supplement might be beneficial as well. Probiotic that makes tryptophan, particularly a well engineered probiotic that just makes tryptophan in the evening, could be a harmless cardiobeneficial sleeping pill.

This makes me wonder if ambien, which might be bad for people’s brain might cause less cardiovascular disease; not a technology, just typing things.

A study online says that plump 7 year olds have greater risk of feeling nonoptimal when they reach 11 years old; that suggests a children’s diet pill could improve the lives of children; pediatric metformin is one beneficial thing where research supports metformin producing weight loss. Also, make a bunch of chemical variants of metformin and find out if any have weight loss effects greater than metformin’s ANother possibility, that would benefit from research, which might already exist, as to if ADD treating stimulants cause two simultaneous benefits to children: Heightened focus, and possibly higher school achievement among the mentally well (non ADD) population as well as beneficial weight loss and possibly mood lifting at the 7-11 year olds that are feeling nonoptimal. It is my perception that stimulant ADD medication is well tolerated among children.

Technology: magnetic coated wires could improve motor and generator efficiency is a possible new-to-me application of, “the scientists observed a quantum effect revealing the potential to control certain qualities of the metal’s magnetism by spinning electrons one direction or another.” … “Magnetic damping is responsible for the various qualities of a magnetic field engineers use to turn metal alloys into storage devices, drive magnetic motors, and operate certain kinds of braking devices. “ Noting that charge flows at the surface of wires, could magnetic coatings, noting magnets have macroscale organized spin, and magnets have the ability to induce particular spins in things near them, cause some improvement to the magnetic effects of wire winding, like those in electric motors, or power plant generators, or does the really big magnetic field produced at a motor or generator override the effect of a thin coating of supermagnet (like Neoydium Iron Boron) on wire, right at the surface where the electrons flow? Or, is it a square of the distance thing where the field from the coating is so intense at the top 100 atoms or the like (the especially conductive part) of a wire such that the general magnetic field produced at the motor or generator winding is actually orders of magnitude lower, being a macroscopic ambience, than that of the magnetic wire coating, and thus the macroscopic motor/generator is less effecting of the spin at the outer layer of the electrical wire, causing magnet coated wires to have novel beneficial function.

I may have previously written about applying spintronic to catalysts, if not, that could be a technology where the catalyst is at a magnetic field or laser illuminated; I may have even seen an entire university study group that does this.

Nifty thought: warmth is like low grade IR, can some kinds of warmth or low grade IR synchronize orientation of spins at a material? Possibly at material depth, as IR would be generated throughout the bulk of a warm material. I think I read about something like “coherent warmth” (Economist magazine possibly) so that internal IR/coherent warmth radiation might, like a laser, orient spins; this might have spintronic benefits as well; possibly spintronic warmth could effect catalysts at bulk application without application of external magnetic fields or laser illumination. My perception is that warmth usually stochasticizes spins (warmth zaps magnets) but coherent warmth, or IR emission at the interior of a material might have a spintronic effect. One thing notes that EM/photon fields spin is linked to circular polarization: “In addition, light can carry an intrinsic angular momentum, called spin, that is proportional to the degree of circular polarization (helicity), and aligned with the propagation direction.” That is not looking compatible with IR or even coherent warmth spintronics, unless, like the way almost anything will forms swirls or vortices, or possibly even eddy currents at actual materials.

If I were a physicist I might immediately know if the bulk size (wavelength) of a circularly polarized (spintronics spin carrying) wave could be big, and possibly spintronic effects at large chunks of actual material; spintronic effects at the type of radiation, like 1mm microwave, might carry and impart customized spin at big 1mm or larger objects. It seems possible. One possibility is circularly polarized/spintronic producing microwaves improving catalysts, chemical reactions, or increasing or customizing chemical reaction yield at seperate products (like they a making a particular chemical, but the reaction produces three chemicals; Big 1mm microwave spintronics/catalysis/some other thing then effects the amounts of which chemicals are produced at a chemical reaction)

Noting there are people, scientists and technologists, on the internet that link spintronics to catalysis perhaps an electric spintronic vehicle catalytic converter might be possible; notably many things would be cheaper than precious metal catalysts

Nifty thought: evanescent wave producing structures might transport, distribute, or couple spintronics effects at two or more materials; I read two prisms slightly apart can share photons as an evansecent wave effect (I read about two wax prisms affecting microwaves with an amazing 1mm gap non-optical path between the wax prisms), so can spin effects travel as evansecent waves across actual air or vacuum gaps between materials? I just read that evanescent waves can have spin, “Researchers found that evanescent waves carry momentum and spin components that are orthogonal to the direction of wave propagation. Moreover, the transverse spin turns out to be independent of polarization and helicity, while the transverse momentum is proportional to the wave helicity”
New-to-me spintronic chemistry could be effected at millimeter or greater distances if evanescent spintronics is possible. novel catalysis at/from container walls imparting spin to chemicals as well as catalysts at the sides of a container which have something analogous to evanescent wave gap-passing energy; the spin customization magnets or lasers or some other thing would be on the exterior of the chemical container while using evanescent wave effects to do spintronics on the stuff in the container. There is a slight chance that bubble trays at petroleum refining could have some shape where the spintronic catalyst effect is evanescent-wave stimulated from photons or magnetics or some other thing at the interior of the bubble tray. The spintronic stuff migrates through the surface of the tray as an evansecent wave.

Mathematics is nifty, “light can carry an intrinsic angular momentum, called spin, that is proportional to the degree of circular polarization (helicity)” is an actual observed 3d+t effect, noting there is math of things like 4d hyperspheres, it seems like there is likely math of 4d helicity; would that carry even more information than electron/photon spin or have novel effects/characteristics? It seems possible to use math to predict what those novel effects of 4D helicity would be and then search for them at actual matter or energy materials. Noting that DQCE affects the t of 3d+t it is possible that a 4th dimensional effect of some kind could be found with the math of higher dimensionality at polarization of waves, among them circularly polarized waves. Another nifty math thing is whether waves and polarizations have different things like automatic nodality (like a circumference of a sphere might be nonself-interacting and absent automatic nodality, but a circumference on a blobby maxi pad (solid saddle curve) might automatically generate nodes or antinodes; along with different nodality there could be “size prescribes characteristics thing” or group of effects at different math shapes, like at a torus, or that wobbly thing that is not a sphere; sort of like along with the actual wavelength of the radiation/light travelling at it as amth thing, the diameter of the torus would impart a new defined thing about light or other energy “because it has to fit on the different simultaneous things at a torus”; the torus, unlike the sphere, having two or three different ways to have a circle wrapped around a diameter (circle the top of the torus with your finger; make the OK finger thing around the tube of the torus, and also the smaller diameter circle at the core of the torus), another math shape with a 4d version could be anything with “curl” like water spinning in a glass or a vortex, or even the U shaped two connected vortexes at a distance from each other I saw at a youtube video where a person made one moving a plate in water;
Technology applications of these things are: compared to a sphere model, at a torus there would be more intinsic separable states or characteristics at an actual physical material; magnetisim arises from chunks of spins, so chunks full of inner torus diameter actual optimized materials could be different from those materials optimized for outer torus circumference; there could even be materials modelled and created around the ration of inner and outer diameters at a torus; at a curl/vortex/ U or n shaped twin vortex there could be say the distance between the distal parts of the n shaped vortex as a modelled and created actual material characteristic.

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