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sci / sci.engr / AEDG Delivery and Snack Ideas

o AEDG Delivery and Snack IdeasJoe Mardin

Subject: AEDG Delivery and Snack Ideas
From: Joe Mardin
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Subject: AEDG Delivery and Snack Ideas
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Biopolymers like prebiotic fiber transparent gels, starches, and other biopolymers are soaked in AEDG, and dried, their core remains dry and much of the peptide is shielded from aqueous environment and digestion until reaching the intestines. There microorganisms treat the fibers or gel like prebiotics digest the fibers emitting the AEDG. Alkaline pH and having the biopolymer be purposefully positively or negatively charged like an electret could benefit both shielding and dissolving or prebiotic emission of AEDG. Also, a hydrophobic AEDG emulsion could be used to saturate the fibers, so it would be a dry lipid soaked core.

• An AEDG as well as other peptide or protein drug transporter: something like DMSO that transports things through the skin but is different because it only goes 1 or 2 mm deep; it is easy to say “diethyl or dipropyl sulfoxide” although it is possible that works. The idea is that transporting a drug only 1 or 2 mm deep, but not further, basically places what previously was a transdermal applique application or effect under the skin, where it does not come off and might have characterizable dosing effect. Similarly, liposomes that only go 1 or 2 mm deep are a possible drug delivery technology: Magnetic liposomes exist, they could be pushed through the dermis causing a depth attaining effect only when the magnet is applied. It is also possible that lasers could drive 1-2 mm dermal transport photochemistry that causes an active drug linked to the photoactive transport molecule to diffuse at light-adjustable depth at the dermis; lipophilic to hydrophilic illumination changeable molecules could be a form; a photoactivatable zwitterion could be a form, or a drug molecule linked to a e- charge changing molecule could be a form: I perceive there are many photoactive e- GRAS molecules, among them: chlorophyll, rhodopsin, and the version of vitamin D that uses UV to change into an active form. The active drug could be attached to the light driven molecule with an endogenously available body enzyme degradeable linker molecule, ATP, or polyATP that separates the active drug from the photomigrating molecule.

• It is possible that as AEDG is only four amino acids long that yeast or yogurt bacteria could be bred purposefully to produce it; I perceive yeast and bacteria secrete peptides, to their media as well as harbored endogenously at the microorganism, to make AEDG at a microorganism with breeding: the existing highest amount of mg per volume produced peptide that is secreted that the organism produces, at possibly 4-7 amino acids long could be the high volume secretion or endogenous cytoplasm peptide to modify to produce AEDG; exposing a microrganism to a mutagen like UV then screening a bunch of microarray culture plates to find those that had replaced the first of their already produced, high volume secreted peptides’ amino acids to be alanine (The A in AEDG), then reculturing those at a new array of microarray culture plates, exposing to a mutagen until the next amino acid produced was an E, then continue cycling until D and G were produced in the sequence AEDG is a way to do this. I also favor directly genetically engineering AEDG of an orally available form like salmon calcitonin linked AEDG to be in a common deliciousness enhanced plant or even a weed species.

• Previously described is a transparent michael reaction (henna effect) chemical reaction with keratin at dermis (notably at beauty peptides and sunsceen) which causes much longer lasting dosing, this could be used with the nanogram doses of AEDG, if nanogram dosing is quantitatively measured as heightening wellness and producing greater longevity.

Chewels and white chocolate as AEDG snacks, noting that .5 to 250 units of AEDG activity is published as beneficial, if you eat 10 candy treats or 5000 candy treats you are ok. Also once every few months (human AEDG dosing every 6 months at one study) you get to eat more candy, and knowing it is beneficial to you, many food concerns might be ignored. You could even click on “get a subscription and twice a year you get chewels and white chocolate as you prefer” online.
Chewels are yummy fluid centered gum; they squirt in your mouth when you chew on them. They could be filled with an AEDG shielding emulsion at hydrolyzed or dry fiber or variously a biopolymer (beta glucans or starch, artificial microtapioca); The spurty gelid delicious chewels flavor experience contains 5 mg of AEDG each, so two chewels three times a day.

At one published study on AEDG (where the human dose is described) it describes 10mg three times a day for ten or twenty days, and then 6 months between sessions. That is 300 to 600 mg per AEDG treatment unit. At 1 mg per white chocolate treat you get to eat three groups of ten white chocolate treats a day, the thing is if you eat 40 treats a day you are still at the effective beneficial dose range (.5 to 250 units) for AEDG and get to eat lots of treats.

There is published literature on orally available peptides. It is possible the technologies that make a particular variation on vasopressin causes 75 times more absorption at double strength could be utilized at AEDG, “Modifications of individual amino acids combined with the substitution of one more L-amino acid with D-amino acids can significantly alter physiological properties. This was demonstrated by vasopressin analogs 1-deamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin (DDAVP) and [Val4, D-Arg8], arginine-vasopressin (dVDAVP), hereafter called desmopressin and deaminovasopressin, respectively. While the former involves deamination of the first amino acid and replacement of the last L-arginine with D-arginine, the latter also has the fourth amino acid changed to valine. While the natural vasopressin is orally active in the water-loaded rat at large doses, desmopressin is twice as active at the 75th fraction of the dose, which is attributed to enhanced membrane permeation and enzymatic stability. Desmopressin absorption was shown to be passive and by the paracellular route across the rat jejunum and site dependent in rabbits. Whether the chemical modification alters the transport pathway, however, remains to be unknown”

A plurality of technologies I have thought of utilize enzymatically dividable linker molecules, sometimes between an active drug and a transporter molecule. At some areas like cytoplasm applications like making multiparallel molecule transport versions of a drug I perceive value; Some other applications like peptide and protein drugs, among them AEDG, may benefit from highly affordable, mass consumable, thrifty to manufacture drug emitting systems. AEDG Soaked fibers or an emulsion that separates at a higher pH part of the intestines could be more value effective to manufacture as compared with a sequentially reacted peptide-enzymatically dividable linker-salmon calcitonin molecule.

At peptide transport, shielding from stomach acid, an edible biopolymer like beta glucans, starch, or hydrolyzed fiber could be advantageous. pre-colon intestines are higher pH and have bacteria that treats some kinds of fiber as prebiotic nutrients. These bacteria soften and ingest the fiber releasing the AEDG from the dry or lipid emulsion soaked core area at the intestines.

Along with the quantifiable AEDG emission of dry core fibers is the emulsion technology. edible oil or other gooey lipid is pressed into the fiber, reaching the dry core, which is now a hydrophobic oily drug transporting core. with AEDG absorbed onto biopolymers or prebiotic fibers or even hydrolyzed fiber , with or without an emulsion, which emits 1 to 3 mg of dose for each 3 mg of AEDG and absorbed at the gi tract after it gets prebiotically digested and emulsified at the intestines, separating the lipid from the biopolymer (like beta glucans or starch or fiber gel) that the AEDG is adsorbed on causes the AEDG to desorb from the biopolymer surface.
Also, it is my perception that biopolymers can be positively or negatively charged, causing the AEDG to cling to them rather than diffuse and agitate out from peristalsis.

It seems kind of direct, but AEDG soaked biopolymer, perhaps actual fiber similar to the transparent fiber in existing human fiber supplements, such that the core of the fiber is dry or lipid emulsion aqueous contact reduced has emittable AEDG unexposed to stomach contents, could release the AEDG when bacteria digest the fiber, prebiotic style.

The fibers could be made at various diameters if AEDG is quantitatively measured as being its most effective, longevizing, and wellness producing at a steady plasma curve: a few sizes of diameters of fibers would make some prebioticized and emitted rapidly while others would emit AEDG hours later.

AEDG Soaked fibers or an emulsion that separates at a higher pH part of the intestines could be value effective to manufacture as compared with a sequentially reacted peptide-enzymatically dividable linker-salmon calcitonin molecule. I have read that attaching a peptide to salmon calcitonin produces effective oral delivery of peptide drugs. There is also an oral form of vasopressin available.

AEDG dosing at about 9.2-18.4 cents annually: A thing of generic multivitamins is near $7, a 2019 AD guide to people’s value point. So what is the actual manufacturing $ to produce an AEDG tetrapeptide dose sequence: It is possible it is about 4 to 8 cents. Online collagen peptides are $43 for 20 oz., very similar to a number of drug peptides, are $8.95 per 100 grams, so 8.95 cents a gram, and each twice annual dose is 300 to 600 mg, so about 2.6 to 5.3 cents for the actual AEDG at the product, or less than 11 cents a year. Note, even if four times the AEDG is used to produce a unit dose, from absorption, reaction with intestineal contents, and other amount of drug that reaches the circulatory system effects that is near 21 cents a year for the active ingredient. Making the varied diameter fibers that are prebioticized, and are soaked with pH and time release AEDG it is plausible that filter paper is a value model; At some amount of quality, that is near $1 for 100 grams. So that is 1 cent a gram, and if each dose of AEDG occupies a fortieth of the mass of the prebioticized fiber then 300-600 mg becomes 12 to 24 grams of fiber for each semiannual dose or 2 to 4 cents for the prebioticized fiber per AEDG dose sequence.
At manufacture then, a full AEDG dose sequence is 4.6 to 9.2 cents to manufacture. Twice annually that is 9.2 to 18.4 cents year. Noting that generic multivitamins are near $7, the earnings is 38-76 times higher than how much $ to produce the product.

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