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sci / sci.econ / AskUser module raising questions about robot economy ruiing Earth

o AskUser module raising questions about robot economy ruiing EarthA.T. Murray

Subject: AskUser module raising questions about robot economy ruiing Earth
From: A.T. Murray
Newsgroups: sci.econ
Date: Mon, 15 May 2023 22:37 UTC
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Subject: AskUser module raising questions about robot economy ruiing Earth
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If intelligent robots step in to rescue the precious planet Earth from its imminent destruction by irresponsible human beings, there may no longer be such a thing as democracy. Robot society may be like a giant monolith with a supreme Overmind governing all the co-operative robots working together for the common good.

Compared to our current American society, where the wealthy one percent entrench themselves with ever-increasing riches passed on from generation to generation with fewer and fewer limitations, Earth with robots running the show looks like a garden of Eden.

Mentifex here confesses that I don't really know what I am talking about. Along with my study of foreign languages in college, I earnedtwenty-five credits in economics until I could go no further due to ignorance of mathematics.

Today at Project Mentifex we have released our TikTok AI video #59 at

which describes the -- mind module as follows.

"Our open-source software for Artificial General Intelligence has several modalities for thinking in English, or German, or Russian, or ancient Latin. These modalities include the indicative mood, the imperative mood and a primitive form of interrogative mood expressed in the AskUser module. We wrote the original code for AskUser before we even created separate mind-modules for separate moods. We needed AskUser for the AGI Minds to request input from a human user. These first AGI Minds were created by Arthur Murray, who served in the U.S. Army as a Nuclear Weapons Electronics Specialist. If you work in a secret or open AI lab, you might volunteer to flesh out an Interrogative mind-module that will subordinate the functions of the AskUser module to the Volition module."

For more discussion consider the ideas of the AI experts. -- calls Twitter a time drain; -- a known trafficker in ideas; -- tweets about Mentif*x; -- Lasciate Ogni Speranza.


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