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sci / / [Leps-l] BBC news politics and butterflies

o [Leps-l] BBC news politics and butterfliesNeil Jones

Subject: [Leps-l] BBC news politics and butterflies
From: Neil Jones
Organization: None
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2021 18:16 UTC
From: (Neil Jones)
Subject: [Leps-l] BBC news politics and butterflies
Date: 30 Apr 2021 11:16:07 -0700
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This is an example of how here in  the UK wildlife conservation is
starting to be taken seriously by political parties.

There may be things to be learned here about politicians and nature that
can be used elsewhere.

I live in Wales, which is one of the constituent nations of the UK. The
others are England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Wales has its own parliament called the Senedd. The double DD is a
voiced TH sound like in This and The but not in Thick or Thin. Wales has
its own language and the reason we use DD for this sound is to do with
the complicated Celtic grammar of the language. We have elections to the
Senedd next Thursday which will elect our representatives for the next 5
years and importantly most environmental legislation is controlled in
Wales, with the parliament in London having no say in it at all.

The BBC produces news programs for Wales and there is a midday bulletin.
I wasn't surprised to see that nature was being taken seriously by
politicians, because as a conservationist I've been on a number of Zoom
meetings with them pressing them to take nature seriously recently. 
However I was pleasantly surprised to see the lead item on yesterday's 
midday news was about the politics of  nature and the Senedd illustrated
by work on a butterfly.

You will also notice in the introduction that they've used Monarchs to
illustrate it. Only one has blue wings!

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