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BOFH excuse #91: Mouse chewed through power cable

sci / / [Leps-l] Cuba and Its Fantastic Biodiversity - ABF Forum Zoom Meeting Tonight 2/22 at 7 pm (CST)

* [Leps-l] Cuba and Its Fantastic Biodiversity - ABF Forum Zoom Meeting Tonight 2/Mike Quinn
+* [Leps-l] Cuba and Its Fantastic Biodiversity - ABF Forum Zoom Meeting Tonight 2/Neil Jones
|`- Re: [Leps-l] Cuba and Its Fantastic Biodiversity - ABF Forum Zoom Meeting TonighMike Quinn
`- [Leps-l] Cuba and Its Fantastic Biodiversity - Marc Minno Zoom presentation for Mike Quinn

Subject: [Leps-l] Cuba and Its Fantastic Biodiversity - ABF Forum Zoom Meeting Tonight 2/22 at 7 pm (CST)
From: Mike Quinn
Organization: None
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2021 17:14 UTC
References: 1
Attachments: "Mogotes Cuba Vinales Valley June 2014 LR.jpg" (image/jpeg), "PC Phoebis avellaneda M Cuba Sierra de Chorillo Jun 11 2012 7903 LR.jpg" (image/jpeg), "P Parides gundlachianus Cuba Granma Prov Turquino Natl Park Nov 16 2016 0711 LR.jpg" (image/jpeg), unnamed (text/plain)
From: (Mike Quinn)
Subject: [Leps-l] Cuba and Its Fantastic Biodiversity - ABF Forum Zoom
Meeting Tonight 2/22 at 7 pm (CST)
Date: 22 Feb 2021 09:14:17 -0800
Organization: None
Lines: 11599
Message-ID: <>
References: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="===============7512187525914396411=="
NNTP-Posting-Date: 22 Feb 2021 17:14:18 GMT
X-Received-Bytes: 900669
View all headers


Most of Austin is still recovering from last week's historic winter storm
(140-170 hrs below freezing in Travis Co.!), so this month's Austin
Butterfly Forum presentation on Cuba and it's butterflies by Marc Minno
should be a most welcome diversion!

This Zoom meeting is open to all! Please click this link to start joining
in at 6:30 pm (Central Time) tonight, February 22. Meeting will start at
this link for next month's March 22 Zoom meeting.)
(Note: This link has been checked (and rechecked), but if you have any
problems logging in, please contact me at or text at

*Exploring a Tropical Paradise: Cuba and Its Fantastic Biodiversity, *presented
by Marc C. Minno, Ph.D.

Since 2011, I have been working with volunteers and Cuban scientists to
explore Cuba's extraordinary natural areas, document flora and fauna, and
assess the conservation needs of the rarest butterflies. Cuba has some
plant communities that are similar to those in South Florida including
mangrove swamps, freshwater marshes, and dry tropical forests, but others
have no equivalent such as savannas, scrubs, and pinelands on serpentine
soils, moist tropical forests in the mountains, and arid, rocky shrublands.
The island is one of the world's biodiversity hotspots with many endemic
plants and animals. At least 210 different kinds of butterflies have been
reported from Cuba and about 40% are unique to the island. Butterflies are
often good at dispersing and there is exchange with Mexico, Hispaniola,
south Florida, and other widely separated places. This presentation will
give an overview of Cuban culture, landscapes, and biodiversity.
Bio: Dr. Minno has a Ph.D. in zoology and more than 30 years of
professional experience as an interdisciplinary scientist. He is currently
a Water Resource Coordinator with the Suwannee River Water Management
District in Live Oak, Florida. Marc and Maria Minno also work on plant and
butterfly projects throughout Florida via Eco-Cognizant, Inc., their
home-based consulting business. In addition to his many years of experience
with wetlands, Dr. Minno is keenly interested in conservation biology and
has conducted field research throughout the US and in Central America,
South America, Caribbean, Europe, and India. Since 2011 Dr. Minno has been
working with biologists in Cuba to better understand the ecological
relationships of imperiled butterflies in southern Florida. He has
authored/ coauthored six books and six book chapters on butterflies and

[image: Mogotes Cuba Vinales Valley June 2014 LR.jpg]

[image: PC Phoebis avellaneda M Cuba Sierra de Chorillo Jun 11 2012 7903

[image: P Parides gundlachianus Cuba Granma Prov Turquino Natl Park Nov 16
2016 0711 LR.jpg]

The Zoom meeting link is also on our Austin Butterfly Forum
<> website and our Butterfly Forum Facebook
Page <>.

Please share this invitation with anyone you think might be interested!

Our March 22 zoom meeting will be on the conservation of the Manfreda Giant
Skipper by Marianna Trevino-Wright. Executive Director, National Butterfly

To ensure notices of future meetings, please join our club:
Mike Quinn, vice president, programs
Austin Butterfly Forum
512-577-0250 - cell

Attachments:  ,  ,  , unnamed (text/plain)
Subject: [Leps-l] Cuba and Its Fantastic Biodiversity - ABF Forum Zoom Meeting Tonight 2/22 at 7 pm (CST)
From: Neil Jones
Organization: None
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2021 17:31 UTC
References: 1
From: (Neil Jones)
Subject: [Leps-l] Cuba and Its Fantastic Biodiversity - ABF Forum Zoom
Meeting Tonight 2/22 at 7 pm (CST)
Date: 22 Feb 2021 09:31:13 -0800
Organization: None
Lines: 11712
Message-ID: <>
References: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="===============4102416786822801457=="
NNTP-Posting-Date: 22 Feb 2021 17:31:18 GMT
View all headers

​It sounds like a wonderful talk. Is there any prospect of it being recorded and put online? 7:00 Central Time is actually 1 AM over here. Im not sure I could stay awake!

Neil Jones

ON 17:13, 22ND FEB 2021, MIKE QUINN WROTE:


Most of Austin is still recovering from last weeks historic winter storm (140-170 hrs below freezing in Travis Co.!), so this months Austin Butterfly Forum presentation on Cuba and its butterflies by Marc Minno should be a most welcome diversion!

This Zoom meeting is open to all! Please click this link to start joining in at 6:30 pm (Central Time) tonight, February 22. Meeting will start at 7:00. [1] (Save this link for next months March 22 Zoom meeting.)

(Note: This link has been checked (and rechecked), but if you have any problems logging in, please contact me at [2] or text at 512-577-0250)


Since 2011, I have been working with volunteers and Cuban scientists to explore Cubas extraordinary natural areas, document flora and fauna, and assess the conservation needs of the rarest butterflies. Cuba has some plant communities that are similar to those in South Florida including mangrove swamps, freshwater marshes, and dry tropical forests, but others have no equivalent such as savannas, scrubs, and pinelands on serpentine soils, moist tropical forests in the mountains, and arid, rocky shrublands. The island is one of the worlds biodiversity hotspots with many endemic plants and animals. At least 210 different kinds of butterflies have been reported from Cuba and about 40% are unique to the island. Butterflies are often good at dispersing and there is exchange with Mexico, Hispaniola, south Florida, and other widely separated places. This presentation will give an overview of Cuban culture, landscapes, and biodiversity.
Bio: Dr. Minno has a Ph.D. in zoology and more than 30 years of professional experience as an interdisciplinary scientist. He is currently a Water Resource Coordinator with the Suwannee River Water Management District in Live Oak, Florida. Marc and Maria Minno also work on plant and butterfly projects throughout Florida via Eco-Cognizant, Inc., their home-based consulting business. In addition to his many years of experience with wetlands, Dr. Minno is keenly interested in conservation biology and has conducted field research throughout the US and in Central America, South America, Caribbean, Europe, and India. Since 2011 Dr. Minno has been working with biologists in Cuba to better understand the ecological relationships of imperiled butterflies in southern Florida. He has authored/ coauthored six books and six book chapters on butterflies and plants.
The Zoom meeting link is also on our Austin Butterfly Forum [3] website and our Butterfly Forum Facebook Page [4]..

Please share this invitation with anyone you think might be interested!

Our March 22 zoom meeting will be on the conservation of the Manfreda Giant Skipper by Marianna Trevino-Wright. Executive Director, National Butterfly Center

To ensure notices of future meetings, please join our club: [5]
Mike Quinn, vice president, programs

Austin Butterfly Forum [6]

512-577-0250 - cell


Subject: Re: [Leps-l] Cuba and Its Fantastic Biodiversity - ABF Forum Zoom Meeting Tonight 2/22 at 7 pm (CST)
From: Mike Quinn
Organization: None
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2021 17:34 UTC
References: 1 2
Attachments: "Mogotes Cuba Vinales Valley June 2014 LR-8a359.jpg" (image/jpeg), "PC Phoebis avellaneda M Cuba Sierra de Chorillo Jun 11 2012 7903 LR-3b45d.jpg" (image/jpeg), "P Parides gundlachianus Cuba Granma Prov Turquino Natl Park Nov 16 2016 0711 LR-7d3fe.jpg" (image/jpeg), unnamed (text/plain)
From: (Mike Quinn)
Subject: Re: [Leps-l] Cuba and Its Fantastic Biodiversity - ABF Forum Zoom
Meeting Tonight 2/22 at 7 pm (CST)
Date: 22 Feb 2021 09:34:56 -0800
Organization: None
Lines: 11686
Message-ID: <>
References: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="===============4364037362976274323=="
NNTP-Posting-Date: 22 Feb 2021 17:34:56 GMT
X-Received-Bytes: 902273
View all headers

Neil, All,

Yes!! Marc has given us permission to record his presentation so we’re all
set to do so. I should be able to post the link by tomorrow.

(I thought to mention this just after hitting send naturally!)

Mike in Texas

On Mon, Feb 22, 2021 at 11:30 AM Neil Jones <> wrote:

> ​
> ​It sounds like a wonderful talk. Is there any prospect of it being
> recorded and put online? 7:00 Central Time is actually 1 AM over here. I'm
> not sure I could stay awake!
> Neil Jones
> ​
> ​
> *On 17:13, 22nd Feb 2021, Mike Quinn wrote:*
> ​
> Greetings!
> Most of Austin is still recovering from last week's historic winter storm
> (140-170 hrs below freezing in Travis Co.!), so this month's Austin
> Butterfly Forum presentation on Cuba and it's butterflies by Marc Minno
> should be a most welcome diversion!
> This Zoom meeting is open to all! Please click this link to start joining
> in at 6:30 pm (Central Time) tonight, February 22. Meeting will start at
> 7:00.
> <> (Save
> this link for next month's March 22 Zoom meeting.)
> (Note: This link has been checked (and rechecked), but if you have any
> problems logging in, please contact me at
> <http:///webmail/compose?to[]> or text at 512-577-0250)
> *Exploring a Tropical Paradise: Cuba and Its Fantastic Biodiversity,* presented
> by Marc C. Minno, Ph.D.
> Since 2011, I have been working with volunteers and Cuban scientists to
> explore Cuba's extraordinary natural areas, document flora and fauna, and
> assess the conservation needs of the rarest butterflies. Cuba has some
> plant communities that are similar to those in South Florida including
> mangrove swamps, freshwater marshes, and dry tropical forests, but others
> have no equivalent such as savannas, scrubs, and pinelands on serpentine
> soils, moist tropical forests in the mountains, and arid, rocky shrublands.
> The island is one of the world's biodiversity hotspots with many endemic
> plants and animals. At least 210 different kinds of butterflies have been
> reported from Cuba and about 40% are unique to the island. Butterflies are
> often good at dispersing and there is exchange with Mexico, Hispaniola,
> south Florida, and other widely separated places. This presentation will
> give an overview of Cuban culture, landscapes, and biodiversity.
> Bio: Dr. Minno has a Ph.D. in zoology and more than 30 years of
> professional experience as an interdisciplinary scientist. He is currently
> a Water Resource Coordinator with the Suwannee River Water Management
> District in Live Oak, Florida. Marc and Maria Minno also work on plant and
> butterfly projects throughout Florida via Eco-Cognizant, Inc., their
> home-based consulting business. In addition to his many years of experience
> with wetlands, Dr. Minno is keenly interested in conservation biology and
> has conducted field research throughout the US and in Central America,
> South America, Caribbean, Europe, and India. Since 2011 Dr. Minno has been
> working with biologists in Cuba to better understand the ecological
> relationships of imperiled butterflies in southern Florida. He has
> authored/ coauthored six books and six book chapters on butterflies and
> plants.[image: Mogotes Cuba Vinales Valley June 2014 LR.jpg]
> [image: PC Phoebis avellaneda M Cuba Sierra de Chorillo Jun 11 2012 7903
> LR.jpg]
> [image: P Parides gundlachianus Cuba Granma Prov Turquino Natl Park Nov 16
> 2016 0711 LR.jpg]
> The Zoom meeting link is also on our Austin Butterfly Forum
> <> website and our Butterfly Forum Facebook
> Page <>.
> Please share this invitation with anyone you think might be interested!
> Our March 22 zoom meeting will be on the conservation of the Manfreda
> Giant Skipper by Marianna Trevino-Wright. Executive Director, National
> Butterfly Center
> To ensure notices of future meetings, please join our club:
> Mike Quinn, vice president, programs
> Austin Butterfly Forum
> <http:///webmail/compose?to[]>
> 512-577-0250 - cell
Sent from Gmail Mobile

Attachments:  ,  ,  , unnamed (text/plain)
Subject: [Leps-l] Cuba and Its Fantastic Biodiversity - Marc Minno Zoom presentation for the ABF Forum
From: Mike Quinn
Organization: None
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2021 19:25 UTC
References: 1 2
Attachments: unnamed (text/plain)
From: (Mike Quinn)
Subject: [Leps-l] Cuba and Its Fantastic Biodiversity - Marc Minno Zoom
presentation for the ABF Forum
Date: 25 Feb 2021 11:25:12 -0800
Organization: None
Lines: 241
Message-ID: <>
References: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="===============0751401770827619954=="
NNTP-Posting-Date: 25 Feb 2021 19:25:12 GMT
X-Received-Bytes: 14721
View all headers

<>Dear Listserv Folks,

I failed to record the first ~10 minutes of Marc Minno's great
presentation. You can view the recording here:


Passcode: YYKTGx5$

Here are the links to our Austin Butterfly Forum
<> website and our Butterfly Forum Facebook
Page <>.


Mike Quinn, Austin
Texas Entomology

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Mike Quinn <>
Date: Mon, Feb 22, 2021 at 11:13 AM
Subject: Cuba and Its Fantastic Biodiversity - ABF Forum Zoom Meeting
Tonight 2/22 at 7 pm (CST)
To: TXBL <>, Leps-L <>,


Most of Austin is still recovering from last week's historic winter storm
(140-170 hrs below freezing in Travis Co.!), so this month's Austin
Butterfly Forum presentation on Cuba and it's butterflies by Marc Minno
should be a most welcome diversion!

This Zoom meeting is open to all! Please click this link to start joining
in at 6:30 pm (Central Time) tonight, February 22. Meeting will start at
this link for next month's March 22 Zoom meeting.)
(Note: This link has been checked (and rechecked), but if you have any
problems logging in, please contact me at or text at

*Exploring a Tropical Paradise: Cuba and Its Fantastic Biodiversity, *presented
by Marc C. Minno, Ph.D.

Since 2011, I have been working with volunteers and Cuban scientists to
explore Cuba's extraordinary natural areas, document flora and fauna, and
assess the conservation needs of the rarest butterflies. Cuba has some
plant communities that are similar to those in South Florida including
mangrove swamps, freshwater marshes, and dry tropical forests, but others
have no equivalent such as savannas, scrubs, and pinelands on serpentine
soils, moist tropical forests in the mountains, and arid, rocky shrublands.
The island is one of the world's biodiversity hotspots with many endemic
plants and animals. At least 210 different kinds of butterflies have been
reported from Cuba and about 40% are unique to the island. Butterflies are
often good at dispersing and there is exchange with Mexico, Hispaniola,
south Florida, and other widely separated places. This presentation will
give an overview of Cuban culture, landscapes, and biodiversity.
Bio: Dr. Minno has a Ph.D. in zoology and more than 30 years of
professional experience as an interdisciplinary scientist. He is currently
a Water Resource Coordinator with the Suwannee River Water Management
District in Live Oak, Florida. Marc and Maria Minno also work on plant and
butterfly projects throughout Florida via Eco-Cognizant, Inc., their
home-based consulting business. In addition to his many years of experience
with wetlands, Dr. Minno is keenly interested in conservation biology and
has conducted field research throughout the US and in Central America,
South America, Caribbean, Europe, and India. Since 2011 Dr. Minno has been
working with biologists in Cuba to better understand the ecological
relationships of imperiled butterflies in southern Florida. He has
authored/ coauthored six books and six book chapters on butterflies and

The Zoom meeting link is also on our Austin Butterfly Forum
<> website and our Butterfly Forum Facebook
Page <>.

Please share this invitation with anyone you think might be interested!

Our March 22 zoom meeting will be on the conservation of the Manfreda Giant
Skipper by Marianna Trevino-Wright. Executive Director, National Butterfly

To ensure notices of future meetings, please join our club:
Mike Quinn, vice president, programs
Austin Butterfly Forum
512-577-0250 - cell

Attachments: unnamed (text/plain)

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