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sci / sci.astro.amateur / Re: SAROS CYCLE: PTOLEMY MODEL | Amazing maths and experiments | Eclipses disprove the globe earth model

* SAROS CYCLE: PTOLEMY MODEL | Amazing maths and experiments | Eclipses disprove tSaros Cycle
+* Re: SAROS CYCLE: PTOLEMY MODEL | Amazing maths and experiments | Eclipses disproMartin Brown
|+- Re: SAROS CYCLE: PTOLEMY MODEL | Amazing maths and experiments | Eclipses disproSaros Cycle
|`- Re: SAROS CYCLE: PTOLEMY MODEL | Amazing maths and experiments | Eclipses disproSaros Cycle
`- More “flat earth” drivel that is supposedly “proven” by a pointless videoBob Campbell

Subject: SAROS CYCLE: PTOLEMY MODEL | Amazing maths and experiments | Eclipses disprove the globe earth model
From: Saros Cycle
Newsgroups: alt.astronomy, sci.astro, sci.astro.amateur
Organization: To protect and to server
Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2023 09:31 UTC
From: 18@11.8 (Saros Cycle)
Newsgroups: alt.astronomy,sci.astro,sci.astro.amateur
Subject: SAROS CYCLE: PTOLEMY MODEL | Amazing maths and experiments |
Eclipses disprove the globe earth model
Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2023 04:31:33 -0500
Organization: To protect and to server
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The Ptolemaic model is correct and proves a perfect symmetry to all the
orbits of the planets that is clearly not random.

NASA has /never/ used the heliocentric model to predict eclipses. NASA
uses the ancient Babylonian Saros Cycle and Ptolemaic geocentric model
to predict eclipses. NASA even admits that it is impossible to predict
eclipses using the heliocentric globe model. In other words, the
heliocentric model does not reflect reality while the ancient Ptolemaic
and Saros Cycle models /do/ reflect reality.

This video is the most scientific astronomy video ever created. If you
think you know astronomy based on the heliocentric model, then this
video will prove your woefully ignorant of real astronomy.

Repeat: The Ptolemaic model proves that the universe has perfect
symmetry that indicates a clear DESIGN that you can see with your own
eyes. It is painfully clear that the movements of celestial bodies
follow a consistent, unwavering geometric pattern that is impossible to
have occurred randomly. The retrograde motions of the planets all
correlate with each other precisely to the microsecond for thousands of
years, forming a repeating pattern that never varies in the slightest.

Eclipses prove the modern globe earth model is totally wrong. NASA and
other sources are intentionally lying to you about cosmology.

See some real science and maths in action instead of fake NASA CGI.

The expected baseless suppositions, name-calling and character
assassination by self-inflated retards will be summarily ignored. We are
real scientists. We do experiments and mathematics rather than
regurgitating unproven theories given by authority figures.

Subject: Re: SAROS CYCLE: PTOLEMY MODEL | Amazing maths and experiments | Eclipses disprove the globe earth model
From: Martin Brown
Newsgroups: alt.astronomy, sci.astro, sci.astro.amateur
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2023 12:26 UTC
References: 1
From: '''newspam''' (Martin Brown)
Newsgroups: alt.astronomy,sci.astro,sci.astro.amateur
Subject: Re: SAROS CYCLE: PTOLEMY MODEL | Amazing maths and experiments |
Eclipses disprove the globe earth model
Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2023 13:26:00 +0100
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 09/09/2023 10:31, Saros Cycle wrote:
> The Ptolemaic model is correct and proves a perfect symmetry to all the
> orbits of the planets that is clearly not random.

You are even more deranged than Kelleher.

All of the accurate eclipse predictions are based on the heliocentric
model and have been ever since Ferdinand Verbiest (a Flanders Jesuit
monk in China used the heretical book containing Rudolphine tables to
defeat the lazy Chinese astronomers at their own game).

His life in China is quite fascinating and sheds a lot of light on
medieval manufacturing techniques since the Chinese documented and made
wood block prints of how he did various things (including cannon
boring). The odd cannon has turned up in the Far East with "Verbeist
fecit" on it! Many of the prints survive and some wood blocks too.

He had a bit of a rocky start initially and very nearly ended up dead!

We know a great deal about building a precision medieval observatory
from the wood block prints of his exploits. He rebuilt the Beijing
observatory and also it is said made the emperor a steam driven toy car!'s_'car'

Martin Brown

Subject: More “flat earth” drivel that is supposedly “proven” by a pointless video
From: Bob Campbell
Newsgroups: alt.astronomy, sci.astro, sci.astro.amateur
Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2023 18:05 UTC
References: 1
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Newsgroups: alt.astronomy,sci.astro,sci.astro.amateur
Subject: More “flat earth” drivel that is supposedly “proven” by a pointless video
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From: nunya@none.none (Bob Campbell)
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Date: Sat, 09 Sep 2023 18:05:03 +0000
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Saros Cycle <18@11.8> wrote:

A bunch of nonsense. The only thing here that is flat is your brain.

Subject: Re: SAROS CYCLE: PTOLEMY MODEL | Amazing maths and experiments | Eclipses disprove the globe earth model
From: Saros Cycle
Newsgroups: alt.astronomy, sci.astro, sci.astro.amateur
Organization: To protect and to server
Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2023 22:30 UTC
References: 1 2 3
From: 18@11.8 (Saros Cycle)
Newsgroups: alt.astronomy,sci.astro,sci.astro.amateur
Subject: Re: SAROS CYCLE: PTOLEMY MODEL | Amazing maths and experiments |
Eclipses disprove the globe earth model
Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2023 17:30:17 -0500
Organization: To protect and to server
Message-ID: <udirbq$231nt$>
References: <udhdnm$20p98$>
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On Sat, 9 Sep 2023 08:22:46 -0700 (PDT)
Kym Horsell <> wrote:

The video they want to distract from is the point of this thread ->
original video link ->

Below is explained the tactics being used to misdirect the discussion.

> Again, not really necessary to know how
> gravity works. Just that it works. :)

You and your cult can't explain what 'grabbity' is or even how it
works, yet demand blind obedience to the doctrine, or else you will
call them 'cranks' or 'insane' which is just your choice of words for
'heretic' or 'apostate' or 'infidel'.

This is not scientific method. It is religion.

You are not a scientist. You are a cultist.

Your opinion is worthless. You are nothing and you have worms for
brains. You have not conducted any scientific experiments to verify any
of the disinformation and religious garbage that you post under banner
of 'science'. You don't do science at all. You only regurgitate
propaganda from your priests.

Your post is non-sequitur disinformation. Your response is designed to
distract from the points made in the original post and the linked video
evidence. The intent is to get other readers lost in your erroneous and
irrelevant details rather than considering and digesting the original
subject matter.

You are counting on the audience having a short attention span so they
get lost in the irrelevant name-calling and pointless details you
propose. Here is an example ->

"Technique #1 - 'FORUM SLIDING' - Although it is difficult or impossible
to censor the posting it is now lost in a sea of unrelated and unuseful
postings. By this means it becomes effective to keep the readers of the
forum reading unrelated and non-issue items."

from ->

After reading the character assasination, misdirection, distraction, and
disinformation techniques being used in these newsgroups, the careful
reader should go back to the original post in this thread and watch the
linked video to see what the disinformation artists don't want you to
know. They offer unprovable and unfalsifiable assumptions, dicta, and
circular reasonings to keep your mind busy with their fake science.

The reader should have courage to investigate and experiment. Taking
the word of 'authorities' on a matter is religion, not science. The
science, actual scientific data and observation, proves that the
heliocentric globe earth model is not reality and is disproven by
actual reality.

SAROS CYCLE: PTOLEMY MODEL | Amazing maths and experiments | Eclipses
disprove the globe earth model ->

original video link ->

Subject: Re: SAROS CYCLE: PTOLEMY MODEL | Amazing maths and experiments | Eclipses disprove the globe earth model
From: Saros Cycle
Newsgroups: alt.astronomy, sci.astro, sci.astro.amateur
Organization: To protect and to server
Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2023 22:39 UTC
References: 1 2
From: 18@11.8 (Saros Cycle)
Newsgroups: alt.astronomy,sci.astro,sci.astro.amateur
Subject: Re: SAROS CYCLE: PTOLEMY MODEL | Amazing maths and experiments |
Eclipses disprove the globe earth model
Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2023 17:39:33 -0500
Organization: To protect and to server
Message-ID: <udirt7$231nt$>
References: <udhdnm$20p98$>
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Cancel-Lock: sha256:0BSJzY2IwX8Db+qVncYKcIH+jbbhirNdHI9ZLmOSPLE=
X-TOR-Router: 2602:fc05::13
X-Notice: Filtered by postfilter v. 0.9.3
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On Sat, 9 Sep 2023 13:26:00 +0100
Martin Brown <'''newspam'''> wrote:

The video they want to distract from is the point of this thread ->
original video link ->

The subject of the thread is the linked video, not your non-sequitur
rabbit trails which you provided for distraction and misdirection.

Below is explained the tactics being used to misdirect the discussion.

> On 09/09/2023 10:31, Saros Cycle wrote:
> > The Ptolemaic model is correct and proves a perfect symmetry to all
> > the orbits of the planets that is clearly not random.
> You are even more deranged than Kelleher.

Original thread anticipated this kind of baseless response ->

"The expected baseless suppositions, name-calling and character
assassination by self-inflated retards will be summarily ignored."
> All of the accurate eclipse predictions are based on the heliocentric
> model and have been ever since Ferdinand Verbiest (a Flanders Jesuit
> monk in China used the heretical book containing Rudolphine tables
> to defeat the lazy Chinese astronomers at their own game).

Rubbish and lies. All eclipse predictions are based upon ancient Saros
Cycle and this is even admitted by NASA, with sources in the video that
you are trying to distract from with your clown-world crapbabble.
> His life in China is quite fascinating and sheds a lot of light on
> medieval manufacturing techniques since the Chinese documented and
> made wood block prints of how he did various things (including cannon
> boring). The odd cannon has turned up in the Far East with "Verbeist
> fecit" on it! Many of the prints survive and some wood blocks too.

This is all non-sequitur misdirection and distraction to prevent people
from watching the original video and the many scientific experiments
performed in the video. Wikipedia is not science, retard. Wikipedia is
a repository of political demagoguery run by intelligence spooks. A
review of any Wikipedia :talk: page for sensitive entries proves this.

Science is observe, reproduce, repeat. Everything else is religion. The
linked video demonstrates scientific experiments using the scientific
method. Your misdirection links are provided to distract from viewing
actual science being done.

> He had a bit of a rocky start initially and very nearly ended up dead!

Non-sequitur distraction information.
> We know a great deal about building a precision medieval observatory
> from the wood block prints of his exploits. He rebuilt the Beijing
> observatory and also it is said made the emperor a steam driven toy
> car!

Non-sequitur distraction information.

This is not scientific method. It is religion.

You are not a scientist. You are a cultist.

Your opinion is worthless. You are nothing and you have worms for
brains. You have not conducted any scientific experiments to verify any
of the disinformation and religious garbage that you post under banner
of 'science'. You don't do science at all. You only regurgitate
propaganda from your priests.

Your post is non-sequitur disinformation. Your response is designed to
distract from the points made in the original post and the linked video
evidence. The intent is to get other readers lost in your erroneous and
irrelevant details rather than considering and digesting the original
subject matter.

You are counting on the audience having a short attention span so they
get lost in the irrelevant name-calling and pointless details you
propose. Here is an example ->

"Technique #1 - 'FORUM SLIDING' - Although it is difficult or impossible
to censor the posting it is now lost in a sea of unrelated and unuseful
postings. By this means it becomes effective to keep the readers of the
forum reading unrelated and non-issue items."

from ->

After reading the character assasination, misdirection, distraction, and
disinformation techniques being used in these newsgroups, the careful
reader should go back to the original post in this thread and watch the
linked video to see what the disinformation artists don't want you to
know. They offer unprovable and unfalsifiable assumptions, dicta, and
circular reasonings to keep your mind busy with their fake science.

The reader should have courage to investigate and experiment. Taking
the word of 'authorities' on a matter is religion, not science. The
science, actual scientific data and observation, proves that the
heliocentric globe earth model is not reality and is disproven by
actual reality.

SAROS CYCLE: PTOLEMY MODEL | Amazing maths and experiments | Eclipses
disprove the globe earth model ->

original video link ->


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