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rocksolid / Rocksolid Nodes Help / Re: How many groups can be handled?

o Re: How many groups can be handled?Retro Guy

Subject: Re: How many groups can be handled?
From: Retro Guy
Organization: Rocksolid Light
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2024 00:06 UTC
References: 1 2 3
From: (Retro Guy)
Subject: Re: How many groups can be handled?
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2024 00:06:01 +0000
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Ray Banana wrote:

> Thus spake Retro Guy <>

>>> I read in some discussion that a huge amount created problems.
>>> Can somebody confirm/deny that?
>> I can confirm that (Ray, admin of e-s said that, and he's correct).
>> Each section is not designed to carry hundreds of groups. It's best to just pick the ones you want and serve those.
>> Break groups into sections. See
>> arts - interests - computers - sport - tech etc.

> I have the entire Big 8 available in my test installation, split into 8
> sections, plus de.*, fr.*, nl.*, pl.* and uk.* each in a separate
> section.

> In the long run, I would consider having just one section for a user's
> subscribed groups and a list of all newsgroups from which users can
> select and subscribe to the groups. This would of course require a
> completely different approach to loading overview data from the remote
> server, which currently done through static groups.txt files for each
> defined section.

I've made a change that is not really what Ray mentions (though I like his suggestion), but does clean up what a user sees.

Now you can toggle a setting in Configuration (for registered users) to Hide any groups not subscribed. To subscribe to a group, just enter the group from the Grouplist page, then it will show up in the corresponding section. Groups you don't read won't be visible.

Just click 'unsubscribe' to remove a group from your subscription list.

This is live now on (until someone says I broke everything, then I'll revert to backup, lol)

Retro Guy


rocksolid light 0.9.8
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