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Excellent day for putting Slinkies on an escalator.

rocksolid / Security / Re: DuckDuckGo equals baby Google now

* Re: DuckDuckGo equals baby Google nowOctogon
`- Re: DuckDuckGo equals baby Google nowMarc SCHAEFER

Subject: Re: DuckDuckGo equals baby Google now
From: Octogon
Organization: Mixmin
Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2022 16:39 UTC
References: 1
From: octo@go.n (Octogon)
Subject: Re: DuckDuckGo equals baby Google now
Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2022 10:39:11 -0600
Organization: Mixmin
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On 3/10/22 16:52, Anonymous wrote:
> Curious what specifically is their incentive to do this. Paid off? Gov't
> pressure? Bad decision?
> Gabriel Weinberg
> @yegg
> · 22h
> Like so many others I am sickened by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and
> the gigantic humanitarian crisis it continues to create. #StandWithUkraine️
> At DuckDuckGo, we've been rolling out search updates that down-rank
> sites associated with Russian disinformation.

You asked why they are doing this. You are not going to like the answer.
But I am going to give you the answer because you dared to ask. Most
people can't handle the answer. It is too grotesque.


All of these deep-state operatives are ROMAN CATHOLIC spies.

The Roman Catholic Church is a STATE. All the world leaders serve the POPE.

The POPE has more spies worldwide than all the spy agencies combined.

The ROMAN spies all have cover stories. They pretend to be something
they are not, like any spook does. They will pretend to be Protestant.
They will pretend to be anti-Catholic. They will pretend to be fomenting
revolution, drawing you into their revolutionary movements. They will
pretend to be Jewish malcontents (ADL) to trick you into blaming Jews
for all your problems. They love fomenting anti-semitism as a smokescreen.

All the top leaders of every government, religion, and spy agency are
agents of the ROMAN Vatican.

The FBI and CIA are always run by Roman Catholics. Look at the list of
their directors. There's even a snide joke in the intel community about
C.I.A. standing for, "Catholics In Action." J. Edgar Hoover, the first
FBI thug-in-chief was a Swiss operative working through Vatican rat lines.

This has been the case for many centuries. This is how the world REALLY
runs. Any perusal of European treaties from 1100-1783 will bear this
out. All the monarchs and aristocrats are vassals of the Pope. Modern
Democracy is just a sham that obfuscates this fact.

Donald J. Trump was educated by the Jesuits at Fordham and UPenn. He
works for this secret order of the Catholic harlot.

Joe Biden is a devout Roman Catholic.

Most Supreme Court Justices are Roman Catholics.

Anthony Fauci is a Roman Catholic Jesuit.

All of these people have their loyalty to the Pontiff of Rome. This is
why nothing ever gets any better. This is why they endlessly gaslight.
They really do not give a damn about you and they HATE you. In the cult
in which they are raised, they are taught that they have a divine
bloodline with the divine right to rule (divine right of kings) and that
the rest of you are lesser, mongrelized peasants with tainted blood, who
were created for their sport and pleasure. They really believe this
nonsense. They are insane beyond measure.

Where do you think Nazi ideology came from? A vacuum? I trow not!

In their cult the Pope is Lucifer, the light of the world.

Who does the Pope serve?

The Pope serves Pharaoh. Rome was always a vassal of the Pharaoh of
Egypt and Babylon. Pharaoh would gather up the women of the peasantry
and rape them, and raise some of the children in his house, and send
them out to other countries as diplomats, spies, etc., to infiltrate and
slowly take over other countries.

Eventually the house of Pharaoh was moved to Switzerland. Do you know
who the Pope's personal army is? THE SWISS GUARD. Who is neutral in
every war? SWITZERLAND. Why? Because the house of Pharaoh, in
Switzerland, orchestrates all the wars with his sock puppets, like Putin
and Biden. Putin's kids go to schools in Switzerland.

The seven presidents of Switzerland are the direct Generals of Pharaoh.

Pharaoh is the Swiss banker beast, and the Roman Church is the whore
that rides the beast. Notice the EU currency with the woman riding the

The aristocracy of ancient Babylon and Egypt moved to Switzerland during
the invasion of the Templars. The Templars were Babylonian and Egyptian
mass-murderers. They exterminated the original Germanic population of
Switzerland in a series of bloody purges.

In time, all the aristocrats and monarchs of the nations were replaced
with Pharaoh's relatives. They instituted the satanic doctrine of the
divine right of kings, all kings loyal to the Templar Pharaoh, AKA
"Fuhrer." German Fuhrer means the same as Egyptian
Pharaoh--torch-bearer, thus 'leader' through the dark night.

Lucifer claims to be the 'light.' Freemason slogan is, "... in search of
more light ..."

All the secret societies, from Freemasons, to Illuminati, to all the
Catholic orders, answer to the Swiss Pharaoh house in Switzerland.

SWIZERLAND in their own tongue is SUISSE. It is a compound word: SUE or
SVE + ISSE and means, SISTERS OF ISIS. This is in reference to the
Egyptian pantheon, of the Egyptian mystery religion.

All important elections everywhere have always been fraudulent and
rigged. You're just now seeing it because the Templars are trying to
foment rebellion and civil war as a pretext to crack down.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

The Pope is the front man, so your eyes are on him, instead of on the
wizards behind the curtain. Your national leaders or rulers are just
front men so your eyes are on them instead of the real decision-makers.

That's Gabriel Weinberg's incentive. The witch is part of the cabal. The
cabal that rules you is a religious cult, and a blood-letting death
cult. Your rulers are all monsters.

Subject: Re: DuckDuckGo equals baby Google now
Organization: Posted through
Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2022 16:51 UTC
References: 1 2
From: (Marc SCHAEFER)
Subject: Re: DuckDuckGo equals baby Google now
Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2022 16:51:15 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: Posted through
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Octogon <octo@go.n> wrote:
> This is just the tip of the iceberg.



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