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rocksolid / News / Re: The French Olympics are full of ugliness

* The French Olympics are full of uglinessBYDbro
+- Re: The French Olympics are full of uglinessMarco
`* Re: The French Olympics are full of uglinessBorax Man
 `* Re: The French Olympics are full of uglinessRetro Guy
  `* Re: The French Olympics are full of uglinessBorax Man
   `* Re: The French Olympics are full of uglinessRetro Guy
    `* Re: The French Olympics are full of uglinessBorax Man
     `* Re: The French Olympics are full of uglinessRetro Guy
      `- Re: The French Olympics are full of uglinessBorax Man

Subject: The French Olympics are full of ugliness
From: BYDbro
Organization: novaBBS
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 03:14 UTC
From: (BYDbro)
Subject: The French Olympics are full of ugliness
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 03:14:19 +0000
Organization: novaBBS
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France, Paris, high temperatures, the Olympic Games have revealed a
scene of poverty, the Olympic Village has no air conditioning, poor
food, and too little meat. Athletes can't sleep or eat well. no way out!
The Chinese Olympic team comes with 345 mobile air conditioners and

Subject: Re: The French Olympics are full of ugliness
From: Marco
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 13:24 UTC
References: 1
From: (Marco)
Subject: Re: The French Olympics are full of ugliness
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 15:24:44 +0200
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Cancel-Lock: sha1:YtD+iQjIfs81gYMSW8rcMFUHtrA=
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On 18.07.2024 um 03:14 Uhr BYDbro wrote:

> France, Paris, high temperatures, the Olympic Games have revealed a
> scene of poverty, the Olympic Village has no air conditioning, poor
> food, and too little meat. Athletes can't sleep or eat well. no way
> out! The Chinese Olympic team comes with 345 mobile air conditioners
> and chefs.

I don't care about all that. Normal people also don't have air
conditioning in Germany and are still alive...

kind regards

Send spam to

Subject: Re: The French Olympics are full of ugliness
From: Borax Man
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2024 11:08 UTC
References: 1
From: (Borax Man)
Subject: Re: The French Olympics are full of ugliness
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2024 11:08:43 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 13
Message-ID: <slrnvb1clq.7s0.rotflol2@geidiprime.bvh>
References: <>
Injection-Date: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 13:08:43 +0200 (CEST)
Injection-Info:; posting-host="1fdab4aba80cbe4cbdb64a4542664d83";
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User-Agent: slrn/1.0.3 (Linux)
Cancel-Lock: sha1:3fabgFL3VIPzxN2r5bZFPwzb2i8=
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On 2024-07-18, BYDbro <> wrote:
> France, Paris, high temperatures, the Olympic Games have revealed a
> scene of poverty, the Olympic Village has no air conditioning, poor
> food, and too little meat. Athletes can't sleep or eat well. no way out!
> The Chinese Olympic team comes with 345 mobile air conditioners and
> chefs.

I remember my trip to Paris, shortly before the 2005 race riots. I
stayed where the riots were, and just missed them. Can't say I was
surprised to see the riots, Paris has an ugly underside. I was shocked
by how, "third world" it looked outside of the tourist areas.

Sad and depressing.

Subject: Re: The French Olympics are full of ugliness
From: Retro Guy
Organization: Rocksolid Light
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2024 11:50 UTC
References: 1 2
From: (Retro Guy)
Subject: Re: The French Olympics are full of ugliness
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2024 04:50:01 -0700
Organization: Rocksolid Light
Message-ID: <f3615d19367bb7f8c2a136de2f530da7$>
References: <> <slrnvb1clq.7s0.rotflol2@geidiprime.bvh>
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X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 4.0.0
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On Mon, 5 Aug 2024 11:08:43 -0000 (UTC), Borax Man wrote:

> On 2024-07-18, BYDbro <> wrote:
>> France, Paris, high temperatures, the Olympic Games have revealed a
>> scene of poverty, the Olympic Village has no air conditioning, poor
>> food, and too little meat. Athletes can't sleep or eat well. no way out!
>> The Chinese Olympic team comes with 345 mobile air conditioners and
>> chefs.
> I remember my trip to Paris, shortly before the 2005 race riots. I
> stayed where the riots were, and just missed them. Can't say I was
> surprised to see the riots, Paris has an ugly underside. I was shocked
> by how, "third world" it looked outside of the tourist areas.
> Sad and depressing.

What France appears to have become certainly is. I say appears, since I
haven't been there to find out personally.

I did work and stay in France in the late 90s (in Montmirail), and went
backc and forth to Paris a bit while living there. I can say that I
certainly enjoyed that time, and France was nice to me.

Subject: Re: The French Olympics are full of ugliness
From: Borax Man
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2024 11:56 UTC
References: 1 2 3
From: (Borax Man)
Subject: Re: The French Olympics are full of ugliness
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2024 11:56:59 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 28
Message-ID: <slrnvb43sb.h2t.rotflol2@geidiprime.bvh>
References: <>
Injection-Date: Tue, 06 Aug 2024 13:56:59 +0200 (CEST)
Injection-Info:; posting-host="ec6e2bc943517f1168e33c60c011ec78";
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User-Agent: slrn/1.0.3 (Linux)
Cancel-Lock: sha1:g2TrvTgkGyX9vLUUY8GJavhAkds=
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On 2024-08-05, Retro Guy <> wrote:
> On Mon, 5 Aug 2024 11:08:43 -0000 (UTC), Borax Man wrote:
>> On 2024-07-18, BYDbro <> wrote:
>>> France, Paris, high temperatures, the Olympic Games have revealed a
>>> scene of poverty, the Olympic Village has no air conditioning, poor
>>> food, and too little meat. Athletes can't sleep or eat well. no way out!
>>> The Chinese Olympic team comes with 345 mobile air conditioners and
>>> chefs.
>> I remember my trip to Paris, shortly before the 2005 race riots. I
>> stayed where the riots were, and just missed them. Can't say I was
>> surprised to see the riots, Paris has an ugly underside. I was shocked
>> by how, "third world" it looked outside of the tourist areas.
>> Sad and depressing.
> What France appears to have become certainly is. I say appears, since I
> haven't been there to find out personally.
> I did work and stay in France in the late 90s (in Montmirail), and went
> backc and forth to Paris a bit while living there. I can say that I
> certainly enjoyed that time, and France was nice to me.

Whereabouts is Montmirail? I stayed in Paris about a week on holiday.
I went to Marseille as well, and that was an eye-opener. I'm from
Australia, and we don't have the kind of problems and change, and
influence from other countries that I saw in Western Europe.

Subject: Re: The French Olympics are full of ugliness
From: Retro Guy
Organization: Rocksolid Light
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2024 12:33 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4
From: (Retro Guy)
Subject: Re: The French Olympics are full of ugliness
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2024 05:33:19 -0700
Organization: Rocksolid Light
Message-ID: <7b26bac71e5f27dedd486c2bbc3d5e18$>
References: <> <slrnvb1clq.7s0.rotflol2@geidiprime.bvh> <f3615d19367bb7f8c2a136de2f530da7$> <slrnvb43sb.h2t.rotflol2@geidiprime.bvh>
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logging-data="1651950"; mail-complaints-to="";
User-Agent: 40tude_Dialog/
X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 4.0.0
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On Tue, 6 Aug 2024 11:56:59 -0000 (UTC), Borax Man wrote:

> On 2024-08-05, Retro Guy <> wrote:
>> On Mon, 5 Aug 2024 11:08:43 -0000 (UTC), Borax Man wrote:
>>> On 2024-07-18, BYDbro <> wrote:
>>>> France, Paris, high temperatures, the Olympic Games have revealed a
>>>> scene of poverty, the Olympic Village has no air conditioning, poor
>>>> food, and too little meat. Athletes can't sleep or eat well. no way out!
>>>> The Chinese Olympic team comes with 345 mobile air conditioners and
>>>> chefs.
>>> I remember my trip to Paris, shortly before the 2005 race riots. I
>>> stayed where the riots were, and just missed them. Can't say I was
>>> surprised to see the riots, Paris has an ugly underside. I was shocked
>>> by how, "third world" it looked outside of the tourist areas.
>>> Sad and depressing.
>> What France appears to have become certainly is. I say appears, since I
>> haven't been there to find out personally.
>> I did work and stay in France in the late 90s (in Montmirail), and went
>> backc and forth to Paris a bit while living there. I can say that I
>> certainly enjoyed that time, and France was nice to me.
> Whereabouts is Montmirail? I stayed in Paris about a week on holiday.
> I went to Marseille as well, and that was an eye-opener. I'm from
> Australia, and we don't have the kind of problems and change, and
> influence from other countries that I saw in Western Europe.

It's been 25 years so I don't remember exactly. I "lived" (stayed) for a
few months in an old hotel run by an older couple. They were very nice and
constantly brought me new food to try :) I was working for Axon' at the

When did you go to Marseille? From what I gather, France is quite different
from when I worked there, but I only know from media the changes. I hope
you had a good time :)

My wife is Australian, from Sydney (Castle Hill). I've been very fortunate
in life to travel all over the world, and we met there in early 2000s. Now
she lives here (in U.S.). I prefer Australian girls, they tell you what you
need to hear :)

Subject: Re: The French Olympics are full of ugliness
From: Borax Man
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2024 09:49 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5
From: (Borax Man)
Subject: Re: The French Olympics are full of ugliness
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2024 09:49:02 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 55
Message-ID: <slrnvb954e.2m9u.rotflol2@geidiprime.bvh>
References: <>
Injection-Date: Thu, 08 Aug 2024 11:49:03 +0200 (CEST)
Injection-Info:; posting-host="f958f73e6edcdc7087f7230e0adbbc05";
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User-Agent: slrn/1.0.3 (Linux)
Cancel-Lock: sha1:tBB6dJzrnUh+1G2NInwO2WDGc3E=
View all headers

On 2024-08-06, Retro Guy <> wrote:
> On Tue, 6 Aug 2024 11:56:59 -0000 (UTC), Borax Man wrote:
>> On 2024-08-05, Retro Guy <> wrote:
>>> On Mon, 5 Aug 2024 11:08:43 -0000 (UTC), Borax Man wrote:
>>>> On 2024-07-18, BYDbro <> wrote:
>>>>> France, Paris, high temperatures, the Olympic Games have revealed a
>>>>> scene of poverty, the Olympic Village has no air conditioning, poor
>>>>> food, and too little meat. Athletes can't sleep or eat well. no way out!
>>>>> The Chinese Olympic team comes with 345 mobile air conditioners and
>>>>> chefs.
>>>> I remember my trip to Paris, shortly before the 2005 race riots. I
>>>> stayed where the riots were, and just missed them. Can't say I was
>>>> surprised to see the riots, Paris has an ugly underside. I was shocked
>>>> by how, "third world" it looked outside of the tourist areas.
>>>> Sad and depressing.
>>> What France appears to have become certainly is. I say appears, since I
>>> haven't been there to find out personally.
>>> I did work and stay in France in the late 90s (in Montmirail), and went
>>> backc and forth to Paris a bit while living there. I can say that I
>>> certainly enjoyed that time, and France was nice to me.
>> Whereabouts is Montmirail? I stayed in Paris about a week on holiday.
>> I went to Marseille as well, and that was an eye-opener. I'm from
>> Australia, and we don't have the kind of problems and change, and
>> influence from other countries that I saw in Western Europe.
> It's been 25 years so I don't remember exactly. I "lived" (stayed) for a
> few months in an old hotel run by an older couple. They were very nice and
> constantly brought me new food to try :) I was working for Axon' at the
> time.
> When did you go to Marseille? From what I gather, France is quite different
> from when I worked there, but I only know from media the changes. I hope
> you had a good time :)
> My wife is Australian, from Sydney (Castle Hill). I've been very fortunate
> in life to travel all over the world, and we met there in early 2000s. Now
> she lives here (in U.S.). I prefer Australian girls, they tell you what you
> need to hear :)

I went to France in 2005, was there I think in June or early July.
France must be very different to how it used to be because what I saw
wasn't France, it was another country with French buildings.

But then, many cities have changed drastically within a decade or two.
My own home city, if you look at video of Melbourne city centre even as
late as the early 90s, you'll see a VASTLY different city in terms of
people to what you will see of you walk down today. For a population to
change, so drastically, so quickly, is actually incredible.

Subject: Re: The French Olympics are full of ugliness
From: Retro Guy
Organization: Rocksolid Light
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2024 11:30 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6
From: (Retro Guy)
Subject: Re: The French Olympics are full of ugliness
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2024 04:30:47 -0700
Organization: Rocksolid Light
Message-ID: <560acdb12fa862d202b16fda74282009$>
References: <> <slrnvb1clq.7s0.rotflol2@geidiprime.bvh> <f3615d19367bb7f8c2a136de2f530da7$> <slrnvb43sb.h2t.rotflol2@geidiprime.bvh> <7b26bac71e5f27dedd486c2bbc3d5e18$> <slrnvb954e.2m9u.rotflol2@geidiprime.bvh>
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User-Agent: 40tude_Dialog/
X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 4.0.0
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On Thu, 8 Aug 2024 09:49:02 -0000 (UTC), Borax Man wrote:

> On 2024-08-06, Retro Guy <> wrote:
>> On Tue, 6 Aug 2024 11:56:59 -0000 (UTC), Borax Man wrote:
>>> On 2024-08-05, Retro Guy <> wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 5 Aug 2024 11:08:43 -0000 (UTC), Borax Man wrote:
>>>>> On 2024-07-18, BYDbro <> wrote:
>>>>>> France, Paris, high temperatures, the Olympic Games have revealed a
>>>>>> scene of poverty, the Olympic Village has no air conditioning, poor
>>>>>> food, and too little meat. Athletes can't sleep or eat well. no way out!
>>>>>> The Chinese Olympic team comes with 345 mobile air conditioners and
>>>>>> chefs.
>>>>> I remember my trip to Paris, shortly before the 2005 race riots. I
>>>>> stayed where the riots were, and just missed them. Can't say I was
>>>>> surprised to see the riots, Paris has an ugly underside. I was shocked
>>>>> by how, "third world" it looked outside of the tourist areas.
>>>>> Sad and depressing.
>>>> What France appears to have become certainly is. I say appears, since I
>>>> haven't been there to find out personally.
>>>> I did work and stay in France in the late 90s (in Montmirail), and went
>>>> backc and forth to Paris a bit while living there. I can say that I
>>>> certainly enjoyed that time, and France was nice to me.
>>> Whereabouts is Montmirail? I stayed in Paris about a week on holiday.
>>> I went to Marseille as well, and that was an eye-opener. I'm from
>>> Australia, and we don't have the kind of problems and change, and
>>> influence from other countries that I saw in Western Europe.
>> It's been 25 years so I don't remember exactly. I "lived" (stayed) for a
>> few months in an old hotel run by an older couple. They were very nice and
>> constantly brought me new food to try :) I was working for Axon' at the
>> time.
>> When did you go to Marseille? From what I gather, France is quite different
>> from when I worked there, but I only know from media the changes. I hope
>> you had a good time :)
>> My wife is Australian, from Sydney (Castle Hill). I've been very fortunate
>> in life to travel all over the world, and we met there in early 2000s. Now
>> she lives here (in U.S.). I prefer Australian girls, they tell you what you
>> need to hear :)
> I went to France in 2005, was there I think in June or early July.
> France must be very different to how it used to be because what I saw
> wasn't France, it was another country with French buildings.
> But then, many cities have changed drastically within a decade or two.
> My own home city, if you look at video of Melbourne city centre even as
> late as the early 90s, you'll see a VASTLY different city in terms of
> people to what you will see of you walk down today. For a population to
> change, so drastically, so quickly, is actually incredible.

That's sad to hear about Melbourne. I have only been to Sydney, and north
from there, never to Melbourne.

In the U.S. it's quite normal to see people of all sorts in cities, it's
the government taking groups of immigrants all at once and placing them
together in the same area that tends to cause problems. Where I live used
to be Mexico, so I grew up here in an area of mostly Hispanic and European
diversity, and it was fine, and still is.

My view has always been that legal and regulated immigration is best. I am
by no means against immigration, let's just know who is coming in, and
regulate the flow in the best interests of all involved. Just opening the
tap is foolish, and Europe is proving that.

Subject: Re: The French Olympics are full of ugliness
From: Borax Man
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2024 08:23 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
From: (Borax Man)
Subject: Re: The French Olympics are full of ugliness
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2024 08:23:17 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 82
Message-ID: <slrnvbgt7l.2dd.rotflol2@geidiprime.bvh>
References: <>
Injection-Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2024 10:23:18 +0200 (CEST)
Injection-Info:; posting-host="9e3e09585323271cce9915bd950cc0ba";
logging-data="2324458"; mail-complaints-to=""; posting-account="U2FsdGVkX1/Ejl/YTB9zoW8I9qa70Ludc/PiwxzdfiY="
User-Agent: slrn/1.0.3 (Linux)
Cancel-Lock: sha1:VUOi+EeIpb9XNRENWzhybzaTKRQ=
View all headers

On 2024-08-08, Retro Guy <> wrote:
> On Thu, 8 Aug 2024 09:49:02 -0000 (UTC), Borax Man wrote:
>> On 2024-08-06, Retro Guy <> wrote:
>>> On Tue, 6 Aug 2024 11:56:59 -0000 (UTC), Borax Man wrote:
>>>> On 2024-08-05, Retro Guy <> wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, 5 Aug 2024 11:08:43 -0000 (UTC), Borax Man wrote:
>>>>>> On 2024-07-18, BYDbro <> wrote:
>>>>>>> France, Paris, high temperatures, the Olympic Games have revealed a
>>>>>>> scene of poverty, the Olympic Village has no air conditioning, poor
>>>>>>> food, and too little meat. Athletes can't sleep or eat well. no way out!
>>>>>>> The Chinese Olympic team comes with 345 mobile air conditioners and
>>>>>>> chefs.
>>>>>> I remember my trip to Paris, shortly before the 2005 race riots. I
>>>>>> stayed where the riots were, and just missed them. Can't say I was
>>>>>> surprised to see the riots, Paris has an ugly underside. I was shocked
>>>>>> by how, "third world" it looked outside of the tourist areas.
>>>>>> Sad and depressing.
>>>>> What France appears to have become certainly is. I say appears, since I
>>>>> haven't been there to find out personally.
>>>>> I did work and stay in France in the late 90s (in Montmirail), and went
>>>>> backc and forth to Paris a bit while living there. I can say that I
>>>>> certainly enjoyed that time, and France was nice to me.
>>>> Whereabouts is Montmirail? I stayed in Paris about a week on holiday.
>>>> I went to Marseille as well, and that was an eye-opener. I'm from
>>>> Australia, and we don't have the kind of problems and change, and
>>>> influence from other countries that I saw in Western Europe.
>>> It's been 25 years so I don't remember exactly. I "lived" (stayed) for a
>>> few months in an old hotel run by an older couple. They were very nice and
>>> constantly brought me new food to try :) I was working for Axon' at the
>>> time.
>>> When did you go to Marseille? From what I gather, France is quite different
>>> from when I worked there, but I only know from media the changes. I hope
>>> you had a good time :)
>>> My wife is Australian, from Sydney (Castle Hill). I've been very fortunate
>>> in life to travel all over the world, and we met there in early 2000s. Now
>>> she lives here (in U.S.). I prefer Australian girls, they tell you what you
>>> need to hear :)
>> I went to France in 2005, was there I think in June or early July.
>> France must be very different to how it used to be because what I saw
>> wasn't France, it was another country with French buildings.
>> But then, many cities have changed drastically within a decade or two.
>> My own home city, if you look at video of Melbourne city centre even as
>> late as the early 90s, you'll see a VASTLY different city in terms of
>> people to what you will see of you walk down today. For a population to
>> change, so drastically, so quickly, is actually incredible.
> That's sad to hear about Melbourne. I have only been to Sydney, and north
> from there, never to Melbourne.
> In the U.S. it's quite normal to see people of all sorts in cities, it's
> the government taking groups of immigrants all at once and placing them
> together in the same area that tends to cause problems. Where I live used
> to be Mexico, so I grew up here in an area of mostly Hispanic and European
> diversity, and it was fine, and still is.
> My view has always been that legal and regulated immigration is best. I am
> by no means against immigration, let's just know who is coming in, and
> regulate the flow in the best interests of all involved. Just opening the
> tap is foolish, and Europe is proving that.

At some point, you are going to have this problem. Fast immigration, or
slow immigration, the only difference is how long until you get to the
point where society is fractured. Australia has *drastically* changed
from legal immigration. As our border is ocean, we get few people just
marching accross the border, but legal immigration has been enough to
totally upend our society and the Australian Dream.

I'm of the view that a nation must first and foremost control its
borders for its own benefit and its own sustainability.


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