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rocksolid / Linux / How To Freeze Your Qubes 4.12 with Qubes 4.2RC4 Templates

o How To Freeze Your Qubes 4.12 with Qubes 4.2RC4 TemplatesAnonymous

Subject: How To Freeze Your Qubes 4.12 with Qubes 4.2RC4 Templates
From: Anonymous
Newsgroups: rocksolid.shared.linux
Organization: RetroBBS
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2023 18:53 UTC
From: (Anonymous)
Newsgroups: rocksolid.shared.linux
Subject: How To Freeze Your Qubes 4.12 with Qubes 4.2RC4 Templates
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2023 18:53:19 +0000
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How To Freeze Your Qubes 4.12 with Qubes 4.2RC4 Templates

If you are an experienced Qubes user behind protected hardware such as hardware firewall, server, traffic analysis etc. don't waste your time with this posting.



All of my machines except a test one are currently frozen. That means that there are not any updates or software install to Qubes dom0 or official templates. I did not give out a tricked dom0 that I use for this freeze but I did tested against a brand new install of 4.1.2 (not kernel latest). If you have the previous template posted on i2p G-deb-11 which supports a USB-GPS clock you should be hard to penetrate.

Do NOT update any of the templates or you will be pawned. If you want to do your independent test I recommend you use StandAlone VMs based on the template. WhoNix Gateway works only with disposables so you can clone your debian-11-dvm into gw17-dvm and switch the template to gw17.

The debian 12 minimal has OpenSnitch and should be used for sys-net and sys-firewall. If you have a wired connection you should DENY ALL. The teplate also has GUFW which should be set to DENY-DENY.

All the templates have no Qubes file manager which is a major flaw. The WhoNix ones have a guix pack that includes Caja. The terminal command would be /gp/opt/gnu/bin/caja
For ungoogled chromium is /gp/opt/gnu/bin/chromium --incognito --no-sandbox --proxy-server="socks5://"

To restore the templates use Qubes Restore from backup. The password is: a

If Qubes will go back to a more decent state, I will let you know. The situation is very sad out there.


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