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rocksolid / Linux / Linode vs DigitalOcean

o Linode vs DigitalOceanAnonymous

Subject: Linode vs DigitalOcean
From: Anonymous
Newsgroups: rocksolid.shared.linux
Organization: RetroBBS
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2022 09:02 UTC
From: (Anonymous)
Newsgroups: rocksolid.shared.linux
Subject: Linode vs DigitalOcean
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2022 09:02:40 +0000
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I've been using DO for years and have had no problems. It's simple and cheap. Everything seems to work fine, never had a crash that wasn't caused by me, never had an issue.

I decided it's a good idea to include Linode in some of my servers so I set one up months ago. I didn't use it right away, just let it sit. I contacted Linode to ask that they allow my to run as a mail server and they replied right away, allowed it, and were very friendly. I'm very happy with Linode's customer service for my request.

Linode has a nice web interface that makes things easy to set up and it makes sense. DO and Linode both have easy to use tools and good pricing.

The only real difference I have noticed is that the first time I rebooted my Linode server, it never came back. All my servers you standard packages via apt-get, all are latest Debian, nothing special about any of them. I've never had a problem rebooting a DO droplet, but the Linode server reboot failed and I had to use their console log in to find that it was stuck at initramfs. It seemed to be trying to mount the swap partition as '/', at least it looked that way. I tried several things then just tried another reboot from the console. The server came up fine and is running now.

Do others have any experiences with Linode that show problems like this? Is this just a one time unlucky thing that happened to me? Do others have more problems with DO than Linode? I'm asking because I don't want to drop Linode due to one issue, but so far, I'm having trouble putting too much faith in a server there as I do not have confidence at this time.

Posted on RetroBBS


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