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Time to be aggressive. Go after a tattooed Virgo.

rocksolid / Entertainment / Nix OS History

o Nix OS HistoryAnonymous

Subject: Nix OS History
From: Anonymous
Newsgroups: rocksolid.shared.entertainment
Organization: RetroBBS
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2024 01:14 UTC
From: (Anonymous)
Newsgroups: rocksolid.shared.entertainment
Subject: Nix OS History
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2024 01:14:45 +0000
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Quote: Sitting down and watching a screen is not a job, but a death

A few years before y2k it was clear that the computer world is going
down the drain and a German prophet called Klaus Knopper which was
married to a blind person called Adrien (Rocky fans parents for sure)
decided to save some great software that was developed by standards.
Linux was his best chance to save this piece of history. He wrote down
Knoppix in assembly. Even with a lot of help his work ended with a
Debian kernel. The Dutch picked up the effort with NixOS.

I'm aware of a lot of projects to save great software and I'm grateful
for RetroBBS. Originally I was attracted to Dancing Elephants for the
resemblance to the Grateful Dead stickers with dancing bears.
Coincidences... This forum is by far the most knowledgeable.


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