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rocksolid / Rocksolid Nodes Announce / account_manager script in rslight

* account_manager script in rslightRetro Guy
`- Re: account_manager script in rslightRetro Guy

Subject: account_manager script in rslight
From: Retro Guy
Newsgroups: rocksolid.nodes.announce
Organization: Rocksolid Light
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2024 07:04 UTC
From: (Retro Guy)
Newsgroups: rocksolid.nodes.announce
Subject: account_manager script in rslight
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2024 07:04:18 +0000
Organization: Rocksolid Light
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I've created a new script for rslight in

$php ./account_manager.php
-help: This help page
-version: Display version
-create: Create user account '-create username password email'
-newpass: Change user password '-newpass username newpassword'
-delete: Delete user account '-delete username'
Be careful with this. You will not be asked to confirm
Account files will be placed in a dir named 'deleted'

This should make it easier for an admin to manage accounts. I know I
find it a nuisance to need to change a user's password, create an
account manually, etc., so this script should be quite helpful.

Also, for this script, and maintenance.php, it is no longer necessary to
switch to the $webdir/spoolnews dir. This is handled automatically. You
still need to run as your web server user so files are created with
correct permissions.

Retro Guy

Subject: Re: account_manager script in rslight
From: Retro Guy
Newsgroups: rocksolid.nodes.announce
Organization: Rocksolid Light
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2024 13:35 UTC
References: 1
From: (Retro Guy)
Newsgroups: rocksolid.nodes.announce
Subject: Re: account_manager script in rslight
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2024 13:35:30 +0000
Organization: Rocksolid Light
Message-ID: <>
References: <>
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X-Rslight-Posting-User: a93aefeeff923def71455caae2dbfb277a59e046
X-Rslight-Site: $2y$10$P/EYMxMmkDj27Ly/mPw40eG5nu2uVf7ZhJyfpFrY8iWFD3L.0XbVK
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Retro Guy wrote:

> I've created a new script for rslight in
> $config_dir/scripts/account_manager.php
> $php ./account_manager.php
> -help: This help page
> -version: Display version
> -create: Create user account '-create username password email'
> -newpass: Change user password '-newpass username newpassword'
> -delete: Delete user account '-delete username'
> Be careful with this. You will not be asked to confirm
> Account files will be placed in a dir named 'deleted'
> This should make it easier for an admin to manage accounts. I know I
> find it a nuisance to need to change a user's password, create an
> account manually, etc., so this script should be quite helpful.
> Also, for this script, and maintenance.php, it is no longer necessary to
> switch to the $webdir/spoolnews dir. This is handled automatically. You
> still need to run as your web server user so files are created with
> correct permissions.

I've added a few more tasks that can be handled with

$ php ./account_manager.php

-help: This help page
-version: Display version
-create: Create user account '-create username password email'
-newpass: Change user password '-newpass username newpassword'
-newemail: Change user email '-newemail username emailaddress'
Email address will remain listed as 'verified'
Be sure to verify the address is correct
-banuser: Disable ability for user to log in '-banuser username'
This doesn't block the site, just posting and other user
-delete: Delete user account '-delete username'
Be careful with this. You will not be asked to confirm
Account files will be placed in a dir named 'deleted'

Retro Guy


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