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comp / comp.sys.mac.system / Re: Q: Why do Apple trolls know nothing about anything?

Subject: Re: Q: Why do Apple trolls know nothing about anything?
From: Andrew
Newsgroups:,, comp.sys.mac.system
Organization: BWH Usenet Archive (
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2024 03:00 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5
From: (Andrew)
Subject: Re: Q: Why do Apple trolls know nothing about anything?
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2024 03:00:19 -0000 (UTC)
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pothead wrote on Sun, 24 Nov 2024 01:49:13 -0000 (UTC) :

>> I've used all the common consumer operating systems, and I agree that the
>> Linux and Windows and Android systems give the user choice & functionality.
> Same.

Good. As I own a half dozen iPhones & iPads and as many Androids, plus
Windows and Linux (generally set up as dual boot) and I've "owned" macs but
you do not want to hear me discuss macOS for two reasons, only one of which
is that I have nothing good to say about it - but the other is that I admit
I haven't touched a mac in about two or three years so they may have
changed a lot since I last wanted to throw it out the fifth-floor window.

>> Most of what you refer to as "OS wars" are really from the Apple trolls
>> spewing (brilliant) Apple propaganda such as "it just works" lies.
> Every OS has issues.
> There is no exception.

This is true. But there's a HUGE DIFFERENCE in the user base for each.

In general... Linux users know what it is that sits on their desk.
a. They're competent.
b. Particularly the Linux users who post to Linux Usenet newsgroups.

Windows users fall into two fundamental categories
a. Users who are competent (which is most who post to Usenet ngs).
b. But there are far more Windows users who are technically clueless.

Apple users are strange people because they buy based on herd mentality.
a. Almost zero Apple users are competent for that very reason
b. Certanily none of the Apple trolls who post to Usenet are competent
c. You can tell because they only spew baseless Apple propaganda

While Apple propaganda is much like Russian propaganda where only the
ignorant parrot it back - you'll find the Apple troll who posts to Usenet
is like the Russian troll who claims Nazi Banderites are why they're in

My point is very clear that the Apple troll who posts to Usenet is not a
normal person - they're very strange herd animals who are technically
incompetent - but they're so Dunning Kruger Mount Stupid that they don't
even realize how incompetent they are because they KNOW all the Apple
propaganda - so they spit it out.

Hence... the "OS Wars" someone spoke of occur because these Apple trolls
are so technically ignorant they don't even know that Apple only fully
supports a single release - and that Apple has NEVER fully supported more
than a single release.

They don't know Apple iPhones have the smallest batteries in the industry
such that the EU told Apple that next year Apple can no longer sell an
iPhone in the EU that doesn't meet modern battery lifetime specifications.

Which almost all of Apple's current iPhones do NOT meet, by the way.

These Apple users are so clueless that they parrot Apple propaganda that
the iPhone is "safer" and yet they're clueless that no phone has more
zero-day holes than the iPhone, nor more active exploits than the iPhone.

All of this comes as a surprise to the Apple trolls who post to Usenet
simply because they are all completely incompetent technically.

That's what separates the Apple posters from the normal adults on this ng.

>> Try to get a system firewall to "just work" on an iOS device. It just
>> doesn't work. Same with Wi-Fi & cellular debugging tools. They don't work.
> The walled garden.
> Do it as Apple want or go away.

It's even worse than that since most people don't realize that the iDevice
is a "dumb terminal" since all of the nice things the Apple lovers love
about the walled garden happen on Cupertino mainframe servers.

Without logging into the mainframe, the Apple dumb terminal devices can't
do anything (they can't even message the way they like or install apps).

No other common consumer operating system requires you to log into their OS
vendor's mainframes every moment of your life just to use the device.

Just Apple.

>> Try to plug in your wired headphones to the expensive Apple gear.
>> Again, it stands no chance of working.
> Apple keeps redefining connectivity to stay one step ahead of the
> competition.
> It's getting insane.

Apple *removed* the 3.5mm jack to limit the users' choice which in the end
makes lots of money for Apple because now the users have to figure out how
to buy that lost functionality back (often using Apple products to do it).

Apple's business stratey has always been to remove functionality so that
you're restricted in your choices in how you have to buy it back.

Witness Apple never putting in the portable memory slot where if you needed
an extra 128GB of memory, you have to buy it back somehow - but you can't
just pop in a cheap $25 128GB expansion card because Apple negates the
cheap choice. Only the expensive choices remain - which is Apple's

Note how much money Apple made selling wireless chargers just by removing
the PD charger from the box - telling people it's "green" for them to have
to buy a wireless or wired) PD charger from Apple (or Amazon) instead of
getting it from the box like every other company did until Apple removed
that functionality from the box.

Apple removes functionality so that you have to buy it back, preferably
from Apple (where they'll give you all the advice you need to do that).

>> Interestingly, since I test things as a hobby, try NOT logging into your
>> Apple gear while using it every day - and two years later - like clockwork
>> Apple will unilaterally *brick* your iOS device - where you *must* waltz
>> into an Apple store to shows your government issue ID just to unlock it.
>> <> Apple requires frequent login
>> <> Some things still work
>> <> But the walled garden stops
> I have not seen this one on my watch and iPhone but I'll take your word for it.

Oh, I've tested it. For years. I have plenty of iOS devices in front of me,
as I'm running the test on a new iPad as we speak. Like clockwork, after
two years of setting up an Apple ID and NOT logging in again - Apple will
unilaterally brick your device until you physically go into an Apple store
and provide your government issue ID and prove it's you.

How's that for Apple's "privacy" propaganda?

Speaking of Apple's privacy propaganda, are you aware that it is impossible
(as of February 2023) to create a new Apple ID without setting up 2FV with
Apple and that this 2FV is forever. Yup. Forever. Only Apple forces that.

Nobody else takes your privacy like Apple does - but notice that the
(brilliant) Apple propaganda never mentions that this is a fact.

You can't even *re-use* an older phone number without providing Apple with
your identity - which proves Apple's privacy propaganda is a falsity.
*Piece of shit iOS has absolutely zero privacy for God's sake*


Don't believe me? Look at this proof taken just last week for you:

The Apple trolls are Alan Browne, Jolly Roger, Alan Baker, Alan Browne,
Chris, Haemactylus, Joerg Lorenz, Your Name, et al. who know nothing about
Apple products.

None of them realize only Apple forces you to trade your privacy for the
privilege of installing apps.
<> iPadOS 16.3.1 is available
<> 16.3.1 Update Requested
<> About 10 minutes remaining
<> Preparing Update
<> Downloaded
<> Finish Setting Up iPad
<> More for your iPad
<> Update Apple ID Settings
<> iPadOS Version 16.3.1
<> Sign in to iCloud
<> Finished Setting up iPad
<> Verifying update...

Microsoft doesn't do that.
Neither does Google.

Just Apple.

That's a fact.

>> The Apple trolls don't know any of this because they only know what Apple's
>> (rather brilliant) marketing feeds them to know (i.e., Apple propaganda).
> Sure.
> How else can they get drones camping out in front of Apple stores to get the
> latest release?
> It's all hype.

Understood. Not only are the herd animals camping out to get the "new"
device, but notice they can't wait to ditch their "old" device too!

That's why the Apple fools always scream out in glee how much "money they
made" on their tradein - the Apple user pays two to three times the value.

>> Ask the next Apple troll you run into if they're logging into the Cupertino
>> mainframe servers every single day of their lives and they'll say "no".
> I doubt they even know if they are.

Agreed. They have no idea because they've never set up an iPhone without an
Apple ID - and I have - so I know how to do that and how brain dead it is.

Do you know you can't even set up an iPad WITHOUT the Internet?

No other common consumer OS requires the Internet just to boot it up.
Just Apple.

>> This is a key reason why the "OS wars" (as you call them) occur.
>> It's like trying to tell a Russian that Ukraine did NOT attack them.
>> All the Apple trolls know is the (brilliant) propaganda Apple feeds them.
>> These ignorant Apple trolls don't actually know anything about anything.
>> That's why they dispute everything about every OS - out of sheer ignorance.
>> Ask them if they're NOT logging into Apple's mainframes every day.
>> They don't realize their Apple device is nothing more than a dumb terminal.
> Apple users are end user based to the extreme.
> They want to unbox their shiny new machine and have it on the net
> in 10 minutes or less and honestly Apple does offer that.

I don't mind that an Apple user is technically incompetent.
What I mind are the Apple trolls who post here are technically incompetent.

I've studied them since I've been on Usenet for decades and since they're
not like normal people. They're very strange. Almost like religious
zealots. They fit into five categories based on the way they post to

1. Jolly Roger <===> Lewis
2. Alan Baker <===> Joerg Lorenz
3. Haemactylus <===> Your Name <===> -hh
4. Alan Browne <===> Chris
5. nospam <===> he is in a category of his own

While they're different, all share common traits (such as being herd
animals who defend Apple products to the death, no matter what).

The main three traits they all share though are:
a. None of them owns an IQ even close to normal
b. Hence, none of them have greater than a 12th grade education
c. And as a result, they're so ignorant they know nothing about anything

*Q: Why do Apple trolls know nothing about anything?*


They dispute every fact about Apple out of their own ignorance.
If they don't know the fact - they immediately claim it's wrong.

Because Apple didn't feed that fact to them.
Who is that stupid?

I've never met, in the flesh, anyone in my life, as stupid as Apple trolls
are. But when people talk of "OS Wars", often its these Apple trolls.

o Q: Why do Apple trolls know nothing about anything?

By: Andrews on Sat, 9 Nov 2024


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