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comp / comp.sys.mac.apps / iMessage with PQ3: The new state of the art in quantum-secure messaging at scale

Subject: iMessage with PQ3: The new state of the art in quantum-secure messaging at scale
From: Jolly Roger
Newsgroups:,, comp.sys.mac.apps
Organization: People for the Ethical Treatment of Pirates
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2024 21:07 UTC
From: (Jolly Roger)
Subject: iMessage with PQ3: The new state of the art in quantum-secure
messaging at scale
Date: 21 Feb 2024 21:07:41 GMT
Organization: People for the Ethical Treatment of Pirates
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After watching the resident Apple-hating trolls get their panties
twisted about iMessage security in a recent thread here, I just noticed
Apple's announcement that iMessage is now encrypted with post-quantum
cryptographic algorithms born from the NIST competition a while back:

iMessage with PQ3: The new state of the art in quantum-secure messaging
at scale


Posted by Apple Security Engineering and Architecture (SEAR)

Today we are announcing the most significant cryptographic security
upgrade in iMessage history with the introduction of PQ3, a
groundbreaking post-quantum cryptographic protocol that advances the
state of the art of end-to-end secure messaging. With
compromise-resilient encryption and extensive defenses against even
highly sophisticated quantum attacks, PQ3 is the first messaging
protocol to reach what we call Level 3 security — providing protocol
protections that surpass those in all other widely deployed messaging
apps. To our knowledge, PQ3 has the strongest security properties of any
at-scale messaging protocol in the world.

Messaging apps are placed on a spectrum starting with classical
cryptography and progressing towards quantum security. Most apps fall
into Level 0, with no end-to-end encryption by default and no quantum
security, or Level 1, with end-to-end encryption by default, but with no
quantum security. Signal’s PQXDH protocol introduces post-quantum
security in the initial key establishment at Level 2 and iMessage with
PQ3 attains Level 3, where post-quantum cryptography is used to secure
both the initial key establishment and the ongoing message exchange.


When iMessage launched in 2011, it was the first widely available
messaging app to provide end-to-end encryption by default, and we have
significantly upgraded its cryptography over the years. We most recently
strengthened the iMessage cryptographic protocol in 2019 by switching
from RSA to Elliptic Curve cryptography (ECC), and by protecting
encryption keys on device with the Secure Enclave, making them
significantly harder to extract from a device even for the most
sophisticated adversaries. That protocol update went even further with
an additional layer of defense: a periodic rekey mechanism to provide
cryptographic self-healing even in the extremely unlikely case that a
key ever became compromised. Each of these advances were formally
verified by symbolic evaluation, a best practice that provides strong
assurances of the security of cryptographic protocols.

Historically, messaging platforms have used classical public key
cryptography, such as RSA, Elliptic Curve signatures, and Diffie-Hellman
key exchange, to establish secure end-to-end encrypted connections
between devices. All these algorithms are based on difficult
mathematical problems that have long been considered too computationally
intensive for computers to solve, even when accounting for Moore’s law.
However, the rise of quantum computing threatens to change the equation.
A sufficiently powerful quantum computer could solve these classical
mathematical problems in fundamentally different ways, and therefore —
in theory — do so fast enough to threaten the security of end-to-end
encrypted communications.

Although quantum computers with this capability don’t exist yet,
extremely well-resourced attackers can already prepare for their
possible arrival by taking advantage of the steep decrease in modern
data storage costs. The premise is simple: such attackers can collect
large amounts of today’s encrypted data and file it all away for future
reference. Even though they can’t decrypt any of this data today, they
can retain it until they acquire a quantum computer that can decrypt it
in the future, an attack scenario known as Harvest Now, Decrypt Later.

To mitigate risks from future quantum computers, the cryptographic
community has been working on post-quantum cryptography (PQC): new
public key algorithms that provide the building blocks for
quantum-secure protocols but don’t require a quantum computer to run —
that is, protocols that can run on the classical, non-quantum computers
we’re all using today, but that will remain secure from known threats
posed by future quantum computers.

To reason through how various messaging applications mitigate attacks,
it’s helpful to place them along a spectrum of security properties.
There’s no standard comparison to employ for this purpose, so we lay out
our own simple, coarse-grained progression of messaging security levels
in the image at the top of this post: we start on the left with
classical cryptography and progress towards quantum security, which
addresses current and future threats from quantum computers. Most
existing messaging apps fall either into Level 0 — no end-to-end
encryption by default and no quantum security — or Level 1 — with
end-to-end encryption by default, but with no quantum security. A few
months ago, Signal added support for the PQXDH protocol, becoming the
first large-scale messaging app to introduce post-quantum security in
the initial key establishment. This is a welcome and critical step that,
by our scale, elevated Signal from Level 1 to Level 2 security.

At Level 2, the application of post-quantum cryptography is limited to
the initial key establishment, providing quantum security only if the
conversation key material is never compromised. But today’s
sophisticated adversaries already have incentives to compromise
encryption keys, because doing so gives them the ability to decrypt
messages protected by those keys for as long as the keys don’t change.
To best protect end-to-end encrypted messaging, the post-quantum keys
need to change on an ongoing basis to place an upper bound on how much
of a conversation can be exposed by any single, point-in-time key
compromise — both now and with future quantum computers. Therefore, we
believe messaging protocols should go even further and attain Level 3
security, where post-quantum cryptography is used to secure both the
initial key establishment and the ongoing message exchange, with the
ability to rapidly and automatically restore the cryptographic security
of a conversation even if a given key becomes compromised.

iMessage now meets this goal with a new cryptographic protocol that we
call PQ3, offering the strongest protection against quantum attacks and
becoming the only widely available messaging service to reach Level 3
security. Support for PQ3 will start to roll out with the public
releases of iOS 17.4, iPadOS 17.4, macOS 14.4, and watchOS 10.4, and is
already in the corresponding developer preview and beta releases.
iMessage conversations between devices that support PQ3 are
automatically ramping up to the post-quantum encryption protocol. As we
gain operational experience with PQ3 at the massive global scale of
iMessage, it will fully replace the existing protocol within all
supported conversations this year.

Designing PQ3

More than simply replacing an existing algorithm with a new one, we
rebuilt the iMessage cryptographic protocol from the ground up to
advance the state of the art in end-to-end encryption, and to deliver on
the following requirements:

- Introduce post-quantum cryptography from the start of a conversation, so
that all communication is protected from current and future adversaries.

- Mitigate the impact of key compromises by limiting how many past and
future messages can be decrypted with a single compromised key.

- Use a hybrid design to combine new post-quantum algorithms with current
Elliptic Curve algorithms, ensuring that PQ3 can can never be less safe
than the existing classical protocol.

- Amortize message size to avoid excessive additional overhead from the
added security.

- Use formal verification methods to provide strong security assurances
for the new protocol.

PQ3 introduces a new post-quantum encryption key in the set of public
keys each device generates locally and transmits to Apple servers as
part of iMessage registration. For this application, we chose to use
Kyber post-quantum public keys, an algorithm that received close
scrutiny from the global cryptography community, and was selected by
NIST as the Module Lattice-based Key Encapsulation Mechanism standard,
or ML-KEM. This enables sender devices to obtain a receiver’s public
keys and generate post-quantum encryption keys for the very first
message, even if the receiver is offline. We refer to this as initial
key establishment.

We then include — within conversations — a periodic post-quantum
rekeying mechanism that has the ability to self-heal from key compromise
and protect future messages. In PQ3, the new keys sent along with the
conversation are used to create fresh message encryption keys that can’t
be computed from past ones, thereby bringing the conversation back to a
secure state even if previous keys were extracted or compromised by an
adversary. PQ3 is the first large scale cryptographic messaging protocol
to introduce this novel post-quantum rekeying property.

PQ3 employs a hybrid design that combines Elliptic Curve cryptography
with post-quantum encryption both during the initial key establishment
and during rekeying. Thus, the new cryptography is purely additive, and
defeating PQ3 security requires defeating both the existing, classical
ECC cryptography and the new post-quantum primitives. It also means the
protocol benefits from all the experience we accumulated from deploying
the ECC protocol and its implementations.

Rekeying in PQ3 involves transmitting fresh public key material in-band
with the encrypted messages that devices are exchanging. A new public
key based on Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) is transmitted inline
with every response. The post-quantum key used by PQ3 has a
significantly larger wire size than the existing protocol, so to meet
our message size requirement we designed the quantum-secure rekeying to
happen periodically rather than with every message. To determine whether
a new post-quantum key is transmitted, PQ3 uses a rekeying condition
that aims to balance the average size of messages on the wire, preserve
the user experience in limited connectivity scenarios, and keep the
global volume of messages within the capacity of our server
infrastructure. Should the need arise, future software updates can
increase the rekeying frequency in a way that’s backward-compatible with
all devices that support PQ3.

With PQ3, iMessage continues to rely on classical cryptographic
algorithms to authenticate the sender and verify the Contact Key
Verification account key, because these mechanisms can’t be attacked
retroactively with future quantum computers. To attempt to insert
themselves in the middle of an iMessage conversation, an adversary would
require a quantum computer capable of breaking one of the authentication
keys before or at the time the communication takes place. In other
words, these attacks cannot be performed in a Harvest Now, Decrypt Later
scenario — they require the existence of a quantum computer capable of
performing the attacks contemporaneously with the communication being
attacked. We believe any such capability is still many years away, but
as the threat of quantum computers evolves, we will continue to assess
the need for post-quantum authentication to thwart such attacks.

A formally proven protocol

Our final requirement for iMessage PQ3 is formal verification — a
mathematical proof of the intended security properties of the protocol.
PQ3 received extensive review from Apple’s own multi-disciplinary teams
in Security Engineering and Architecture (SEAR) as well as from some of
the world’s foremost experts in cryptography. This includes a team led
by Professor David Basin, head of the Information Security Group at ETH
Zürich and one of the inventors of Tamarin — a leading security protocol
verification tool that was also used to evaluate PQ3 — as well as
Professor Douglas Stebila from the University of Waterloo, who has
performed extensive research on post-quantum security for internet
protocols. Each took a different but complementary approach, using
different mathematical models to demonstrate that as long as the
underlying cryptographic algorithms remain secure, so does PQ3. Finally,
a leading third-party security consultancy supplemented our internal
implementation review with an independent assessment of the PQ3 source
code, which found no security issues.

In the first mathematical analysis, Security analysis of the iMessage
PQ3 protocol, Professor Douglas Stebila focused on so-called game-based
proofs. This technique, also known as reduction, defines a series of
“games“ or logical statements to show that the protocol is at least as
strong as the algorithms that underpin it. Stebila’s analysis shows that
PQ3 provides confidentiality even in the presence of some key
compromises against both classical and quantum adversaries, in both the
initial key establishment and the ongoing rekeying phase of the
protocol. The analysis decomposes the many layers of key derivations
down to the message keys and proves that, for an attacker, they are
indistinguishable from random noise. Through an extensive demonstration
that considers different attack paths for classical and quantum
attackers in the proofs, Stebila shows that the keys used for PQ3 are
secure as long as either the Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman problem
remains hard or the Kyber post-quantum KEM remains secure.

"The iMessage PQ3 protocol is a well-designed cryptographic protocol for
secure messaging that uses state-of-the-art techniques for end-to-end
encrypted communication. In my analysis using the reductionist security
methodology, I confirmed that the PQ3 protocol provides post-quantum
confidentiality, which can give users confidence in the privacy of their
communication even in the face of potential improvements in quantum
computing technology." — Professor Douglas Stebila

In the second evaluation, A Formal Analysis of the iMessage PQ3
Messaging Protocol, Prof. David Basin, Felix Linker, and Dr. Ralf Sasse
at ETH Zürich use a method called symbolic evaluation. As highlighted in
the paper’s abstract, this analysis includes a detailed formal model of
the iMessage PQ3 protocol, a precise specification of its fine-grained
security properties, and machine-checked proofs using the
state-of-the-art symbolic Tamarin prover. The evaluation yielded a
fine-grained analysis of the secrecy properties of PQ3, proving that “in
the absence of the sender or recipient being compromised, all keys and
messages transmitted are secret” and that “compromises can be tolerated
in a well-defined sense where the effect of the compromise on the
secrecy of data is limited in time and effect,” which confirms that PQ3
meets our goals.

"We provide a mathematical model of PQ3 as well as prove its secrecy and
authenticity properties using a verification tool for machine-checked
security proofs. We prove the properties even when the protocol operates
in the presence of very strong adversaries who can corrupt parties or
possess quantum computers and therefore defeat classical cryptography.
PQ3 goes beyond Signal with regards to post-quantum defenses. In PQ3, a
post-quantum secure algorithm is part of the ratcheting and used
repeatedly, rather than only once in the initialization as in Signal.
Our verification provides a very high degree of assurance that the
protocol as designed functions securely, even in the post-quantum
world." — Professor David Basin

Diving into the details

Because we know PQ3 will be of intense interest to security researchers
and engineers as well as the cryptographic community, this blog post is
really two posts in one. Up to now, we laid out our design goals,
outlined how PQ3 meets them, and explained how we verified our
confidence in the protocol with independent assessments. If you’d like
to understand more detail about the cryptographic underpinnings, the
remainder of the post is a deeper dive into how we constructed the PQ3

Post-quantum key establishment

iMessage allows a user to register multiple devices on the same account.
Each device generates its own set of encryption keys, and the private
keys are never exported to any external system. The associated public
keys are registered with Apple’s Identity Directory Service (IDS) to
enable users to message each other using a simple identifier: email
address or phone number. When a user sends a message from one of their
devices, all of their other devices and all of the recipient’s devices
receive the message. The messages are exchanged through pair-wise
sessions established between the sending device and each receiving
device. The same message is encrypted successively to each receiving
device, with keys uniquely derived for each session. For the rest of
this description, we will focus on a single device-to-device session.

Because the receiving device might not be online when the conversation
is established, the first message in a session is encrypted using the
public encryption keys registered with the IDS server.

Each device with PQ3 registers two public encryption keys and replaces
them regularly with fresh ones:

1. A post-quantum Kyber-1024 key encapsulation public key

2. A classical P-256 Elliptic Curve key agreement public key

These encryption keys are signed with ECDSA using a P-256 authentication
key generated by the device’s Secure Enclave, along with a timestamp
used to limit their validity. The device authentication public key is
itself signed by the Contact Key Verification account key, along with
some attributes such as the supported cryptographic protocol version.
This process allows the sender to verify that the recipient device’s
public encryption keys were uploaded by the intended recipient, and it
guards against downgrade attacks.

When Alice’s device instantiates a new session with Bob’s device, her
device queries the IDS server for the key bundle associated with Bob’s
device. The subset of the key bundle that contains the device’s
authentication key and versioning information is validated using Contact
Key Verification. The device then validates the signature covering the
encryption keys and timestamps, which attests that the keys are valid
and have not expired.

Alice’s device can then use the two public encryption keys to share two
symmetric keys with Bob. The first symmetric key is computed through an
ECDH key exchange that combines an ephemeral encryption key from Alice
with Bob’s registered P-256 public key. The second symmetric key is
obtained from a Kyber key encapsulation with Bob’s post-quantum public

To combine these two symmetric keys, we first extract their entropy by
invoking HKDF-SHA384-Extract twice — once for each of the keys. The
resulting 48-byte secret is further combined with a domain separation
string and session information — which includes the user’s identifiers,
the public keys used in the key exchange, and the encapsulated secret —
by invoking HKDF-SHA384-Extract again to derive the session’s initial
keying state. This combination ensures that the initial session state
cannot be derived without knowing both of the shared secrets, meaning an
attacker would need to break both algorithms to recover the resulting
secret, thus satisfying our hybrid security requirement.

Post-quantum rekeying

Ongoing rekeying of the cryptographic session is designed such that keys
used to encrypt past and future messages cannot be recomputed even by a
powerful hypothetical attacker who is able to extract the cryptographic
state of the device at a given point in time. The protocol generates a
new unique key for each message, which periodically includes new entropy
that is not deterministically derived from the current state of the
conversation, effectively providing self-healing properties to the
protocol. Our rekeying approach is modeled after ratcheting, a technique
that consists of deriving a new session key from other keys and ensuring
the cryptographic state always moves forward in one direction. PQ3
combines three ratchets to achieve post-quantum encryption.

The first ratchet, called the symmetric ratchet, protects older messages
in a conversation to achieve forward secrecy. For every message, we
derive a per-message encryption key from the current session key. The
current session key itself is then further derived into a new session
key, ratcheting the state forward. Each message key is deleted as soon
as a corresponding message is decrypted, which prevents older harvested
ciphertexts from being decrypted by an adversary who is able to
compromise the device at a later time, and provides protection against
replayed messages. This process uses 256-bit keys and intermediate
values, and HKDF-SHA384 as a derivation function, which provides
protection against both classical and quantum computers.

The second ratchet, called the ECDH ratchet, protects future messages by
updating the session with fresh entropy from an Elliptic Curve key
agreement, ensuring that an adversary loses the ability to decrypt new
messages even if they had compromised past session keys — a property
called post-compromise security. The ECDH-based ratchet has a
symmetrical flow: the private key of the outgoing ratchet public key
from the sender is used with the last public key received from the
recipient to establish a new shared secret between sender and receiver,
which is then mixed into the session’s key material. The new PQ3
protocol for iMessage uses NIST P-256 Elliptic Curve keys to perform
this ratchet, which imposes only a small 32-byte overhead on each

Because the second ratchet uses classical cryptography, PQ3 also adds a
conditionally executed Kyber KEM-based ratchet. This third ratchet
complements the ECDH-based ratchet to provide post-compromise security
against Harvest Now, Decrypt Later quantum attacks as well.

The use of a post-quantum ratchet can cause significant network overhead
compared to an ECDH-based ratchet at the same security level. The
post-quantum KEM requires sending both a public key and an encapsulated
secret instead of a single outgoing public key. In addition, the
underlying mathematical structure for quantum security requires
significantly larger parameter sizes for public keys and encapsulated
keys compared to Elliptic Curves.

To limit the size overhead incurred by frequent rekeying while
preserving a high level of security, the post-quantum KEM is
instantiated with Kyber-768. Unlike the IDS-registered public keys used
for the initial key establishment, ratcheting public keys are used only
once to encapsulate a shared secret to the receiver, significantly
limiting the impact of the compromise of a single key. However, while
a 32-byte ECDH-based ratchet overhead is acceptable on every message,
the post-quantum KEM ratchet increases the message size by more than 2
kilobytes. To avoid visible delays in message delivery when device
connectivity is limited, this ratchet needs to be amortized over
multiple messages.

We therefore implemented an adaptive post-quantum rekeying criterion
that takes into account the number of outgoing messages, the time
elapsed since last rekeying, and current connectivity conditions. At
launch, this means the post-quantum ratchet is performed approximately
every 50 messages, but the criterion is bounded such that rekeying is
always guaranteed to occur at least once every 7 days. And as we
mentioned earlier, as the threat of quantum computers and infrastructure
capacity evolves over time, future software updates can increase the
rekeying frequency while preserving full backward compatibility.

Completing the public key ratchets, whether based on ECDH or Kyber,
requires sending and receiving a message. Although users may not
immediately reply to a message, iMessage includes encrypted delivery
receipts that allow devices to rapidly complete the ratchet even without
a reply from the recipient, as long as the device is online. This
technique avoids delays in the rekeying process and helps support strong
post-compromise recovery.

Similar to the initial session key establishment, the secrets
established through the three ratchets are all combined with an evolving
session key using HKDF-SHA384 through sequential calls to the Extract
function. At the end of this process, we obtain a final message key,
which can now be used to encrypt the payload.

Padding and encryption

To avoid leaking information about the message size, PQ3 adds padding to
the message before encryption. This padding is implemented with the
Padmé heuristic, which specifically limits the information leakage of
ciphertexts with maximum length M to a practical optimum of O(log log M)
bits. This is comparable to padding to a power of two but results in a
lower overhead of at most 12 percent and even lower for larger payloads.
This approach strikes an excellent balance between privacy and
efficiency, and preserves the user experience in limited device
connectivity scenarios.

The padded payload is encrypted with AES-CTR using a 256-bit encryption
key and initialization vector, both derived from the message key. While
public key algorithms require fundamental changes to achieve quantum
security, symmetric cryptography algorithms like the AES block cipher
only require doubling the key size to maintain their level of security
against quantum computers.


Each message is individually signed with ECDSA using the elliptic curve
P-256 device authentication key protected by the Secure Enclave. The
receiving device verifies the mapping between the sender’s identifier
(email address or phone number) and the public key used for signature
verification. If both users have enabled Contact Key Verification and
verified each other’s account key, the device verifies that the device
authentication keys are present in the Key Transparency log and that the
corresponding account key matches the account key stored in the user’s
iCloud Keychain.

The device’s authentication key is generated by the Secure Enclave and
never exposed to the rest of the device, which helps prevent extraction
of the private key even if the Application Processor is completely
compromised. If an attacker were to compromise the Application
Processor, they might be able to use the Secure Enclave to sign
arbitrary messages. But after the device recovers from the compromise
through a reboot or a software update, they would no longer be able to
impersonate the user. This approach offers stronger guarantees than
other messaging protocols where the authentication key is sometimes
shared between devices or where the authentication takes place only at
the beginning of the session.

The message signature covers a wide range of fields, including the
unique identifiers of the users and their push notification tokens, the
encrypted payload, authenticated data, a ratchet-derived message key
indicator that binds the signature to a unique location in the ratchet,
and any public key information used in the protocol. The inclusion of
these fields in the signature guarantees that the message can only be
used in the context intended by the sender, and all the fields are
exhaustively documented in the research papers from Stebila, Basin, and


End-to-end encrypted messaging has seen a tremendous amount of
innovation in recent years, including significant advances in
post-quantum cryptography from Signal’s PQXDH protocol and in key
transparency from WhatsApp’s Auditable Key Directory. Building on its
pioneering legacy as the first widely available messaging app to provide
end-to-end encryption by default, iMessage has continued to deliver
advanced protections that surpass existing systems. iMessage Contact Key
Verification is the most sophisticated key transparency system for
messaging deployed at scale, and is the current global state of the art
for automatic key verification. And the new PQ3 cryptographic protocol
for iMessage combines post-quantum initial key establishment with
three ongoing ratchets for self-healing against key compromise,
defining the global state of the art for protecting messages against
Harvest Now, Decrypt Later attacks and future quantum computers.

Squirm, trollbois... 🤣

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o iMessage with PQ3: The new state of the art in quantum-secure messaging at scale

By: Jolly Roger on Wed, 21 Feb 2024

0Jolly Roger

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