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comp / comp.os.linux.advocacy / Re: Democrats' all-out plan to steal the 2024 election

Subject: Re: Democrats' all-out plan to steal the 2024 election
From: K. Oelze
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Subject: Re: Democrats' all-out plan to steal the 2024 election
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John Smyth <> wrote in

> Welcome the new United States of Venezuela.
> 'God, Trump, America � and Democrats' all-out plan to steal the 2024
> election
> Stunning new SPECIAL REPORT illuminates Left's strategy for installing
> Kamala Harris as president'
> <
> an-to-steal-the-2024-election/>
> 'America in late 2024 has become a surreal, almost phantasmagoric
> drama of shocks, horrors and wonders � including a widespread
> conviction that Almighty God Himself reached down and dramatically
> saved Donald Trump from an assassin's bullet that came within a
> fraction of an inch of blowing the former president's brains out.
> All the surrounding chaos � Joe Biden being forced out of the 2024
> presidential race, leaving radical leftist Kamala Harris as the
> Democrats' nominee; the ongoing full-scale invasion of America by
> millions of illegal aliens including myriad drug dealers, sex
> traffickers, mental patients, gang members, criminals and terrorists;
> skyrocketing crime, inflation, and every other societal horror, all
> shepherded, nurtured and funded by the Biden-Harris regime � continues
> to ravage the nation.
> Thus, good Americans desperately, yet hopefully and prayerfully, look
> to November's election as their one doorway to national survival,
> sanity and restoration.
> But there's a problem.
> However unspeakably bad everything has gotten during the
> administration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, one reality remains
> unchanged: Today's far-left Democratic Party is single-mindedly
> obsessed with retaining and expanding its power, no matter what. And
> that means Democrats, in close collaboration with the Deep State, the
> legacy news media, Big Tech and other corporate allies, will do
> absolutely anything and everything within their power to rig, corrupt
> and steal the 2024 election.
> Understand: Today's leftist elites are not only perfectly comfortable
> with cheating in every way possible to retain power; they secretly
> believe they have a moral mandate to win � no matter what.
> How can that possibly be? Rigging elections is not just illegal,
> immoral and unconstitutional. It's literally suicidal for any nation.
> So how do today's leftist elites justify their obsession?
> 'Racist, fascist, terrorist, Nazi!'
> As everyone knows, since 2016 Democrats and the major news media have
> relentlessly portrayed Donald J. Trump as the incarnation of evil.
> They claimed for years that he was essentially a traitor, colluding
> with America's mortal enemies to win the presidential election. And
> that he's also a "racist," "white supremacist," "Islamophobe,"
> "fascist," "Nazi" and admirer of Adolf Hitler.
> Not coincidentally, the same people likewise defame Trump's tens of
> millions of supporters � Republicans, conservatives, Christians and
> other regular, decent, law-abiding, traditional-values Americans � 74
> million of whom voted for him in 2020 � as EVIL. "Deplorables" and
> "irredeemable," Hillary Clinton called them. "Semi-fascists," Biden
> famously labeled Trump's supporters. "Extremists" and "domestic
> terrorists," Biden's Attorney General Merrick Garland branded parents
> standing up at a school board meeting to protest the Marxist
> brainwashing of their children; "racists" and "white supremacists," as
> virtually all conservatives are referred to daily.
> Writing in the Washington Post, legendary columnist Charles
> Krauthammer once crystalized the whole issue this way: "To understand
> the workings of American politics, you have to understand this
> fundamental law: Conservatives think liberals are stupid. Liberals
> think conservatives are evil."
> And the method of choice leftists have long employed for hammering
> home the supposed evils of conservatives has been to compare them to
> fascists and Nazis. Indeed, even after the July 13 assassination
> attempt on Donald Trump, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez couldn't resist
> attacking Trump as "a racist and a neo-Nazi."
> So, what does endlessly slandering Trump and his supporters have to do
> with Democrats' multi-tiered strategy to rig the outcome of this
> November's election, regardless of the actual will of the American
> people?
> Everything.
> Consider that in response to the real Adolf Hitler, assassination
> attempts were the most moral response � indeed, there were 16 known
> plots to kill der Fuhrer. So obviously, any lesser action that would
> serve to reduce or neutralize the influence of such an evil,
> mass-murdering dictator � say, like rigging an election � would
> likewise be moral, desirable and righteous.
> And of course, to bring things back to stark, present-day reality, the
> Democrats, with their atrocious track record and equally atrocious
> candidates, have nothing else going for them in the 2024 election
> other than lying, defaming and cheating in every way possible.
> No rules
> Democrats and their leftist allies are attempting to defeat a
> successful former president with an impressive track record, but about
> whom they have lied continually for eight years, impeached twice,
> subjected to an unprecedented and scandalously illegal lawfare
> campaign intended to imprison him for the rest of his life, and who
> just weeks ago narrowly escaped an assassination attempt.
> In truth, "Trump is America's Hitler" has long been the Democrats'
> bottom-line, barely disguised message. It constitutes their
> justification for lying and deceiving others as easily as normal
> people breathe. And it's the nuclear core of their election strategy,
> as it has been since 2016.
> This explains why, according to what Rush Limbaugh called "the
> Democrat-media-industrial complex," it was far better for Americans to
> vote for the always-lying, epically corrupt and preternaturally
> conniving Hillary Clinton in 2016 than to vote for Donald Trump. And
> it was far better to vote for the always-lying, demented,
> head-of-a-crime-family Joe Biden in 2020 than Donald Trump. And it's
> why Americans are now being told it is far better to vote for the
> always-lying, epically unserious, astonishingly unlikable,
> ultra-leftwing cackling "idiot" � a word widely used to describe her �
> Kamala Harris as the next president of the United States and leader of
> the free world, instead of Donald Trump.
> After all, anybody is better than the genocidal monster Adolf Hitler �
> or someone the elites insist is just like him.
> Therefore, if one is opposing another Hitler, anything goes. ANYTHING.
> There are no rules � and that's exactly how the left likes things. As
> famed Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu put it, "War is deception."
> And anyone trying to get rid of Hitler is engaged in warfare.
> So, then, the Trump-is-Hitler delusion can serve as the unspoken
> justification for the most insane and destructive policies imaginable
> � say, flooding America with millions of illegal aliens. In ordinary
> times, this would universally be seen as a treasonous policy since it
> degrades, damages and largely destroys the host country. But then,
> what if those same illegal aliens were somehow enabled to vote in U.S.
> elections � and could be counted on to vote against Hitler? That just
> might be OK, according to the left's logic.
> 'There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes'
> A quick review of how the insane Trump-is-Hitler mindset played out in
> the 2020 presidential election is highly instructive in anticipating
> the forces again being deployed in the 2024 race.
> Though fiercely denied today by all involved, the 2020 presidential
> election was utterly rigged from top to bottom, in Biden's favor,
> thanks to the historic collusion of the Democrats and their media,
> tech, corporate, nonprofit and activist allies.
> Ironically, this massive election collusion wasn't always denied,
> derided and attacked as a "right-wing MAGA insurrectionist conspiracy
> theory" as it is today. In the immediate aftermath of their victory,
> some high-profile participants openly reveled in the successful
> conspiracy.
> Thus, in February 2021 � just weeks after Joe Biden took office as
> president on Jan. 20 � Time magazine published a major article
> ecstatically summarizing the massive plot to swing the outcome of the
> November 2020 election to a Biden victory.
> In "The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020
> Election," journalist Molly Ball bragged about the "shadow campaign"
> that allowed the 2020 election to be stolen from Donald Trump. Here's
> a brief excerpt from her Time article:
> There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes � the result of an
> informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans. �
> Their work touched every aspect of the election.
> They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure
> hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off
> voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got
> millions of people to vote by mail for the first time. They
> successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line
> against disinformation and used data-driven strategies to fight viral
> smears. �
> This is the inside story of the conspiracy to save the 2020 election,
> based on access to the group's inner workings, never-before-seen
> documents and interviews with dozens of those involved from across the
> political spectrum. It is the story of an unprecedented, creative and
> determined campaign whose success also reveals how close the nation
> came to disaster. � That's why the participants want the secret
> history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a
> paranoid fever dream � a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging
> across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes
> to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage
> and control the flow of information.
> In other words, everything Trump and his supporters have been saying
> for years � widely reviled as lies, conspiracy theories and "paranoid
> fever dreams" � has been true. All the reports about leftists securing
> "hundreds of millions in public and private funding," about pressuring
> "social media companies to take a harder line" against allowing
> information damaging to Democrats to be posted, about the "well-funded
> cabal of powerful people � working together behind the scenes to
> influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage"
> and so much more, all to defeat Donald J. Trump. It was all true.
> 'Nothing less than a miracle'
> Despite the 2020 election having been stolen � and despite the reality
> that all the main players have every intention of doing it again this
> November � there still is real hope for America. Consider what
> bestselling author and popular Christian broadcaster Eric Metaxas
> recently affirmed the day after the attempt on Donald Trump's life:
> "I have said repeatedly for months that those who hate Trump would
> stop at nothing to make sure he doesn't get back in to the White
> House, including trying to assassinate him. I have also said God's
> hand is on him, and would protect him, if God forbid someone did try
> to do that. Last night we saw that happen. His survival was nothing
> less than a miracle. So be assured that God is not finished with this
> nation. But we need to pray. � We are in an existential crisis, and
> without God, this experiment in self-government will not continue. But
> it is God's will that it continue. So please pray."
> With the 2024 election just around the corner, good Americans must, of
> course, vote. They can also sign up others to vote, and volunteer at
> their polling place, and support � either financially or in person �
> organizations actively working to maximize election integrity and
> minimize fraud. Organizations like True the Vote (,
> Turning Point USA ( and Protect the Vote
> (
> And, as Metaxas and so many others are now urging, true Americans � of
> sound mind and soul, who have not been seduced and corrupted by the
> many forces obsessed with destroying America � must pray sincerely and
> fervently to Almighty God. The same God Who has long blessed their
> country as the freest and most successful nation on earth. The same
> God Who gave them life and breath and has mercifully rescued them
> through His Son, Yeshua. And the same God Who reached down and turned
> Donald Trump's head 90 degrees at the precise moment an assassin was
> firing a .223 round squarely at the 45th president's brain.
> The Democrats' maniacal campaign to hold on to power and retain the
> presidency by any means possible is spelled out in a stunning � and
> extremely useful � way
> * "God, Trump, America � and Democrats' insane plan to rig the 2024
> election by any means possible" by David Kupelian
> * "'Most terrifying poll result I've ever seen': Astonishing
> percentage of America's elites admit they are fine with winning
> elections by cheating" by Rob Bluey
> * "'Surreal to watch': With Trump ahead, stolen election seen 'in
> crystal clarity.' Likened to seeing 'a slow-motion car crash on
> exactly how they will rig it'" by Joe Kovacs
> * "Almost every Democrat in Congress voted against bill requiring
> proof of citizenship to vote!" by Fred Lucas
> * "White House 'strongly opposes' bill cracking down on illegal aliens
> voting: Says measure 'would do nothing to safeguard our elections'" by
> Jason Hopkins
> * "Why Americans mistrust election results: The U.S. is 'almost alone
> among democracies in not demanding that voters provide any
> identification when they vote' by Dennis Prager
> * "Secret Service plan for Trump 'stinks of election interference':
> 'Deep State' demands former president stop his trademark outdoor
> rallies" by Bob Unruh
> * "Little-known legal loophole could allow illegal aliens to vote in
> U.S. elections: Tucker Carlson interviews 'True the Vote' founder
> Catherine Engelbrecht"
> * "The deceived vs. the indoctrinated: Millions 'propagandized to
> believe that former President Donald Trump is literally Hitler and
> will start World War III' by Laura Hollis
> * "Don't let Big Tech influence elections yet again this year: 'They
> could shift millions of votes to Silicon Valley's preferred
> candidates' by Hans A. von Spakovsky and Daniel Cochrane
> * "Dr. Robert Epstein: Google bias shifted at least 6 million votes"
> by Art Moore
> * "TRUMP WON! New analysis confirms he was victor in 26 of 29
> scenarios: Follows polling that shows 1 in 45 mail-in ballots in 2020
> election was fraudulent" by Bob Unruh
> * "'If you cheat � we will find you, we will track you down, and we
> will prosecute you to the full extent of the law': Laura Trump, new
> RNC co-chair, announces plan for 100,000 poll watchers, 500 attorneys
> on site"
> * "Here's how we'll have to fight cheating in 2024 election: Poll
> watchers and other observers are vital. Combat fraud 'by having eyes
> and ears everywhere' by Rachel Alexander
> * "How Democrats and major media continually encourage Trump's
> assassination: For almost a decade, the left has likened America's
> 45th president to genocidal monster Adolf Hitler" by David Kupelian
> * "An assassination attempt against 'Hitler' was inevitable: 'A
> fascist, a white supremacist and a mortal threat to American
> democracy' by Dennis Prager
> * "Trump shares bulletproof quality with Geo. Washington: 'It
> certainly wouldn't be the first time God's Providence touched
> America'" by Dr. Jerry Newcombe
> * "These events have brought unusual clarity to the times we are
> living in": Dr. Ben Carson tells RNC crowd the secret of making
> America great again
> * "Trump shooting: The closest we've come to WWIII. DJT is 'the man
> who fights against the globalist quest for world dominion like no
> other in America'" by Hanne Nabintu Herland
> * "It really isn't about Trump vs. Harris: 'It is a battle between two
> completely different views of what America should be'" by Laura
> Hollis.'

Elite is the wrong term and description. Enemy of the public is more

Even California has Trump booths up along the road sides.

Every neighborhood should have a cull list - and use it.

o Democrats' all-out plan to steal the 2024 election

By: John Smyth on Sat, 10 Aug 2024

11John Smyth

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