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comp / comp.os.linux.advocacy / Re: Windows victims: go ahead and pretend you don't want or need the greatest PC software available

Subject: Re: Windows victims: go ahead and pretend you don't want or need the greatest PC software available
From: Andrzej Matuch
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Date: Sat, 11 May 2024 12:09 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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From: (Andrzej Matuch)
Subject: Re: Windows victims: go ahead and pretend you don't want or need
the greatest PC software available
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
References: <6638465a$0$8092$>
<v1b2u5$2ln8f$> <v1d5js$37vta$>
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Date: 11 May 2024 12:09:54 GMT
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On Sat, 11 May 2024 07:53:45 +0000, RonB wrote:

> On 2024-05-10, Andrzej Matuch <> wrote:
>> On Fri, 10 May 2024 17:41:49 +0000, RonB wrote:
>>> On 2024-05-09, Andrzej Matuch <> wrote:
>>>> On Thu, 09 May 2024 12:07:27 +0000, RonB wrote:
>>>>> On 2024-05-09, Andrzej Matuch <> wrote:
>>>>>> On Wed, 08 May 2024 22:45:47 +0000, RonB wrote:
>>>>>>> On 2024-05-08, Andrzej Matuch <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 2024-05-07 10:07 p.m., RonB wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 2024-05-07, Chris Ahlstrom <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Andrzej Matuch wrote this copyrighted missive and expects
>>>>>>>>>> royalties:
>>>>>>>>>>> On 2024-05-07 8:08 a.m., Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> vallor wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, 5 May 2024 22:54:19 -0400, DFS <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote in <6638465a$0$8092$>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ALL the Linux "equivalents" are pure junk compared to this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> masterful Windows application.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's proprietary but free of cost for personal use.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Along with other apps, the creator has worked on it since
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1999.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ONE competent, dedicated Windows developer puts to shame
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the entire universe of FOSS crapware developers that have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tried to do what this guy does.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Linux has a command (with the same name) that outputs TONS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of info, but it's basically unreadable. The output is made
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't know who the intended audience is, but it's not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regular users.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This app is yet more PROOF that in a world where Windows
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exists, there's no reason to run Linux on your desktop.
>>>>>>>>>>>> It doesn't prove squat, GUI-boi.
>>>>>>>>>>> You're mocking him for enjoying a GUI? What decade are you in?
>>>>>>>>>>> < snip >
>>>>>>>>>> The 2020's, where I can use vim, gnu autotools, meson, gcc/g++,
>>>>>>>>>> clang/clang++,
>>>>>>>>>> slrn, mutt, mpd + ncmpcpp, alsamixer, git, latex, ssh, and more
>>>>>>>>>> in a terminal window.
>>>>>>>>>> I do use gvim when I want edit two or more source-code files
>>>>>>>>>> side by side. Use zathura to read PDFs. GIMP for
>>>>>>>>>> photo-tweaking. Libreoffice for short how-tos. Conky for system
>>>>>>>>>> info. GUI browsers mostly. And of course the sddm display
>>>>>>>>>> manager and the fluxbox window manager.
>>>>>>>>>> I'm not mocking him for enjoying a GUI, I'm mocking him for
>>>>>>>>>> crowing like a fool about it, as if there's only one true way
>>>>>>>>>> to us a computer.
>>>>>>>>> I'm using slrn to respond to this post. It's efficient and
>>>>>>>>> quick.
>>>>>>>>> What does DuFuS "think" I'm supposedly losing by using this CLI
>>>>>>>>> app instead of a GUI application?
>>>>>>>> I think the most common complaint of people using Linux CLI or
>>>>>>>> GUI tools is that they look dated. I'm not sure why this is such
>>>>>>>> a problem,
>>>>>>>> especially if they still manage to get the job done, for free, in
>>>>>>>> the same amount of time.
>>>>>>> "Looks dated," seems like a superficial way to judge an
>>>>>>> application.
>>>>>>> But to each their own. I know slrn gets the job more quickly and
>>>>>>> efficiently than a GUI app would.
>>>>>> For what it's worth, I've just abandoned Betterbird and Thunderbird
>>>>>> for Usenet since I am convinced that a bug in the software is
>>>>>> responsible for the Usenet problems I've been having of late. Good
>>>>>> old Pan works fine with Blocknews, but everything else seems to
>>>>>> have trouble negotiating a connection. I've decided to just use a
>>>>>> web app for my e-mail (which gives me a more direct access to how
>>>>>> the server will handle my e-mail anyway), and Pan for Usenet rather
>>>>>> than bundle both services in one app.
>>>>> I think I quit using Thunderbird for newsgroups shortly after I
>>>>> started using Linux. I didn't particularly like the interface, but
>>>>> (more importantly)
>>>>> I once posted an email to my brother (accidentally) on a newsgroup.
>>>>> That's when I went to Pan. slrn came a few years later.
>>>>> I used to use websites for my email, but decided I didn't like that.
>>>>> Thunderbird (or another email client) is more convenient for me.
>>>> The advantage of using a web app for my e-mail provider (Posteo), is
>>>> that I can create filters directly on the account rather than within
>>>> a program.
>>>> This way, I don't have to start from scratch every time I reinstall
>>>> my operating system or whatever. Additionally, it allows me to buy
>>>> credit for the service, enable/disable encryption of my
>>>> inbox/calendar/contacts, set up MIME encryption and anything else
>>>> directly. Web apps are also a lot less taxing on the laptop's battery
>>>> than an application like Thunderbird/ Betterbird.
>>> Betterbird is taxing on the battery? More so than a network
>>> connection?
>>> At any rate, whatever works for you is your best choice.
>>> Just so you know though, you can just copy your Thunderbird (or
>>> Betterbird)
>>> profile directory to your new machine and everything is there — I
>>> believe everything is there, at any rate. I know I've done this a few
>>> times.
>> I'm aware, but I think I'll just try using the web version of my e-mail
>> for a while anyway. I'm tired of encountering bugs wherever I go, and
>> the web interface doesn't seem to have any.
> The main thing that drives me nuts about Thunderbird is that, when I
> pick a specific font (and choose that as my default), it reverts back to
> the generic font whenever I sneeze, or move my cursor wrong or whatever.
> I think Microsoft Word used to do that too. What part of "this is my
> default font" don't they understand? It's part of the Microsoft Word
> disease, where the retarded program is trying to think for you.

Admittedly, I don't recall Thunderbird ever respecting my choice of font.

o Linux victims: go ahead and pretend you don't want or need the greatest PC softw

By: DFS on Mon, 6 May 2024


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