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comp / comp.os.linux.advocacy / Re: The damage Biden has done. IT's WORSE Than You May Think.

Subject: Re: The damage Biden has done. IT's WORSE Than You May Think.
From: Snit
Newsgroups:,, alt.politics.trump, comp.os.linux.advocacy, or.politics, talk.politics.guns
Organization: Southern Nevada Institute of Technology
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2024 19:45 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4
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From: (Snit)
Subject: Re: The damage Biden has done. IT's WORSE Than You May Think.
Organization: Southern Nevada Institute of Technology
References: <67563463$34$2753$> <vjf6ab$2rvu0$> <675b21c5$8$2789$> <vjf93m$2sgn6$>
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On Dec 12, 2024 at 11:02:59 AM MST, ""Scout"" wrote

> "Snit" <> wrote in message
> news:675b21c5$8$2789$
>> On Dec 12, 2024 at 10:17:45 AM MST, ""Scout"" wrote
>> <vjf6ab$2rvu0$>:
>>> "Snit" <> wrote in message
>>> news:675b13db$0$2873013$
>>>> On Dec 12, 2024 at 9:10:00 AM MST, ""Scout"" wrote
>>>> <vjf31j$1esc2$>:
>>>>> "Snit" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:675a0906$3$2755$
>>>>>> On Dec 11, 2024 at 2:41:43 PM MST, "Baxter" wrote
>>>>>> <vjd0un$1nulf$>:
>>>>>>> Skeeter <> wrote in
>>>>>>> news:6759ed13$13$3828$
>>>>>>>> In article <vjcps6$1mhot$>,
>>>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>>>> Skeeter <> wrote in
>>>>>>>>> news:6759b2d9$8$1895507
>>>>>>>>> $
>>>>>>>>>> In article <vjcbbm$1jlje$>,
>>>>>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>>>>>> chrisv <chrisv@nospam.invalid> wrote in
>>>>>>>>>>>> -hh wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> BTW, here's another example of a lack of critical thinking
>>>>>>>>>>>>> skills
>>>>>>>>>>> within
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the GOP:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [quote]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sen. Hawley spars with witness over impact of mass
>>>>>>>>>>>>> deportations:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hawley: "Here's the Democrats' plan: take the 13M-plus illegals
>>>>>>>>>>>>> who are here, taking jobs...flood[ing] the labor force..."
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Witness: "They can't flood the labor force if they're already
>>>>>>>>>>>>> part
>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the labor force."
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [/quote]
>>>>>>>>>>>> Only an idiot would think that's a winning rebuttal from
>>>>>>>>>>>> Witness. Millions of illegals have flooded the labor market, and
>>>>>>>>>>>> still are.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Another example of a lack of critical thinking skills from -
>>>>>>>>> highhorse.
>>>>>>>>>>>> His response will be deleted, unread.
>>>>>>>>>>> There is no flood of citizens that want those jobs.
>>>>>>>>>> There will be and at higher wages.
>>>>>>>>> higher, MUCH higher prices for your food. And empty shelves until
>>>>>>>>> you can recruit and train those workers. From time to time some
>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>> tried those jobs, they flat cannot keep up with those immigrants.
>>>>>>>> Your racism aside, if they have work visas there should be no
>>>>>>>> problem.
>>>>>>>> See how that works?
>>>>>>> They refuse to issue work visas. There are virtually NO legal way to
>>>>>>> immigate to the US. People have been on waiting lists for decades.
>>>>>> Unless you are Trump's wife. She broke immigration laws in 1996 and
>>>>>> none
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> his supporters care.
>>>>> And at that time she should have been deported...
>>>> Get a Trump cultist to agree.
>>> I'm not sure I've ever met a Trump cultist.
>> They are common.
> I'm sure you think so, but we've already established that your perceptions
> and reality are two different things.

Unsupported accusation. Remember: you repeatedly seek to speak FOR me and then
hold me accountable for YOUR ideas.

>> People who back him much the way some backed Hitler.
> or Biden?

This is not common. And Biden does not act or speak like Hitler. He does not
speak of wanting his generals to act like Hitlers. He does not push fascism.
He does not use Nazi language such as "poisoning the blood" and "America is
for Americans only". He does not fit the things Trump does:

You are trying to pretend that Biden is comparable to Trump in this way but it
is not backed by evidence.

> I mean anyone could tell the man was mentally incompetent, and I was willing
> to let the man finish his term to protect the office.. but why would you put
> him up for reelection?

I am happy he dropped out. But there were TWO elderly men clearly with
diminished mental capacity running... the Democrats encouraged there candidate
to drop out. The Republicans failed to push their old senile man to drop out.
Why do you think that is?

> Na, Democrats screwed themselves on that one and have only themselves to
> blame.

The Democratic party is horrid. Better than the Republicans, clearly, but
still horrible. Remember, I am not a part of a cult.

>>> I mean I know a lot of people
>>> that like him, others feel he can do the job even though they might not
>>> personally like the man.
>>> Meanwhile, when have you met a Trump cultist or is that just a derogatory
>>> statement you use when you have nothing else to say?
>> There are many with unquestioning support,
> Lame, unsupported assertion.

If you do not fit that surely you will be happy to speak to Trump's guilt on
many felonies and his sexual assault. You will not shy away from speaking of
how he uses Nazi language and propaganda. You will not back down from calling
him out as senile and unfit for office. Keep in mind many of those closest to
him -- Republicans -- have called him out. This is not a partisan issue.
>> a focus on the man (I see his image
>> on cars as I drive around),
> So? You don't think people have pictures of Biden on their cars?

Not outside of election materials. And not to the point they could not back
Harris. No, I see little if any cult-like behavior on the left. There was some
level of it for H. Clinton, but nothing like what we see for Trump.

> Does that make them Biden cultists?

Explain how it could.
>> extreme adoration, defensive of even his most
>> absurd comments and lies and areas of ignorant.
> Again the same can be said about those who supported Biden.. even during his
> failed attempt at reelection.

The same could be said -- but not honestly. And the Democrats DID call out
Biden, even encouraged him to drop out. The Republicans failed to do so with
>> The term cultish is fitting
>> and accurate.
> No more so than we could describe some Democrats as being Biden cultists.

We could do many things -- but I am speaking of doing so in an honest and
accurate way.

>>>>> What does that have to do with the situation today, or the issue under
>>>>> discussion?
>>>>> ...or are you simply looking for excuses not to discuss the issue?
>>>> I am noting the hypocrisy.
>>> Except you're not noting the hypocrisy.. rather you are asserting it. Two
>>> very different things.
>> It is hypocritical to excuse Trump's wife while vilifying others here no
>> more
>> legally.
> Who here has done that?

You, for one. Unless you want to hold Melania accountable.
> It IS hypocritical to attack Trump's wife for that which you are attempting
> to make excuses for others doing.

Nobody is doing that here. Again: you make things up and seek to hold me
>>> Meanwhile, I think we all can see your hypocrisy.. you suggested they
>>> should
>>> stay but that his wife should have been deported.
>> Cite where I said that.
> So you do support the deportation of illegal aliens?

You failed to cite it. If you are willing to admit you have no backing for
your claim we can talk about my actual views. But if you are just making
things up and falsely attributing them to me there is literally no point.
>>> Trump cultists didn't make that assertion.. YOU did.
>>> So the only hypocrisy in the discussion seems to be that produced by you.
>> What "seems" to be by you is not tied to my comments.
> And yet it is and the only one that can't see that is you.

What you claim to see is not relevant.

Personal attacks from those who troll show their own insecurity. They cannot use reason to show the message to be wrong so they try to feel somehow superior by attacking the messenger.

They cling to their attacks and ignore the message time and time again.

o The damage Biden has done. IT's WORSE Than You May Think.

By: John Smyth on Sun, 8 Dec 2024

608John Smyth

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