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He is now rising from affluence to poverty. -- Mark Twain

comp / comp.os.linux.advocacy / Re: UNIX(R)

Subject: Re: UNIX(R)
From: -hh
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy,,
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2024 11:56 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
From: (-hh)
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy,,
Subject: Re: UNIX(R)
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2024 06:56:47 -0500
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 224
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On 11/20/24 7:50 PM, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Nov 2024 19:13:47 -0500, -hh wrote:
>> On 11/20/24 6:45 PM, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
>>> On Wed, 20 Nov 2024 07:40:48 -0500, -hh wrote:
>>>> Now perhaps the hardcore Linux advocates rejected these as not being
>>>> sufficiently "pure" Open Source projects ...
>>> You just made that up, didn’t you?
>> Unfortunately, no. COLA has had a history ...
> So you should be able to back up your claim, that “hardcore Linux
> advocates rejected” those distros.

I did say "perhaps", as I've not read every last COLA thread and have
perfect retention on all of them. But checking just the COLA archives
on Google where one of these certified Unix versions were mentioned by
name, I did find the following:

"...Linux has features that are better than the official Unix."

YMMV on the degree to which this is arrogant/elitist, while it misses
the point of having an independent certification.

Plus there's evidence of loathing anything commercial, such as this 2015
thread by the late Lloyd Parsons who called out chrisv & others:


Including therein:

cv>> It's very puzzling, very cult-like, that assholes like "Lloyd" take
cv>> pleasure in the "failure" of such a small business, an alternative
cv>> product with little apparent significance.
lp> No pleasure taken, just noting that the failures exist and that
lp> you linux loonies are a big part of that problem. How many of
lp> you bought software in their software center? Hell, how many of
lp> you bought and/or donated to Canonical to help ensure the success
lp> of a small business that is trying to get Linux on the desktop to
lp> be a viable and profitable product?
lp> I know the answer, ABSOLUTELY NONE OF YOU!

o>> No market for their crap. What were they selling again? Unity?
o>> Support?
o>> Peace on Earth and goodwill toward man?
lp> Application software, which you probably already knew. But the
lp> tone of your comments speaks to the larger issue. And that is
lp> the extremely piss poor attitude of the linux community as a group.
lp> "I don't like it so it must suck" is not a valid complaint, it is
lp> just bitching. A possible future linux desktop user would be
lp> totally put off by comments like that.
lp> Add it to the long list of why linux desktop is such an abject
lp> failure despite being a pretty good OS overall.

o>> That's pretty bold, coming from a Mactard.
lp> You mean a 'mactard' that uses OSX, Linux, Windows 8/10,
lp> iOS, Android and Windows Phone? I'd say that makes me much
lp> more knowledgeable about the comparisons of the various OS's.

rb>> I don't think so. But they would definitely cut into the Windows'
rb>> monopoly. Unfortunately for iCultists it's never going to
rb>> happen because Apple likes to gouge their suckers ... err ...
rb>> customers for huge their profit margins.
lp> Those grapes are really sour huh, wRonG?

cv>> It doesn't make sense, until one considers that they are just that
cv>> scared of the competitive threat that Free software poses, after
cv>> seeing Android come from nothing to roar to market leadership in
cv>> just a few short years.
hh> It is quite interesting to hear chrisv first promote 'healthy'
hh> competition and then to try use Android as a notional example, when
hh> we all know that the reality is that Android wouldn't have existed
hh> had it not been by huge bankrolling by Google. As to just how
hh> huge, the number is at least in the tens of billions. Case in
hh> point:
hh> "Google: We're Spending $12.5 Billion on Motorola to 'Protect'
hh> Android"

Plus there's also what DFS just posted here yesterday on duplicity from
his own keyword searchable database:

On 11/20/24 7:15 PM, DFS wrote:
> On 11/18/2024 6:59 PM, shitv wrote:
>> a group of mostly decent, reasonable advocates of software Freedom.
> The decency and reasonableness of cola Linux advocates is off the charts:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Feeb on ONE DAY!: "technical loser, incompetent technical idiot, retard,
> pathetic, brain-dead loser, damn bitch, Microshit assholes, inferior
> piece of genetic trash, extermination camps should be brought back, Fuck
> you, fuck your degenerate family, abysmal, know-nothing moron, lame ass
> steaming pile of festering garbage known as Microshit Winblows, fucking
> loser, fucking plagiarist, Fucking loser, incompetent loser,
> mutherfucking imbecilic asshole, Fuck you, Incompetent ass-sucking
> ignoramus idiot asshole mutherfucker, fucking clueless plagiarist,
> mutherfucking, cocksucking, plagiarizing asshole, Fucking loser,
> Fucking plagiarizing loser, I'd throw you out a third-story window,
> mutherfucking imbecilic asshole, pathetic, sad-sack sexual loser, Black
> girls would spit in your sorry face"
> Ruben Safir: "go stick your head in an oven and turn on the gas."
> Tattoo Deadbeat: "Please make a New Years' resolution to commit suicide.
> Better yet, murder/suicide and take your fellow trolls with you."
> Doug Menthol: "Fuck off, get cancer and die a long and painfull death."
> Tattoo Deadbeat: "Somebody needs to shoot DFS in the head."
> [H]ypocrite [H]omer: "Shut your fat mouth you stupid fucking American
> inbred Redneck"
> [H]ypocrite [H]omer: "Burn in Hell"
> Creepy Christopher John Ahlstrom: "dumb fucker", "Lying Hadron Cunt",
> "fucking dumb", "shitty little assholes", "go to Hell", "true pieces of
> shit", "fuckhead"
> Telnet Porter: "And they do have a lot to fear, between me shoving
> their teeth down their throats..."
> (p)Rick: "Fuck you, you lying bitch."
> Nobody: "Shouldn't you be on a ledge somewhere?"
> Dumb Willie followup: "With a crowd shouting "Jump!"
> Scott 'vallor' Doty: "incompetent", "psychopaths", "sociopaths",
> "asshole", "jerk", "half-wit"
> yttrx: "fucking moron."
> Greg Shearman: "fuckwit lying cunt"
> Tattoo Deadbeat: "Get the fuck out, then, bitch."
> Kier: "go fuck yourself"
> Philip Callan: "You ignorant fuck ..."
> Fraud 7: "No good flat fsck. You are an in-bread American commie
> troll... You produce nothing of value to America..."
> JED: "stupid", "idiot", "moron", "loser"
> And the previous King Of Nasty Little Fucks: yourself:
> (in one post): "Fsck you...snotty POS....asshole...worthless waste of
> suck shit...God-damned...fsckwit...Wintroll fsckwits."
> (in 17 days during June 2012):
> "idiot, stupid, morons and assholes, fucking moron, true stupidity,
> puerile assholery, worthless POS, evil bastards, trolling assholes,
> jackass, dumb bastard, Wintroll circle-jerk, trolls are filthy, lying
> piece of shit, piece of shit, POS, POS, what an *asshole*, fucking
> *assholes*, shitty and dishonest Linux-haters, prick shit-canned, filthy
> lying *asshole*, shit-brained arsehole, *stupidity* of epic proportions,
> stupid* pile of shit, *jackass*, too God-damned *stupid*, trolling
> shitwits, *stupid*, assholery, brain-damaged fucktard, piece of shit,
> drooling retard/liar, drooling retard/liar, stupid piece of shit wannabe
> dictators, jackass, clueless and lying idiot, ignorant ass, Stupid
> fuckwit!, You stepped in your own shit, fuckwitted asshole, extremely
> shitty, lying asshole, trolling fuckwit, you *stupid* asshole, POS,
> asshole, shitty dishonesty, piece of shit, asshole, fuckwit, fuckwit,
> lying fuckwit, you POS, you stupid piece of shit, couple of dishonest
> little shits, a disease infesting the planet, POS and liar, fucktard
> trolls, Windows-loving asshole, shitty, filthy Wintroll, bald-faced
> liar, you piece of shit liar, shitty, useless Linux-haters, you stupid
> piece of shit, piece of shit, Utterly worthless liar, filthy Win troll,
> lying pieces of shit, fricken jackass, worthless lying POS jackass,
> shamelessly lying POS, worthless, shit-brained asshole, POS liar, the
> filthy liar, evil selfish bastards, fucking idiot, fucking *stupid*,
> ignorant, spews garbage, jackass, idiot asshole, piece of shit, stupid
> POS, trolling fuckwit, POS, lies his ass off, vile thing, shitty, liar,
> ignorant lying piece of shit, vile bastard asshole liar, fucking *liar*,
> worthless, shameless jackass, shitty, piece of shit liar, shameless
> jackass, filthy lying assholes, jackass, cram it up your ass, asshole,
> POS, filthy, immoral, dogshit brains, shitty little freedom-hating
> dictator wannabee, fucking idiot, piece of shit, stupid, ignorant,
> shameless asshole. Linux-hating pieces of shit, fucking, shit, shitty,
> shitty, shitty, selfish assholes, shamelessly dishonest POS, vile lying
> bastards, filthy liar, filthy fucks, fucking *assholes*, disgusting
> scumbag, vile filthy mean, fuckwit, filthy fucking, liar, trolling
> fuckwit, POS, filthy fuckwit, vile pukes, you shit, vile bastards,
> filthy fuck, mentally-defective bigots disgusting freaks, piece of shit,
> filthy lying bigot, shitty, filthy bigots, trolling fuckwit and shit,
> vile bigot, fuckwit piece of shit disgusting freak"
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------


o Microsoft stealthily installs Windows 10 update to nag you to upgrade to Windows

By: Joel on Wed, 13 Nov 2024


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