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comp / comp.os.linux.advocacy / Re: Grinning Joe Biden Addresses Trump's Landslide Win

Subject: Re: Grinning Joe Biden Addresses Trump's Landslide Win
From: Skeeter
Newsgroups:,, alt.politics.republicans, comp.os.linux.advocacy, talk.politics.guns
Organization: UTB
Date: Sat, 9 Nov 2024 22:01 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5
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From: (Skeeter)
Subject: Re: Grinning Joe Biden Addresses Trump's Landslide Win
Date: Sat, 9 Nov 2024 15:01:26 -0700
References: <> <vgofm3$3taf3$> <672fc265$0$1428226$> <672fcf57$1$2759$> <672fd2bd$1$654094$>
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In article <672fd2bd$1$654094$>, says...
> On Nov 9, 2024 at 2:09:50 PM MST, "Skeeter" wrote
> <672fcf57$1$2759$>:
> >>
> >> Notice you make personal attacks and will not speak of Trump's bigotry,
> >> hatred, attacks against immigrants, work to destroy the environment, the
> >> pleasure of our enemies nor the horror of our allies. You know your position
> >> is emotional and not something that CAN be defended. I have the benefit of
> >> knowing my view is correct and supported by evidence.
> >
> > Then why did the people choose him?
> Glad you asked. A shame you will not show any understanding.
> The rise of both Adolf Hitler and Donald Trump is a horrifying testament to
> the power of manipulation, fear, and selfish ambition. While their political
> environments and times may have differed, their methods of gaining
> power--through deception, division, and the exploitation of vulnerable
> populations--are disturbingly similar. Their appeal to the masses was rooted
> in lies, hatred, and an utter disregard for human dignity, all in the name of
> their personal agendas.
> 1. Economic Hardship and Desperation
> * Hitler: Germany was a broken nation in the aftermath of World War I, crushed
> under the weight of the Treaty of Versailles and ravaged by economic ruin.
> Hitler saw an opportunity to exploit the suffering of the German people,
> offering them a false vision of recovery and greatness. His promises of
> national renewal were a bait-and-switch, using the despair of the people as a
> springboard for his horrifying ambitions. The more he preyed on their
> desperation, the more he incited hatred, pushing Germany into the abyss of
> fascism and genocide.
> * Trump: Similarly, Trump capitalized on the economic fears of struggling
> Americans, particularly those left behind by decades of deindustrialization.
> His hollow promises of bringing back jobs were nothing more than a smokescreen
> for his own personal gain. He fed off the economic misery of everyday people,
> making them believe that his brand of toxic nationalism would heal their
> wounds, all while he continued to enrich himself and his allies.
> 2. Disillusionment with the Political System
> * Hitler: The people of Germany were tired of the Weimar Republic, and Hitler
> exploited this disillusionment with ruthless efficiency. He portrayed himself
> as a man of destiny, the one who could restore Germany to greatness by
> crushing the fragile democracy that had failed to protect them. His promises
> to dismantle the Weimar system were nothing short of a betrayal of democratic
> principles, and in exchange, he delivered nothing but violence, oppression,
> and war.
> * Trump: Trump similarly cloaked himself in the mantle of an outsider,
> positioning himself as the savior who would "drain the swamp" of Washington
> corruption. But in reality, he was just as corrupt as the system he claimed to
> oppose--if not more so. His only real goal was to enrich himself and feed his
> ego, all while dismantling the institutions of democracy that people had
> worked so hard to build. His election was not a triumph of democracy but a
> mockery of it.
> 3. Nationalism and the Cult of Personality
> * Hitler: Hitler's nationalism was nothing more than a thinly veiled call for
> racial purity, a call that would eventually lead to the murder of millions. He
> whipped up a frenzy of hatred and fear, turning ordinary Germans into willing
> participants in one of history's most horrific genocides. His vision of
> "greatness" was built on the blood of innocents, the very people he demonized
> as "undesirable."
> * Trump: Trump's brand of nationalism was less overtly violent but no less
> toxic. His rhetoric, laced with contempt for immigrants, minorities, and
> anyone who did not fit his narrow, whitewashed vision of America, led to the
> emboldening of hate groups, violence, and division. His vision of "greatness"
> was built on an exclusionary, regressive idea of American identity--one that
> pushed vulnerable communities into the margins.
> 4. The Dangerous Charisma of Dangerous Men
> * Hitler: Hitler's oratory skills were used for one purpose: to manipulate and
> control. His speeches were designed to inflame, to instill fear and hatred, to
> make people believe that their problems could only be solved through violence
> and destruction. His charismatic presence masked the evil at the heart of his
> ideology, leading millions to follow him down a path that ended in unspeakable
> atrocities.
> * Trump: Trump, too, possessed a dangerous charisma, but in a way that was
> raw, unrefined, and often offensive. His appeal was not in his wisdom but in
> his ability to speak directly to people's basest instincts. He was a master of
> provocation, using inflammatory rhetoric to keep his followers in a constant
> state of outrage and fear. He has turned ignorance and cruelty into a
> political weapon, and like Hitler, he has built a cult of personality that
> blinds people to the harm he does.
> 5. Scapegoating and Hatred
> * Hitler: Hitler's ability to scapegoat the Jews, Roma, communists, and anyone
> who didn't conform to his ideal was the engine that powered the Nazi regime.
> He spun an elaborate lie that these groups were responsible for all of
> Germany's woes, and in doing so, he gave the German people an enemy to focus
> their rage on. It was a lie that led to unimaginable suffering, genocide, and
> a war that tore the world apart.
> * Trump: Trump has engaged in his own form of scapegoating, particularly
> targeting immigrants, Muslims, and minorities. His rhetoric around immigration
> has fed the fears of his base, painting entire communities as dangerous and
> threatening. Like Hitler, Trump has used these groups as political pawns,
> distracting from the real problems by directing rage at vulnerable people. His
> lies and his willingness to stoke division have led to real-world violence,
> hate crimes, and a breakdown of societal trust.
> 6. Fear of Change and Identity Politics
> * Hitler: Hitler exploited the fear of change, manipulating people's anxieties
> about losing their national identity and their way of life. He offered them an
> idealized past, one where Germany was pure and strong, and used this myth to
> justify policies that led to mass murder and war. He promised a return to an
> imagined greatness, built on racial superiority and the exclusion of anyone
> who did not fit his vision.
> * Trump: Trump, like Hitler, preyed on the fear of a changing world. His
> rhetoric was steeped in nostalgia for a time that never truly existed,
> appealing to a subset of the population that feared losing their traditional
> way of life. His embrace of identity politics--particularly his emphasis on
> white, male, Christian dominance--was an attempt to turn back the clock on
> progress, and he used this fear to solidify his grip on power.
> 7. Media Manipulation and Control of the Narrative
> * Hitler: The Nazis were master manipulators of the media, using it to push
> their agenda of hate and division. Goebbels' Ministry of Propaganda controlled
> what Germans saw and heard, shaping the public's perception of reality. They
> created a mythic narrative around Hitler, portraying him as the only one
> capable of saving Germany from its many perceived enemies.
> * Trump: Trump understood the power of media manipulation, using it to stoke
> outrage and push his agenda. He has never hesitated to lie, distort facts, and
> use social media to spread his message. His relentless assault on the press,
> calling it "fake news," is a tactic to undermine truth and create a parallel
> reality where only his voice matters. Like Hitler, Trump understands that
> controlling the narrative is a key to controlling the masses.
> 8. The Promise of a Glorious Future Built on Lies
> * Hitler: Hitler promised to make Germany great again, but his idea of
> greatness was a nightmare. His vision was built on hatred, violence, and a
> cult of personality that promised to erase the undesirables and purify the
> nation. The future he offered was one of conquest and destruction, where human
> lives were expendable in the pursuit of his twisted dreams of power.
> * Trump: Trump's slogan "Make America Great Again" was a hollow promise to
> those who longed for a return to a more prosperous time. But what he really
> meant was a return to a time of white dominance and regressive policies. His
> "greatness" came at the expense of marginalized communities, and his actions
> have left a trail of division, pain, and destruction. The future he has
> promised is one of fear, exclusion, and authoritarianism.
> In the end, both Hitler and Trump are manifestations of the ugliest sides of
> human nature--greed, cruelty, and the pursuit of power at any cost. They
> exploited fear and division to advance their agendas, and in doing so, they
> have left a legacy of suffering. While their impacts on the world differ in
> scale, the methods they used to gain and hold power are chillingly similar.
> The damage they have caused--and continue to cause--is not just a product of
> their actions, but of the countless people who allowed themselves to be swept
> up in their dangerous lies.

So a year from now I will still laugh at your stupidity. Unless of
course you're not locked up in a camp.

o Grinning Joe Biden Addresses Trump's Landslide Win

By: John Smyth on Thu, 7 Nov 2024

333John Smyth

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