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comp / comp.os.linux.advocacy / Re: Democrat "facts" (lies...) are like children playing Jenga.

Subject: Re: Democrat "facts" (lies...) are like children playing Jenga.
From: Creon
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy,
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2024 08:11 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
From: (Creon)
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy,
Subject: Re: Democrat "facts" (lies...) are like children playing Jenga.
Date: 5 Nov 2024 08:11:47 GMT
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On Mon, 4 Nov 2024 14:46:10 -0500, -hh wrote:

> On 11/4/24 4:29 AM, chrisv wrote:
>> -hh wrote:
>>> chrisv wrote:
>>>> -hh wrote:
>>>>> Seems like it includes:
>>>> Seems like nothing of any of the "points" you made. At least for me.
>>> Meaning that (bullshit snipped)
>> Meaning that you make shit up to attack. Most conservatives are
>> smarter and more aware than what you have asserted.
> Based on postings here, there's been zero evidence that 'smarter' ones
> even exist. Case in point:
> You bravely snipped above: " damn well know that there's been
> screams of "Fuck your feelings" by the MAGAs....", to try to avoid
> acknowledging what was said, because you know that it is true.
>> We *must* reduce our dependance upon China. They are our enemy. If
>> that reduces our standard of living, so be it.
> Sure, but if you really do what you say, then why are you supporting the
> US politician who gave China even more power & influence when he
> withdrew the USA from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which had
> been configured to limit China's growth in influence?
> Likewise, how do you support a candidate who's calling to cancel the US
> CHIPS Act? Because this Act's purpose is to regain US manufacturing
> capacity in the semiconductor industry and improve national security by
> countering the huge Chinese push for dominance in this industry.
>>>> For examples, I'm not opposed to abortions in all situations, and I
>>>> accept increased prices as inevitable as we necessarily reduce our
>>>> dependance upon our enemy, China.
>>> which has already resulting in multiple deaths of women.
>> Sad if true, but far more lives were saved.
> *IF*?
> Amber Thurman, Georgia:
> <>
> Josseli Barnica, Texas:
> <
> Neveah Crain, Texas:
> <
> "A dramatic rise in pregnant women dying in Texas after abortion ban
> Exclusive analysis finds the rate of maternal deaths in Texas increased
> 56% from 2019 to 2022, compared with just 11% nationwide during the same
> time period."
> <
> "Texas OB-GYNs urge lawmakers to change abortion laws after reports on
> pregnant women's deaths"
> <
> And no, more lives weren't saved, because when the mother dies, the
> fetus dies too. Every time.
>>>> Hordes of immigrants invading our country is not hand waving.
>>> ... just what is the actual problem with these immigrants?
>> It's far too many, far too quickly. They are overwhelming our systems.
>> They are completely unvetted for quality and ability to contribute.
> Okay, but if that's really your position, then why are you supporting
> the US politicians who are actively opposing fixing the backlog and
> vetting problems by killing the bipartisan immigration bill?
> FYI, if your defense is that it didn't go far enough, what's wrong with
> taking a positive step in the desired direction? After all, "A journey
> of 1000 miles starts with a single step" ...
> Repeating something I asked RonB, just how long should the processing
> take? Because TANSSAFL applies.
> And FWIW, before one gets all hyped up about making sure that they're
> only good quality folks who can contribute, where's the historical prior
> precedent for this to be a standard? It certainly didn't exist for the
> millions who came in through Ellis Island, plus as those small town
> Haitians are demonstrating, they do good quite quickly. Ditto for the
> upwards of 89% working in the Dairy industry as I'd previously cited.
>>>> Leftists trying to make us poor and weak with "climate reforms"...
>>> Sounds like (idiocy snipped)
>> Sounds like nothing of the kind.
> Oh, you don't think I can bring receipts?
> "...Sounds like someone doesn't remember what smog was like...
> <
> <
> <>
> "...or how Cleveland's river caught on fire.
> <>
> "...Nor do they know that solar/wind is creating more jobs than fossil
> fuels..."
> "According to the 2019 U.S. Energy & Employment Report, in 2018 there
> were 2.4 million jobs in clean energy generation and energy efficiency,
> compared to half that many in fossil energy production."
> <
> <
> "...concern for the hollowing-out of the Middle Class is due to GOP
> anti-Union initiatives (including "at will" employment)..."
> <
> " tax cuts just for the rich, which has enabled vastly greater
> wealth concentration in the top 1%, which means less for everyone else."
> <>
> Plus the 2017 TCJA expires in 14 months, which will increase personal
> marginal income tax rates by 3-4% for MFJ incomes above ~$24K
> <
>>>> ... that won't do any good while our enemy, China, laughs and builds
>>>> two coal-fired plants every week is not hand waving.
>>> But that is hand waving (straw man arguments and verbose diversion
>>> attempts snipped)
>> No, it's a fact.
> Oh, so its a "fact" that China's not building any solar/wind?
> "China Building Twice as Much Wind and Solar as Rest of World Combined"
> "China is building 180 gigawatts of large solar projects and 159
> gigawatts of large wind projects, which together amount to nearly
> two-thirds of the capacity coming online worldwide, according to an
> analysis from Global Energy Monitor"
> "Wind and solar already amount to more than a third of Chinese power
> capacity, and they are expected to surpass coal capacity this year."
> <>
> Whoops!
>> The amount of carbon being spewed is controlled by Southeast Asia.
> You were complaining about China: don't try to dishonestly move the
> goalposts now to "Southeast Asia".
> What you're trying to invoke on is how China went on a coal power plant
> building spree in the late 2010s, which was as a risk reduction measure
> in case growths in nuclear+solar+wind didn't meet their domestic demand.
> But what you're overlooking is that building it doesn't mean it gets
> turned on and used:
> "In May [2024], China saw its coal output hit a record low as renewable
> generation surged, according to a new analysis from CarbonBrief."
> <>
> Likewise, and as I've already said (but you bravely snipped!), you're
> trying to "ignore how coal thermal plants can be later converted". This
> is because a thermal powerplant is a thermal powerplant, so the thermal
> source can be swapped its also possible that the only part
> that's considered valuable is just its grid connection infrastructure:
> <
> FYI, see also Switzerland's co-generation using solar & hydro:
> <
>> This bullshit about electric cars that aren't even any better, for
>> example, is ridiculous.
>> Where are the solar panels coming from? China. Where are the wind
>> turbines coming from? China? Where is the Lithium for batteries
>> coming from? China.
>> China is making sure that they have abundant energy, while we grow weak
>> and dependant. When they decide to take Taiwan, we won't dare do
>> anything about it. Then they'll own the chip supply, too.
>> Have fun being subservient to the CCP, America!
> Oh, so its a good thing then that Trump killed the TPP, increasing
> China's dominance?
>>>> Leftists calling normal people "haters" if they don't want perverted
>>>> men in girls locker rooms is not hand waving.
>>> (idiocy snipped)
>> > Trump is not relevant to the issue, ...
> Incorrect, because you said "men", not boys. As such, you've exluded
> those who you claim are the feelings of a few confused/sick.
>> and the feelings of a few confused and/or sick does not override the
>> feelings of everyone else.
> No, for you're trying to take the lazy way out: the principles of
> equality is that it is for all, not just the 98% that's easy.
>> I'm not going to bicker, again, about all of the issues. Your
>> assholery about the right having nothing but "hand waving" has been
>> debunked. Your response to this post will be deleted, unread.
> Oh look: it is chrisv falsely declaring victory again: just like what
> we can expect Trump to do tomorrow, no matter the election outcome!
> -hh

Thank you for your article.

(chrisv used to be a decent guy, but something seems to have
happened to him...)

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"The irony of life is that no one gets out alive..."

o Democrat "facts" (lies...) are like children playing Jenga.

By: Snopes Heroin Addict on Thu, 31 Oct 2024

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