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BOFH excuse #49: Bogon emissions

comp / comp.os.linux.advocacy / Re: Word salad Kamala is back on stage.

Subject: Re: Word salad Kamala is back on stage.
From: Snit
Newsgroups:,, alt.politics.republicans, comp.os.linux.advocacy, talk.politics.guns
Organization: Southern Nevada Institute of Technology
Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2024 22:53 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4
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From: (Snit)
Subject: Re: Word salad Kamala is back on stage.
Organization: Southern Nevada Institute of Technology
References: <> <6727878a$13$16$> <6727b6c8$3$1895496$> <6727f9fd$0$1895501$>
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Date: 03 Nov 2024 22:53:15 GMT
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On Nov 3, 2024 at 3:32:28 PM MST, "Skeeter" wrote

> In article <6727b6c8$3$1895496$>,
> says...
>> On Nov 3, 2024 at 7:24:10 AM MST, "Skeeter" wrote
>> <6727878a$13$16$>:
>>> In article <6726a25c$2$2759$>,
>>> says...
>>>> On Nov 2, 2024 at 1:56:15 PM MST, "Skeeter" wrote
>>>> <672691f0$4$3620711$>:
>>>>> In article <67268a49$3$3068682$>,
>>>>> says...
>>>>>> On Nov 2, 2024 at 1:17:00 PM MST, "Skeeter" wrote
>>>>>> <672688bd$0$3620721$>:
>>>>>>> In article <67268487$0$212409$>,
>>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>>> On Nov 2, 2024 at 12:45:38 PM MST, "Skeeter" wrote
>>>>>>>> <67268164$2$3620706$>:
>>>>>>>>> In article <672676df$2$3620704$>,
>>>>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>>>>> On Nov 2, 2024 at 11:32:39 AM MST, "Skeeter" wrote
>>>>>>>>>> <67267048$0$2873011$>:
>>>>>>>>>>> In article <67265a2f$0$3827$>,
>>>>>>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Nov 2, 2024 at 8:53:10 AM MST, "Skeeter" wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>> <67264ae7$0$2873019$>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> In article <672633a1$0$1428226$>,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Nov 2, 2024 at 3:37:25 AM MST, "Skeeter" wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <672600a4$1$2757$>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In article <672555c4$7$212404$>,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Nov 1, 2024 at 12:48:48 PM MST, "Skeeter" wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <672530a0$1$2385538$>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In article <672517bb$0$1428124$>,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Nov 1, 2024 at 10:58:21 AM MST, "Mitchell Holman" wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <XnsB21D837F15D70629555@>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> John Smyth <> wrote in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll have mine with Italian dressing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'Word salad Kamala is back on stage."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Trumpers complain about word salad.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Look, having nuclear ? my uncle was a great
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> professor and scientist and engineer, Dr.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of Finance, very good, very smart ? you know,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if you?re a conservative Republican, if I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> liberal Democrat, they would say I?m one of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the smartest people anywhere in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> world?it?s true! ? but when you?re a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conservative Republican they try ? oh, do they
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do a number ? that?s why I always start off:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Went to Wharton, was a good student, went
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there, went there, did this, built a fortune?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you know I have to give my like credentials
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all the time, because we?re a little
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disadvantaged ? but you look at the nuclear
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> deal, the thing that really bothers me ? it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would have been so easy, and it?s not as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> important as these lives are (nuclear is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> powerful; my uncle explained that to me many,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> many years ago, the power and that was 35
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> years ago; he would explain the power of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what?s going to happen and he was right ? who
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would have thought?), but when you look at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what?s going on with the four prisoners?now
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it used to be three, now it?s four ? but when
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it was three and even now, I would have said
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it?s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fellas because, you know, they don?t, they
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> haven?t figured that the women are smarter
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> right now than the men, so, you know, it?s
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gonna take them about another 150 years ? but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Persians are great negotiators, the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they just killed, they just killed us."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Part of a campaign speech given by Donald Trump in July 2015
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And this was 9 years ago, before
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> he complately lost all his marbles.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When there were two older men of deeply questionable capabilities in the race
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the media focused on it HARD. Now there is only one and they largely ignore
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Because he's not senile like Joe.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> He is senile in his own way... a way filled with hatred and bigotry.
>>>>>>>>>> Why did you run from this?
>>>>>>>>> I made you snip and lie again. You are losing little fella.
>>>>>>>> You keep going off topic. Why not respond to the content, other than the
>>>>>>>> reason you have already given -- you are a coward. The media was focused on
>>>>>>>> the senility of the candidates... now when there is only one senile old man
>>>>>>>> who clearly has lost his ability to understand what is going on around him
>>>>>>>> they have dropped that. Why do you think that is?
>>>>>>> That never happened.
>>>>>> You have denial. That is boring. Be a better troll or get ignored for a while.
>>>>>> Remember, I quoted some specific example. You just will not admit that is not
>>>>>> a bug but a feature of his campaign.
>>>>> You quoted what the fake media told you.
>>>> What do you get out of this lie...
>> You ignored this question. Of course.
> Not a lie. Just truth.

You made the claim I referred to the media. You offered no evidence of this.
You lied.
>>>> other than another dodge of the FACTS of
>>>> what was said at the rally. Again, here are just some of the nationalist,
>>>> bigoted, hate filled, anti-American comments from the rally itself:
>>>> "The f*cking illegals are getting whatever they want"
>>>> "Her and her pimp handlers ..."
>>>> "The first Samoan-Malaysian..."
>>>> "on day one I will launch the biggest deportation program in American history
>>>> to get the criminals out"
>>>> "there is literally a floating island of garbage in the ocean. I think it is
>>>> called Puerto Rico"
>>>> "America is for Americans and Americans only"
>>>> That is directly from the video I pointed you to. The rally. No reason to
>>>> think you watched a minute of it.
>>> I did and that is cherry picked snippets.
>> I did not quote the whole thing. LOL! That is the best you can do. No, you
>> just have no issue with such nationalistic, bigoted, hate filled,
>> anti-American sentiments. Why do you insist on rehashing this over and over,
>> other than that you are clearly unable to defend you views and are struggling
>> with cognitive dissonance over it.
> I don't have to defend anything.

Your trolling would be better if you did. At least PRETEND to have an
argument. Pretend to have evidence. Now you just have insults and clearly
false claims. Your trolling is boring. Soon you will be getting a LOT less
attention from me... and you will cry. Publicly you will say you "won" and I
ran off scared or whatever, but the reality is you are just boring. There are
trolls who are FAR more entertaining than you are.

> You are wrong, the MSM is wrong. They
> were jokes. Go find a safe place little crybaby.

These were not jokes... but even if they were, why say anything so
anti-American and hate filled and bigoted at a political rally?

Personal attacks from those who troll show their own insecurity. They cannot use reason to show the message to be wrong so they try to feel somehow superior by attacking the messenger.

They cling to their attacks and ignore the message time and time again.

o Word salad Kamala is back on stage.

By: John Smyth on Fri, 1 Nov 2024

200John Smyth

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