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comp / comp.os.linux.advocacy / Re: CNN is calling out Kamala for dodging important questions

Subject: Re: CNN is calling out Kamala for dodging important questions
From: Charlie Glock
Newsgroups:, comp.os.linux.advocacy,
Organization: Always Locked and Loaded
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 20:47 UTC
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From: "Charlie Glock" (Charlie Glock)
Subject: Re: CNN is calling out Kamala for dodging important questions
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Date: 13 Sep 2024 20:47:57 GMT
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On 2024-09-13, pothead <> wrote:
> On 2024-09-13, Steve Carroll <"Steve Carroll"@noSPAM.none> wrote:
>> On 2024-09-12, Snit <> wrote:
>>>>>> One problem with the debate was that people still do not know what
>>>>>> Kamala's policies are
>>>>> A bigger issue for Trump is people DO know what his polices are.
>>>> The issue for the country is too many of the independents, the ones
>>>> who'l likely decide the
election (were it actually free and fair,
>>>> anyway),
>>> Right here you show you buy into Trump's lies.
>> So you don't see the media's *INSANE* level of partisanship as being a
>> MASSIVE thumb on the scale?
>> Of course you don't, in this current sham the fact that ABC's coverage
>> of KH was 100% positive and tRUMP's was 93% negative has no effect on
>> your belief that ABC is still a 'news' organization. That's all the
>> proof needed to see the degree to which you're a partisan hack and you
>> have no clue why because you believe 'tRUMP deserves it'.
> Snit is a low information, radical left wing person who wants to be taken care of by the
> government, supports anything the left wing MSM tells him. He's a clone of the Biden administration
> which for 4 years has put America last and snit doesn't care as long as it doesn't cost him
> anything and he can continue to live on the dole.
> This is why he needs to pivot, project and snip and run while accusing others of doing exactly what
> he is doing.
> This is classic democrat behavior.
> If the democrats are accusing the republicans of something you can be sure that it's really the
> democrats who are doing that something.
> Examples: Russia hoax.. Hillary's brainchild.
> Fake videos.
> Threat to democracy when they install a candidate who hasn't gotten a single POTUS primary vote.
> White supremacy or climate change is the biggest national threat.
> The border is secure
> And many other things.
> This has been a tactic of the democrats for decades.
> To deny that the MSM is mostly biased towards the left is ridiculous.
> The MSM is basically just the publicity department of the DNC.
> They no longer even try to hide it.
>> As to what I buy, or not... I don't buy the BS about how 'we checked'
>> and found 'nothing', or, rather, not enough to account for the loss. Any
>> thinking person knows there wasn't nearly enough time/resources put
>> towards a job that big. Here's a comparative clue for you: Look at how
>> much time/$$ was spent on the phony Russian collusion story based on a
>> bogus dossier (that had *already* been debunked by our 'honest and
>> honorable' FBI). Outside of tRUMP, no one 'in power' wanted to find
>> anything... and this doesn't even consider all the cases dismissed for
>> lack of standing (if a POTUS doesn't have standing in a federal
>> election, who does?).
> You lost snit at the word "job".
> He has no concept of a legitimate job.
>> Given how that many states have recently changed their laws (and not in
>> good ways) and how we've embraced mail-in to the extent we have with
>> ballot harvesting and polluted voter rolls, our federal election system
>> is now a joke, a 'third world country level' joke. Couple that with
>> every major influencer in the tank for the Dems and even the most ardent
>> partisan hack, were they honest, would be forced to admit the reality.
> It's literally a 24x7 assault on conservative values.
> The goal is to damage Trump and get a democrat elected. They will stop at nothing to accomplish
> this.
>> It's notable how the Dems scream about having been cheated when they
>> lose... and people like you are fine with it because you're a ridiculous
>> partisan hack who doesn't even realize how readily he displays it.
> Like snit they use the flip the script tactic to focus on the minor issue rather than respond to
> the major issue.
> So for example, take the Arlington incident.
> The state sponsored media focuses on some minor violation of procedure at the cemetary and ignore
> the fact that Biden/Harris are the reason these people are dead along with the fact that per the
> family member(s), the Biden regime ignored their attempts to reach out to them and finally the fact
> that Trump actually did show up, met with the family members and per their wishes videoed it.
> So what is more important?
> The wishes of those who lost loved ones due to the incompetence of the Biden regime.
> Or, some silly regulation which probably gets violated dozens of times a month by people who just
> may not be aware of it.
> Guess which one the media has been running with.
> See how this works?
>> Unlike you, I don't buy every goofy piece of propaganda both sides
>> push... but the Dems are *far* worse at this point with all their
>> lopsided lawfare. And they're not just targeting tRUMP, it was RFK,
>> Gabbard and others... and you gobble it all up and ask for more even
>> *as* you recognize we no longer have a democracy. tRUMP is the political
>> version of you, but he's still the better choice.
> RFK is a real interesting example of how the democrats slither around.
> At first they tried to get him off the ballot.
> Now they are trying to keep him on the ballot.
> They also blackballed him, Tulsi and Maryanne Williamson who claims that the MSM like MSNBC refuses
> to interview her.
> And then there is Nikki Haley, the neocon.
> The democrats poured money into her campaign and had their voters come out in force and vote for
> her during the primaries at least in states where it was permitted to vote across party line.
> The democrats are so evil which is why I refer to them as demons.
>>>> don't know enough about KH's policies or whether or not to
>>>> believe she'll go against her voting record,
>> (snip stuff at least half the country doesn't believe was based on
>> anything other than lawfare or stuff they clearly don't care about (i.e.
>> mean tweets).
> Orange man bad.
> I'll bet people attempting to pay their mortgage, fill up their car, buy groceries, pay their
> energy bill and so forth would be very happy to get Trump back in office.
> Those mean tweets must be looking quite attractive by now.
>>>> the thing she's currently
>>>> trying to 'sell' to voters after having created a situation she's now
>>>> vowing to 'fix'.
>>> I bet you believed Trump when he spoke of people eating pets. LOL!
>> What's worse:
>> 1. An apparently, as of yet, unsubstantiated story like that
>> or
>> 2. The telling of lies, which went unchallenged by HK's 'support
>> moderators', that have been debunked *as* lies (one as far back as seven
>> years ago!)
> The fix was in (obviously) and it's beginning to come out.
> As for pets being killed here is another one:
>> Notably, you bring up #1 but not #2, gee I wonder why <eyeroll>. KH
>> tried the same crap in the debate to throw tRUMP off and it worked. The
>> problem is people are desensitized to attacks on tRUMP now. She wasted
>> an opportunity to explain herself and polls from independents show it.
> It's flip the script again.
>> Reality check:
>> I have no idea if pet feasting happened, or not... and neither do you.
>> The difference is, I don't just ignore something simply because he said
>> it, that's what TDS did to you. Our own governor stated our issue with
>> the TDA gang isn't happening, that people were imagining it. I'd have to
>> be as stupid as you are to agree with him without doing any research.
> Same.
> At worst, Trump said something stupid.
> The media is flipping the script to avoid reporting on the damage that ~20k immigrants dumped into
> a small town of ~60k people.
> Overloaded social welfare system.
> Jammed hospitals.
> Overloaded education system.
> Accidents all over the place because these illegal migrants don't follow the US laws.
> Crime.
> etc.
> Better to talk about some stupid Trump statement.
> Again, see how this works?
>>>> Worse, like you, far too many will be voting on emotion
>>>> or because Taylor Swift (or <fill in the blank> 'did the research' for
>>>> them <eyeroll>.
>>> YOU are the one who focused on emotion.
>> Said the partisan hack who emphatically agreed with someone over voting
>> based on emotion. What's next? You'll become a 'Swiftie'?
> snit probably owns a plaid skater skirt, pumps, boots and all the rest.
> He already has the hair and the lispy voice.
> And if not, this site should give snit some ideas.
> Oh, one last thing.
> These are my OPINIONS based upon snit's posts.
> I am in no way attempting to speak FOR HIM.
> LOL!
Groups restored.
Snit is a moron.
That is something I did need to learn for myself, thanks in part to you and others, but there is no
helping snit.

Charlie Glock
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms"
- Thomas Jefferson 1776

o CNN is calling out Kamala for dodging important questions

By: John Smyth on Wed, 11 Sep 2024

155John Smyth

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