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It's a very *__UN*lucky week in which to be took dead. -- Churchy La Femme

comp / / Re: Why are iPhone videos clear when sent to iPhones but blurry when sent to Android?

Subject: Re: Why are iPhone videos clear when sent to iPhones but blurry when sent to Android?
From: Alan
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Sat, 18 May 2024 01:07 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
From: (Alan)
Subject: Re: Why are iPhone videos clear when sent to iPhones but blurry when
sent to Android?
Date: Fri, 17 May 2024 18:07:59 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 2024-05-17 17:59, Andrew wrote:
> Jolly Roger wrote on 17 May 2024 23:09:08 GMT :
>>> Please see this image
>> I don't need to see any image. iMessage is optional and opt-in. That's a
>> fact, Jack.
> Actually, if you stop logging into the various Apple mainframe tracking
> servers, after about two years, Apple will unilaterally lock you out.
> Ask me how I know this fact.

It's not a fact.

It is completely and utterly false.

>>> most US iPhone owners do log into the Apple iMessaging servers
>> Your claim that the iPhone logs into iMesage automatically is FALSE - a
>> LIE.
> You log in once, and forever more it keeps you logged in Jolly Roger.
> That you don't know that is no longer shocking about you Apple zealots.

But you can log out of iMessages on any iOS device:

'On your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch:

Go to Settings > Messages > Send & Receive. Tap your Apple ID, then tap
Sign Out.'


>>> Most likely the reason you are unaware that Apple nags you dozens of
>>> times a day, every day, to log into their many tracking servers, is
>>> you log in.
>> Nope, sorry. Thanks for playing. Normal people rarely are asked to log
>> in dozens of times a day. You created that situation by logging in with
>> a fake email address and credentials you admitted you don't remember
>> which made it impossible for you to recover access to your account - a
>> very, very stupid thing to do. Then you turn around every chance you get
>> and try to blame Apple for your utter stupidity.
> You're wrong, Jolly Roger. I have the full login/password of all devices.
> You just wish that were the case - but I went to Apple and they unbricked
> one of my iPads so that I could log in again - using the SAME
> login/password that I always used, Jolly Roger.
> The second iPad they wouldn't unbrick because I had to produce the receipt,
> even though I gave them my government ID to prove who I was.

But that ID didn't prove you OWNED that iPad, Arlen.

> Those to situations prove the lies Apple spews about privacy since there is
> no privacy on iPhones for a huge variety of reasons, the fact you must log
> into the Apple servers (or Apple will brick it) being just one of them.
>>> iOS is a dumb terminal
>> Bullshit.
> Heh heh heh... you hate the truth about Apple products Jolly Roger.
> It's no longer shocking you think you can download apps without logging
> into Apple's mainframe tracking servers (yes, I know about the EU thing).

I'm sorry, but the idea that iOS is a dumb terminal IS bullshit.

> You can't.
>>>>> 2. iPhone sends a short video clip to multiple recipients using
>>>>> Messages
>>>> The user could choose to send the video on another messaging app/service
>>>> if they wish.
>>> You do not understand
>> I understand that you are here bitching about MMS messaging video
>> quality when any other messaging app/service will preserve video quality
>> just fine.
> The problem is simply that nobody in this thread has fully understood how
> it works, least of all you and certainly I've said from the start I didn't.


'A recipient's carrier can also limit the size. For example, if the
intended recipient's carrier doesn't support your large file size, it
will reject or compress the file. This will happen even if your carrier
supports the large file size.'

'Have you ever tried to text a video to a friend, but you got a “Message
size limit reached” error? Or perhaps you sent the message, but your
friend received a blurry video instead of the original? That’s probably
because your message exceeded the Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)
file size limit.'


> You say you do but you say you understand everything and yet you're always
> wrong, Jolly Roger. Like when you said Apple fully supports older releases.
>>> you have no clue what people do on their devices
>> That's ironic as fuck coming from the dumb ass troll who doesn't know
>> how something as basic as MMS messaging works.
> And yet, not only don't you know how it works on an iPhone when they send a
> video clip to a group of users on both platforms, but nobody else knew
> either.
> The only difference is you claim to know everything when it's clear you
> don't know how it works (e.g., it's highly likely the downsizing is done by
> the iPhone as doing it anywhere else would negate the purpose of doing it).

'First of all, your carrier is the one that limits the MMS file size,
not your phone. For example, Verizon only allows images up to 1.2 MB and
videos up to 3.5 MB, while T-Mobile has a 1 MB limit for sending (3 MB
for receiving).

A recipient’s carrier can also limit the size. For example, if the
intended recipient’s carrier doesn’t support your large file size, it
will reject or compress the file. This will happen even if your carrier
supports the large file size.'

>>>>> 3. Presumably that clip _first_ goes to an Apple iMessaging
>>>>> server????? (is that correct?) (or does the iPhone do the splitting?)
>>>> Wrong again. The video is sent as an MMS message which goes through the
>>>> cellular carriers MMS service. Cellular carriers are notorious for
>>>> degrading MMS video quality to reduce data usage on their networks.
>>> You do not show that you understand the process, Jolly Roger, as we all
>>> know that it's _received_ as an MMS message on Android
>> You complete fool - it cannot be received as an MMS without it being
>> *sent* over the cellular network as an MMS. MMS messages are not sent
>> through iMessage - period.
> I said we all know it's received as an MMS message on Android, JR.
>>> but that's no longer the question that needs to be answered.
>> I'm not answering a question. I'm telling you what reality is, dummy.
> Except that you don't know how it works either, Jolly Roger.
> The two things you don't know, and nobody so far knows, is
> a. How does the iPhone know you're no longer logged into the
> Apple mainframe tracking servers if it doesn't check them?
> b. Where is the downsizing done?

The only one who doesn't know those things is you, Arlen.

>>> The question that needs to be answered is the following:
>>> 1. Is the video split up (between platform recipients) on the iPhone,
>>> or on the Apple mainframe servers or on carrier mainframe servers?
>> The video isn't "split up" at all. As I have already told you, if the
>> recipient is an iMessage user, the video is sent via iMessage. If not,
>> it is sent via the cellular network as an MMS message.
> That's what I mean by split. It's a fork.
>>> 2. Is the video downsized on that same server?
>> The video is downsized as a requirement for MMS messaging because MMS
>> has strict file size limits set by the particular cellular service
>> providers. For instance Verizon allows images up to 1.2 MB in size and
>> videos up to 3.5 MB in size. AT&T restricts videos to only 1 MB in size.
>> If a video is larger than that, it gets compressed automatically by the
>> cellular service provider before delivery. Note that iMessage is
>> not involved in any part of this process - nor is a log in to Apple's
>> servers required or used.
> Nobody is sure of that except you.
> And you've never been right before.


> So what you say is suspect without any cites to back up your guesses.
>>>>> That's the first point of confusion that I'd like to iron out.
>>>> The fact that you are this clueless about basic messaging says all we
>>>> need to know about your claim to know more about Apple than anyone
>>>> else here. I'd feel embarrassed for you, except you sling insults
>>>> regularly here so you deserve the ridicule you get.
>>> And yet you also don't appear to know the answer to the basic question
>>> of where is the action of splitting up the video to two different
>>> outgoing mechanisms performed - nor where the downsizing is performed,
>>> Jolly Roger.
>> Bitch, I've known this for literal decades. It's no secret. You can find
>> this out with basic web searches. You're just a huge fucking clown.
> And you "knew for decades" that Apple fully supported older releases too.
> And that was a lie since the start.

Apple fully supports older DEVICES.

>>>>> Where exactly do the clips get split into different outgoing
>>>>> mechanisms?
>>>> It's very simple: Messages sent to iMessage users are sent with
>>>> iMessage. Messages sent to non-iMessage users are sent as SMS/MMS.
>>>> You've been told this countless times, and you continue to play dumb
>>>> in order to troll. You're playing dumb to bait someone into saying
>>>> something you can use as some sort of lame "gotcha" to sling more
>>>> insults and weak trolls around, polluting the newsgroup with your
>>>> bullshit. You're not fooling anyone.
>>> My goal is to solve the problem.
>> No, your goal is - as always - to troll the Apple news groups in the
>> guise of "asking for help to solve a problem".
> Nope. My goal is to receive the baby videos without the iPhone destroying
> their quality. That's a simple goal. I've never cared about iPhone videos
> until now - so it didn't matter until now.


>>> In doing so, I need to understand exactly where the problem occurs.
>> Already told you - you just don't like the answer.
> Nobody agrees with you Jolly Roger.
> And you've been wrong about everything in the past too.
> So without a cite backing your claims, you're just guessing.
>>> Can you confirm that what you're apparently saying above is that the
>>> action of splitting the outgoing messages into two channels is done on
>>> the iPhone? a. Channel 1 is to send it to other iOS users b. Channel
>>> 2 is to send it to non-Apple users
>> There are no "channels" each recipient is sent the message, either
>> through iMessage or through the cellular network, depending on whether
>> the recipient is an iMessage user.
> Yes. It's a fork. But the question isn't whether it's a fork or not.
> It is.
>>> And can you confirm that the action of downsizing the video is also
>>> done on the iPhone?
>> Nope, it's done by the cellular service provider. Sorry, you don't get
>> to blame Apple for this (and we all know that's where you were headed).
> It's not clear to anyone but you that the downsizing is done at the
> carrier. At first I thought that but Frank came up with a convincing
> argument that it's done on the iPhone.


> We need to find a cite for the correct answer.
> Not just your guess.


>>> Bearing in mind anyone can put their SIM card into either an iPhone or
>>> an Android phone at any time...
>> Irrelevant.
> Actually not.
>>> ...If both the splitting & downsizing occur on the iPhone
>> Wrong.
> Could be right.
> Without a cite, we don't know.
>>> how does the iPhone know who is an Android user without first
>>> communicating with the Apple mainframe tracking servers to derive that
>>> information, Jolly Roger?
>> How do you expect iMessage users to be able to message each other
>> *without* logging into the iMessage service, smooth brain? My god,
>> you're an idiot.
> Which is why I said the iPhone is designed as a dumb terminal.
> It can't do all the things you love about it without logging into one of
> the Apple mainframe tracking servers. You just said so yourself.
> Android works just fine even if you never log into the Google servers.
> So does every other common consumer operating system work without logging
> into the mothership's mainframe tracking servers, Jolly Roger.
> That you're unaware of that is no longer shocking.
> But if you have a cite for your claims, I'll read it and understand it.

o Why are iPhone videos clear when sent to iPhones but blurry when sent to Android

By: Andrew on Thu, 16 May 2024


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