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BOFH excuse #378: Operators killed by year 2000 bug bite.

comp / comp.text.tex / Je bent een rund als je met vuurwerk stunt.

o Je bent een rund als je met vuurwerk stunt.HenHanna

Subject: Je bent een rund als je met vuurwerk stunt.
From: HenHanna
Newsgroups: sci.lang, alt.usage.english, comp.text.tex, de.comp.text.tex
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Sat, 20 Jul 2024 07:26 UTC
From: HenHanna@devnull.tb (HenHanna)
Newsgroups: sci.lang,alt.usage.english,comp.text.tex,de.comp.text.tex
Subject: Je bent een rund als je met vuurwerk stunt.
Date: Sat, 20 Jul 2024 00:26:47 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Slogan: Je bent een rund als je met vuurwerk stunt.

----- [Je] seems so First-Person , Yet here it's [Ye]


1500s: Originally referred to an old or decayed tree stump (a provincial
term with unknown origin).

1540s: Evolved to describe a small ox or cow, possibly influenced by the
Dutch word theory.

1600s: Became a general term for undersized animals and even ignorant

1700s: A slang term emerged for a short and stocky person (used as a
term of abuse).

1840s: The meaning of "runt" specifically referring to the smallest
animal in a litter (especially pigs) appeared, likely starting as a
regional term and eventually becoming widely used in American English.


In publishing, a "runt" refers to a very short last line in a
paragraph. It typically consists of just a few words, often even a
single word, sitting awkwardly on a line by itself.

------- K.Vonnegut (e.g.) uses this type of sentence fragment at
the end of a paragraph. Rather effectively. No?


the sentence== "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

(widow = last line on a page, orphan = first line on a new page).

widow= only the word "dog" might appear at the top of the next page.

orphan= only "The" appearing at the bottom of the previous page.

--------- Maybe LaTeX takes care of these automatically???


uithalen (uit + halen): Literally "pull out," can figuratively mean
"pull off" or "do something daring."

Example: "Hij haalde een gevaarlijke stunt uit op zijn skateboard."
(He pulled off a dangerous stunt on his skateboard.)

Note: The verb "stunten" can also be used in a more neutral
sense to describe performing a difficult or impressive feat, such as an
athlete performing a stunt. However, in the context of the slogan,
the focus is on the negative connotation of recklessness and danger.


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