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Today is National Existential Ennui Awareness Day.

comp / comp.sys.mac.advocacy / Re: Why do Apple zealots brazenly lie about Apple fully supporting only one release only at a time?

* Why do Apple zealots brazenly lie about Apple fully supporting only one release Andrew
`- Re: Why do Apple zealots brazenly lie about Apple fully supporting only one releAlan

Subject: Why do Apple zealots brazenly lie about Apple fully supporting only one release only at a time?
From: Andrew
Newsgroups:,, comp.sys.mac.apps, comp.sys.mac.system, comp.sys.mac.advocacy, alt.privacy
Organization: BWH Usenet Archive (
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2024 14:16 UTC
From: (Andrew)
Subject: Why do Apple zealots brazenly lie about Apple fully supporting only one release only at a time?
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2024 14:16:07 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: BWH Usenet Archive (
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Why do Apple zealots brazenly lie about Apple fully supporting only one
release only at a time?

a. They're inveterate liars
b. They don't have the IQ to comprehend Apple's own statements
c. They hate that Apple has the worst OS hotfix support in the industry

Choose three.
Proof below...

Chris wrote on Wed, 3 Jul 2024 11:23:09 -0000 (UTC) :

>> Simply answer this basic question,
>> Q: Does Apple publish that they only fully support a single release?
>> A: Yes or No
> You first. Answer my request above.

Heh... heh... heh... Now how did I know you kids would continue to brazenly
lie just to get out of answering that simple yes-or-no question, Chris.

Q: Does Apple publish that they only fully support a single release?
A: Yes or No

You lie so much you are even denying your own words, Chris.
Chris: "there have been 14 major versions. Probably the most 2-3
recent are supported"
Chris: "iOS 15, 16 and 17 have received several updates this year.
IOS 15 supports back to the iphone 6 which is nearly
nine years old."

Then badgolferman directly calls you out on your brazen lies, Chris.
badgolferman: "Apple admits to only fully supporting the current
software version (17) with security updates.
How are you claiming 15,16, 17 are supported?"

To which you continue to brazenly lie to badgolferman's face, Chris.
Chris: "You can see that two or three have been updated at the same
three times this year alone: 22nd Jan, 5th Mar, 22nd Mar.
Since the release of iOS 17, iOS 16 has received eight updates
and iOS 15 has received three."

To bolster your brazen lies to badgolferman, Jolly Roger also lies.
Jolly Roger: "we're supposed to ignore reality: 67% of devices
run iOS 17, 19% run iOS 16, 8% run iOS 15 = 94% of devices
are running the three most recent versions of iOS.
As you have shown, Apple is patching iOS 17 through iOS 15."

But it doesn't matter to me that you fundamentalists deny your own lies.
You actually *hate* that I tell you the truth about Apple products.

Assuming you and Jolly Roger read the cites (which isn't even a certainty,
given you still claim Apple fully supports more than one release at a
time), then you're either too low of an IQ to understand them - or you lie.

Pick one.

Trust me, I'm fully cognizant you Apple nutcases are embarrassed by your
own words, Chris - as I'm well aware you deny even what Apple wsa forced to
admit because, in truth, you *hate* that Apple is never what you thought it

Partly this isn't your fault as Apple marketing has been brilliant in
feeding ignorant gullible herd animals that they have the "best" support.

Which, is funny, really: as Apple has the worst support in the industry:
a. 1 release has full hot-fix support (everyone else is multiple releases)
b. Only 5 years (whereas both Samsung & Google are 7 years full support)
c. No hotfix capability until iOS 16 (no other OS is as primitive as iOS)

Anyway, I've proven time and again you religious fundamentalists don't even
understand how Apple updates iOS & macOS, and that you resort to lies.

Now answer the basic question - or - continue to lie about Apple support.
Your choice.

Simply answer this basic question, Chris, with a yes or with a no.

Q: Does Apple publish that they only fully support a single release?
A: Yes or No

Hint: Because of all your prior lies, you won't answer that question.
Now how did I know that? (heh heh heh... You're like small children.)

Subject: Re: Why do Apple zealots brazenly lie about Apple fully supporting only one release only at a time?
From: Alan
Newsgroups:,, comp.sys.mac.apps, comp.sys.mac.system, comp.sys.mac.advocacy, alt.privacy
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2024 17:59 UTC
References: 1
From: (Alan)
Subject: Re: Why do Apple zealots brazenly lie about Apple fully supporting
only one release only at a time?
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2024 10:59:51 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 2024-07-03 07:16, Andrew wrote:
> Why do Apple zealots brazenly lie about Apple fully supporting only one
> release only at a time?
> a. They're inveterate liars
> b. They don't have the IQ to comprehend Apple's own statements
> c. They hate that Apple has the worst OS hotfix support in the industry
> Choose three.
> Proof below...
> Chris wrote on Wed, 3 Jul 2024 11:23:09 -0000 (UTC) :
> >> Simply answer this basic question,
> >> Q: Does Apple publish that they only fully support a single release?
> >> A: Yes or No
> >
> > You first. Answer my request above.
> Heh... heh... heh... Now how did I know you kids would continue to brazenly
> lie just to get out of answering that simple yes-or-no question, Chris.
> Q: Does Apple publish that they only fully support a single release?
> A: Yes or No
> You lie so much you are even denying your own words, Chris.
> <>
> Chris: "there have been 14 major versions. Probably the most 2-3
> recent are supported"
> Chris: "iOS 15, 16 and 17 have received several updates this year.
> IOS 15 supports back to the iphone 6 which is nearly
> nine years old."

How is that claiming that they are "fully" supported, Arlen?


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