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comp / / Re: Settlers 3: pioneers

o Re: Settlers 3: pioneersmichel wissink

Subject: Re: Settlers 3: pioneers
From: michel wissink
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2023 18:29 UTC
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Subject: Re: Settlers 3: pioneers
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Op dinsdag 8 december 1998 om 09:00:00 UTC+1 schreef M. Maisenhelder:
> Mangusta ( wrote:
> > I am in the 5th roman mission. I conquered one of the islands, and sent =
> > 4 pioneers to it. I tried to recruit more on the main island, but it =
> > does not seem to work (though I have plenty of people available). The =
> Sure? The recruit button also only works if there are free settlers
> visible on your screen (you can't recruit them if you don't see them).
> And settlers standing around idly doesn't mean that they are totally
> unoccupied - a certain amoung of settlers (20% at the beginning - you can
> change that number though) is always reserved to become carriers if
> neccessary.
> > pioneers on the conquered island were just sitting there doing nothing =
> > (even after I told them to "take land", though I guess it wasn't =
> > necessary, the whole island was already occupied). I turned them into =
> If it was also occupied they won't take it a second time - if it was
> occupied by an enemy, they can take it unless it is protected by a
> defense tower. If there's a defense tower, you'll need soldiers to take
> it.
> > settlers (carriers to be exact, the only available option), and tried to =
> Nope, settlers - you change them back to settlers not carriers.
> > build a residence. Nothing happens. How the hell does this work? Anybody =
> You'll need a shovel (to prepare the building site) and a hammer (to build
> the building). If you have both you'll also need the building materials.
> The settlers will take what you drop on the beach with the merchant ship.
> (the beach has to be yours too, though.
> Oh, and naturally you can't build on enemy terretory if that's your
> problem...
> > knows? Thanks in advance.
> Hope that helped.
> Bye,
> Marco...

Hello Guys
How can i change pioneers in settlers in a second area?


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