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Don't look now, but there is a multi-legged creature on your shoulder.

comp / comp.os.linux.advocacy / Re: Joe Biden's Student Loan Giveaway Contributes to 27% Deficit Boost

* Joe Biden's Student Loan Giveaway Contributes to 27% Deficit BoostJohn Smyth
`* Re: Joe Biden's Student Loan Giveaway Contributes to 27% Deficit Boost%
 `* Re: Joe Biden's Student Loan Giveaway Contributes to 27% Deficit BoostChris Ahlstrom
  `* Re: Joe Biden's Student Loan Giveaway Contributes to 27% Deficit BoostGovernor Swill
   `* Re: Joe Biden's Student Loan Giveaway Contributes to 27% Deficit BoostChris Ahlstrom
    `* Re: Joe Biden's Student Loan Giveaway Contributes to 27% Deficit BoostCharlie Glock
     +* Re: Joe Biden's Student Loan Giveaway Contributes to 27% Deficit Boostchrisv
     |`- Re: Joe Biden's Student Loan Giveaway Contributes to 27% Deficit BoostSnit
     `- Re: Joe Biden's Student Loan Giveaway Contributes to 27% Deficit BoostGovernor Swill

Subject: Joe Biden's Student Loan Giveaway Contributes to 27% Deficit Boost
From: John Smyth
Newsgroups:, comp.os.linux.advocacy,, talk.politics
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2024 00:56 UTC
From: (John Smyth)
Subject: Joe Biden's Student Loan Giveaway Contributes to 27% Deficit Boost
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2024 20:56:19 -0400
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Bidenomics will fix all of this.

Joe Biden’s Student Loan Giveaway Contributes to 27% Deficit Boost


'The 2024 federal budget deficit will climb to $1.9 trillion, which is
$400 billion more than projected, thanks, in large part, to student loan

The largest portion of that $400 billion surprise comes from “a $145
billion increase that’s partly due to changes the Biden administration
made to student loan repayment plans and a new, proposed forgiveness
program that would waive some accrued interest for millions of

Well, that’s how CNNLOL spins it, but, in Normal People language, it
goes something like this… In a craven bid to purchase votes from a young
demographic that he’s losing to Orange Man Bad, Biden is transferring
student loan obligations from the privileged who went to college to the
rest of us.

This is really something:

Looking longer term, the nation’s debt will approach $57 trillion in
fiscal year 2034, nearly $2.5 trillion higher than previously projected,
as spending on Social Security, Medicare and interest payments soar and
revenues fail to keep pace. The growing imbalance is expected to loom
large over upcoming congressional budget and tax battles.

America will be $57 trillion in debt. That doesn’t bother me so much.
What bothers me is the waste:

Servicing the debt is one of the federal government’s biggest expenses.
Net interest payments on the debt are estimated to total $395.5 billion
this fiscal year, or 6.8% of all federal outlays, according to the
Office of Management and Budget. That’s more than $100 billion more than
the government expects to spend on veterans’ benefits and services and
more than it will spend on elementary and secondary education, disaster
relief, agriculture, science and space programs, foreign aid, and
natural resources and environmental protection combined. [emphasis

We’re pissing away all that money on debt service. It’s outrageous.
Imagine the good it would do if we could return that $395.5 million to
the taxpayers every year.'

'’m not one of those people who believes the debt will doom us. The Debt
Doom talk is like Global Warming to me — for decades, we’ve been told
the end is nigh, and there’s been no nigh, so I’ve stopped believing.
Besides, now that I’m less than four years from collecting my Social
Security, I could not care less — unless someone tries to cut my Social
Security or Medicare! Yeah, I’m one of those guys now. Hey, I’ve paid in
plenty for 45 years. You’re damn right I’m one of those guys.

Go ahead, give away the store.

Keep voting for craven liars, like Joe Biden, who give away the store.

It’s no skin off my nose.

Imagine the idiocy behind Democrats who are a-okay with this student
loan scheme. For decades, these are the same people who have been
screaming about “tax the rich” and “pay your fair share,” and here they
are now backing a guy transferring billions and billions in debt from
the privileged to the non-privileged.'

Subject: Re: Joe Biden's Student Loan Giveaway Contributes to 27% Deficit Boost
From: %
Newsgroups:, comp.os.linux.advocacy,, talk.politics
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2024 01:50 UTC
References: 1
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2024 01:50:28 +0000
Subject: Re: Joe Biden's Student Loan Giveaway Contributes to 27% Deficit
References: <>
From: (%)
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2024 18:50:27 -0700
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101
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John Smyth wrote:
> Wonderful.
> Bidenomics will fix all of this.
> Right?
> Joe Biden’s Student Loan Giveaway Contributes to 27% Deficit Boost
> <>
> 'The 2024 federal budget deficit will climb to $1.9 trillion, which is
> $400 billion more than projected, thanks, in large part, to student loan
> “forgiveness.”
> The largest portion of that $400 billion surprise comes from “a $145
> billion increase that’s partly due to changes the Biden administration
> made to student loan repayment plans and a new, proposed forgiveness
> program that would waive some accrued interest for millions of
> borrowers.”
> Well, that’s how CNNLOL spins it, but, in Normal People language, it
> goes something like this… In a craven bid to purchase votes from a young
> demographic that he’s losing to Orange Man Bad, Biden is transferring
> student loan obligations from the privileged who went to college to the
> rest of us.
> This is really something:
> Looking longer term, the nation’s debt will approach $57 trillion in
> fiscal year 2034, nearly $2.5 trillion higher than previously projected,
> as spending on Social Security, Medicare and interest payments soar and
> revenues fail to keep pace. The growing imbalance is expected to loom
> large over upcoming congressional budget and tax battles.
> America will be $57 trillion in debt. That doesn’t bother me so much.
> What bothers me is the waste:
> Servicing the debt is one of the federal government’s biggest expenses.
> Net interest payments on the debt are estimated to total $395.5 billion
> this fiscal year, or 6.8% of all federal outlays, according to the
> Office of Management and Budget. That’s more than $100 billion more than
> the government expects to spend on veterans’ benefits and services and
> more than it will spend on elementary and secondary education, disaster
> relief, agriculture, science and space programs, foreign aid, and
> natural resources and environmental protection combined. [emphasis
> original]
> We’re pissing away all that money on debt service. It’s outrageous.
> Imagine the good it would do if we could return that $395.5 million to
> the taxpayers every year.'
> '’m not one of those people who believes the debt will doom us. The Debt
> Doom talk is like Global Warming to me — for decades, we’ve been told
> the end is nigh, and there’s been no nigh, so I’ve stopped believing.
> Besides, now that I’m less than four years from collecting my Social
> Security, I could not care less — unless someone tries to cut my Social
> Security or Medicare! Yeah, I’m one of those guys now. Hey, I’ve paid in
> plenty for 45 years. You’re damn right I’m one of those guys.
> Go ahead, give away the store.
> Keep voting for craven liars, like Joe Biden, who give away the store.
> It’s no skin off my nose.
> Imagine the idiocy behind Democrats who are a-okay with this student
> loan scheme. For decades, these are the same people who have been
> screaming about “tax the rich” and “pay your fair share,” and here they
> are now backing a guy transferring billions and billions in debt from
> the privileged to the non-privileged.'
so go back to school get a lone and then quit school

Subject: Re: Joe Biden's Student Loan Giveaway Contributes to 27% Deficit Boost
From: Chris Ahlstrom
Newsgroups:, comp.os.linux.advocacy,, talk.politics
Organization: None
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2024 12:24 UTC
References: 1 2
From: (Chris Ahlstrom)
Subject: Re: Joe Biden's Student Loan Giveaway Contributes to 27% Deficit
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2024 08:24:31 -0400
Organization: None
Lines: 38
Message-ID: <v56fq0$3oegm$>
References: <>
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
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X-Slrn: Why use anything else?
X-Mutt: The most widely-used MUA
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% wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:

> John Smyth wrote:
>> Wonderful.
>> Bidenomics will fix all of this.
>> Right?
>> Joe Biden’s Student Loan Giveaway Contributes to 27% Deficit Boost
>> <>
>> <snivelling snipped>
> so go back to school get a lone and then quit school

A good portion of student loans are quite predatory. Even the ones with a
public service provision (loan forgiven after 10 years in a public service
job) have strict and easy-to-break requirements for reporting that many such
applications get rejected.

Seeing as the OP referenced Brietbart (Bright Fart?), let's see what a more
liberal venue says.

Student debt creates decades of hardship for millions of American families
while acting as a drag on the economy. Student loans are one of the
highest sources of debt for Americans—second only to mortgages. Across the
country, more than 40 million people collectively carry over $1.5 trillion
in student loan debt. On average, student loan borrowers aged 18–39 spend
more than 20 percent of their monthly income on student loan payments, or
$579 out of a monthly income of $2,689. These high monthly payments lead to
devastating financial precarity. Notably, 65 percent of student loan
borrowers report having less than $1,000 in their bank account, struggling
to afford short-term expenses, and being unable to save long-term.

You will wish you hadn't.

Subject: Re: Joe Biden's Student Loan Giveaway Contributes to 27% Deficit Boost
From: Governor Swill
Newsgroups:, comp.os.linux.advocacy,
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2024 02:54 UTC
References: 1 2 3
From: (Governor Swill)
Subject: Re: Joe Biden's Student Loan Giveaway Contributes to 27% Deficit Boost
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2024 22:54:02 -0400
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 49
Message-ID: <>
References: <> <> <v56fq0$3oegm$>
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Injection-Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2024 04:54:04 +0200 (CEST)
Injection-Info:; posting-host="124639d604997bef4e6fc45204d7b63b";
logging-data="794768"; mail-complaints-to=""; posting-account="U2FsdGVkX193Uyk84exDnLcPuLSWaV+TSzHx8H4rvzA="
Cancel-Lock: sha1:UK8hJD2/xFuU51ns5gCiVO6zGGc=
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 3.3/32.846
View all headers

On Sat, 22 Jun 2024 08:24:31 -0400, Chris Ahlstrom <> wrote:

>% wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
>> John Smyth wrote:
>>> Wonderful.
>>> Bidenomics will fix all of this.
>>> Right?
>>> Joe Biden’s Student Loan Giveaway Contributes to 27% Deficit Boost
>>> <>
>>> <snivelling snipped>
>> so go back to school get a lone and then quit school
>A good portion of student loans are quite predatory. Even the ones with a
>public service provision (loan forgiven after 10 years in a public service
>job) have strict and easy-to-break requirements for reporting that many such
>applications get rejected.
>Seeing as the OP referenced Brietbart (Bright Fart?), let's see what a more
>liberal venue says.
> Student debt creates decades of hardship for millions of American families
> while acting as a drag on the economy. Student loans are one of the
> highest sources of debt for Americans—second only to mortgages. Across the
> country, more than 40 million people collectively carry over $1.5 trillion
> in student loan debt. On average, student loan borrowers aged 18–39 spend
> more than 20 percent of their monthly income on student loan payments, or
> $579 out of a monthly income of $2,689. These high monthly payments lead to
> devastating financial precarity. Notably, 65 percent of student loan
> borrowers report having less than $1,000 in their bank account, struggling
> to afford short-term expenses, and being unable to save long-term.

Correct me if I'm wrong but student loans used to be low interest from the government.
During Bush's administration banks and other lenders were allowed to make them and the
supply of government money died up. There followed an explosion of unaccredited schools
who would take anybody who could pay regardless of their academic achievements.

This explosion of sham universities degreed students with little more than high school
level knowledge and employers learned to overlook them. And other ramifications of this
education-for-profit system that have dragged on the economy.

NP: Gordon Lightfoot - Sundown

Subject: Re: Joe Biden's Student Loan Giveaway Contributes to 27% Deficit Boost
From: Chris Ahlstrom
Newsgroups:, comp.os.linux.advocacy,
Organization: None
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2024 14:22 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4
From: (Chris Ahlstrom)
Subject: Re: Joe Biden's Student Loan Giveaway Contributes to 27% Deficit
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2024 10:22:29 -0400
Organization: None
Lines: 25
Message-ID: <v5bvf6$vf1i$>
References: <>
<v56fq0$3oegm$> <>
Injection-Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2024 16:22:31 +0200 (CEST)
Injection-Info:; posting-host="d67b76d328d69ba4f75a5a0d30f938df";
logging-data="1031218"; mail-complaints-to=""; posting-account="U2FsdGVkX19yKrFgexobmpzD/kp1zfGm"
User-Agent: slrn/1.0.3 (Linux)
Cancel-Lock: sha1:Faz3Um5hsW32etuEwOMd8FtJ5fQ=
X-Slrn: Why use anything else?
X-Mutt: The most widely-used MUA
X-User-Agent: Microsoft Outl00k, Usenet K00k Editions
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Governor Swill wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:

> On Sat, 22 Jun 2024 08:24:31 -0400, Chris Ahlstrom <> wrote:
>>A good portion of student loans are quite predatory. Even the ones with a
>>public service provision (loan forgiven after 10 years in a public service
>>job) have strict and easy-to-break requirements for reporting that many such
>>applications get rejected.
> Correct me if I'm wrong but student loans used to be low interest from the
> government. During Bush's administration banks and other lenders were
> allowed to make them and the supply of government money died up. There
> followed an explosion of unaccredited schools who would take anybody who
> could pay regardless of their academic achievements.
> This explosion of sham universities degreed students with little more than
> high school level knowledge and employers learned to overlook them. And
> other ramifications of this education-for-profit system that have dragged on
> the economy.

Predatory loans also happen with reputable schools, unfortunately.

So so is good, very good, very excellent good:
and yet it is not; it is but so so.
-- William Shakespeare, "As You Like It"

Subject: Re: Joe Biden's Student Loan Giveaway Contributes to 27% Deficit Boost
From: Charlie Glock
Newsgroups:, comp.os.linux.advocacy,
Organization: Always Locked and Loaded
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2024 21:11 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5
X-Trace: DXC=bjN6MI=4V\g9f6`g5fNY:hHWonT5<]0TmQ;nb^V>PUff5[gZBW6J?Llo>@oN;JD0Zc;`?Ze50koWo1ZUnfG;eAHjnEfEDn\=kfab6a7^K:\@Gi
From: "Charlie Glock" (Charlie Glock)
Subject: Re: Joe Biden's Student Loan Giveaway Contributes to 27% Deficit
References: <>
<v56fq0$3oegm$> <>
Organization: Always Locked and Loaded
User-Agent: slrn/1.0.3 (Linux)
Date: 24 Jun 2024 21:11:59 GMT
Lines: 59
Message-ID: <6679e11f$1$3068690$>
X-Trace: 1719263519 3068690
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On 2024-06-24, Chris Ahlstrom <> wrote:
> Governor Swill wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
>> On Sat, 22 Jun 2024 08:24:31 -0400, Chris Ahlstrom <> wrote:
>>>A good portion of student loans are quite predatory. Even the ones with a
>>>public service provision (loan forgiven after 10 years in a public service
>>>job) have strict and easy-to-break requirements for reporting that many such
>>>applications get rejected.
>> Correct me if I'm wrong but student loans used to be low interest from the
>> government. During Bush's administration banks and other lenders were
>> allowed to make them and the supply of government money died up. There
>> followed an explosion of unaccredited schools who would take anybody who
>> could pay regardless of their academic achievements.
>> This explosion of sham universities degreed students with little more than
>> high school level knowledge and employers learned to overlook them. And
>> other ramifications of this education-for-profit system that have dragged on
>> the economy.
> Predatory loans also happen with reputable schools, unfortunately.
You are spot on chris. The system is completely rigged and biased heavily against the students.
Any parent who has gone through the financial aid interviews, after filling out FAFSA or whatever
it's called these days, knows the "don't you want your child to receive a top flight education?"
high pressure sales pitch know this.

It's the system that needs to be changed,and completely rebuilt from the bottom up.
If you investigate the amount of money that the typical top college is currently sitting on,
couple it with sports team revenues and so forth it's ASTRONOMICAL. So why are good kids taking
useful subjects left with $100k + in debt upon graduation?
Other countries can offer free college educations, usually on sliding scales depending upon grades,
why can't the USA?

And if a student decides to take up space instead of earning a useful, employable skill and degree,
they should not be eligible for free tuition. Why should someone who is studying accounting,
biology, even communications have to foot the bill via taxes, for someone taking up Nigerian
underwater basket weaving?

And as far as Biden's administration paying off student loans, ignoring his end run around SCOTUS,
this is totally unfair.
What about those who are/have paid off their loans in good faith?
What about those who choose a trade and owe $10's of thousands of money in education, books and
Auto mechanics, plumbers and other trades people for example?
While I do realize like chris says that the loan system is predatary, I'm not buying the fact that
the government can claim young people, under the age for 18, can determine what sex they want to
be, but can't figure out that a loan needs to be repaid per the agreement they signed.

Overall, the system needs some major realignment.

Charlie Glock
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms"
- Thomas Jefferson 1776

Subject: Re: Joe Biden's Student Loan Giveaway Contributes to 27% Deficit Boost
From: chrisv
Newsgroups:, comp.os.linux.advocacy,
Organization: fastusenet -
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2024 22:11 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6
From: chrisv@nospam.invalid (chrisv)
Subject: Re: Joe Biden's Student Loan Giveaway Contributes to 27% Deficit Boost
Message-ID: <>
References: <> <> <v56fq0$3oegm$> <> <v5bvf6$vf1i$> <6679e11f$1$3068690$>
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 1.91/32.564
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Lines: 18
NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2024 22:11:32 UTC
Organization: fastusenet -
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2024 17:11:34 -0500
X-Received-Bytes: 1798
View all headers

Charlie Glock wrote:

>And as far as Biden's administration paying off student loans, ignoring his end run around SCOTUS,
>this is totally unfair.
>What about those who are/have paid off their loans in good faith?
>What about those who choose a trade and owe $10's of thousands of money in education, books and
>Auto mechanics, plumbers and other trades people for example?
>While I do realize like chris says that the loan system is predatary, I'm not buying the fact that
>the government can claim young people, under the age for 18, can determine what sex they want to
>be, but can't figure out that a loan needs to be repaid per the agreement they signed.

Exactly. "Predatory" my ass. It's simple math. Most young people
have parents for advise, also.

"Windows Phone is far more successful in its market than Linux desktop
is in its market." - some dumb fsck

Subject: Re: Joe Biden's Student Loan Giveaway Contributes to 27% Deficit Boost
From: Governor Swill
Newsgroups:, comp.os.linux.advocacy,
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 00:45 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6
From: (Governor Swill)
Subject: Re: Joe Biden's Student Loan Giveaway Contributes to 27% Deficit Boost
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2024 20:45:46 -0400
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 57
Message-ID: <>
References: <> <> <v56fq0$3oegm$> <> <v5bvf6$vf1i$> <6679e11f$1$3068690$>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Injection-Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 02:45:48 +0200 (CEST)
Injection-Info:; posting-host="68056e36dcdf29ce31315a29646cbf7b";
logging-data="1270127"; mail-complaints-to=""; posting-account="U2FsdGVkX18F1BW/8F4t6I8zlSUtP30B+g+HD0W8A1o="
Cancel-Lock: sha1:olg1+n+cfGasYIDO0QtetwpYYGQ=
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 3.3/32.846
View all headers

On 24 Jun 2024 21:11:59 GMT, Charlie Glock <"Charlie Glock"> wrote:

>On 2024-06-24, Chris Ahlstrom <> wrote:
>> Governor Swill wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:
>>> On Sat, 22 Jun 2024 08:24:31 -0400, Chris Ahlstrom <> wrote:
>>>>A good portion of student loans are quite predatory. Even the ones with a
>>>>public service provision (loan forgiven after 10 years in a public service
>>>>job) have strict and easy-to-break requirements for reporting that many such
>>>>applications get rejected.
>>> Correct me if I'm wrong but student loans used to be low interest from the
>>> government. During Bush's administration banks and other lenders were
>>> allowed to make them and the supply of government money died up. There
>>> followed an explosion of unaccredited schools who would take anybody who
>>> could pay regardless of their academic achievements.
>>> This explosion of sham universities degreed students with little more than
>>> high school level knowledge and employers learned to overlook them. And
>>> other ramifications of this education-for-profit system that have dragged on
>>> the economy.
>> Predatory loans also happen with reputable schools, unfortunately.
>You are spot on chris. The system is completely rigged and biased heavily against the students.
>Any parent who has gone through the financial aid interviews, after filling out FAFSA or whatever
>it's called these days, knows the "don't you want your child to receive a top flight education?"
>high pressure sales pitch know this.
>It's the system that needs to be changed,and completely rebuilt from the bottom up.
>If you investigate the amount of money that the typical top college is currently sitting on,
>couple it with sports team revenues and so forth it's ASTRONOMICAL. So why are good kids taking
>useful subjects left with $100k + in debt upon graduation?
>Other countries can offer free college educations, usually on sliding scales depending upon grades,
>why can't the USA?
>And if a student decides to take up space instead of earning a useful, employable skill and degree,
>they should not be eligible for free tuition. Why should someone who is studying accounting,
>biology, even communications have to foot the bill via taxes, for someone taking up Nigerian
>underwater basket weaving?
>And as far as Biden's administration paying off student loans, ignoring his end run around SCOTUS,
>this is totally unfair.
>What about those who are/have paid off their loans in good faith?
>What about those who choose a trade and owe $10's of thousands of money in education, books and
>Auto mechanics, plumbers and other trades people for example?
>While I do realize like chris says that the loan system is predatary, I'm not buying the fact that
>the government can claim young people, under the age for 18, can determine what sex they want to
>be, but can't figure out that a loan needs to be repaid per the agreement they signed.
>Overall, the system needs some major realignment.

At the very least we need to go back to low interest government loans and get the banks
out of the student loan business.


Subject: Re: Joe Biden's Student Loan Giveaway Contributes to 27% Deficit Boost
From: Snit
Newsgroups:,, comp.os.linux.advocacy
Organization: Southern Nevada Institute of Technology
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 03:28 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4
X-Trace: DXC=j_>`5XAJnk`O5da<66@17mHWonT5<]0TmQ;nb^V>PUff=AnO\FUBY[`kk?Sl;]0eVf6J9_4>`T;ZeW3FC2iYkb:a\bjWVdfSPlb0alf0iVXmi`F4Kj5Kb5_To
From: (Snit)
Subject: Re: Joe Biden's Student Loan Giveaway Contributes to 27% Deficit Boost
Organization: Southern Nevada Institute of Technology
References: <> <v5bvf6$vf1i$> <6679e11f$1$3068690$> <>
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On Jun 24, 2024 at 3:11:34 PM MST, "chrisv" wrote

> Charlie Glock wrote:
>> And as far as Biden's administration paying off student loans, ignoring his
>> end run around SCOTUS,
>> this is totally unfair.
>> What about those who are/have paid off their loans in good faith?
>> What about those who choose a trade and owe $10's of thousands of money in
>> education, books and
>> tools?
>> Auto mechanics, plumbers and other trades people for example?
>> While I do realize like chris says that the loan system is predatary, I'm not
>> buying the fact that
>> the government can claim young people, under the age for 18, can determine
>> what sex they want to
>> be, but can't figure out that a loan needs to be repaid per the agreement
>> they signed.
> Exactly. "Predatory" my ass. It's simple math. Most young people
> have parents for advise, also.

Personal attacks from those who troll show their own insecurity. They cannot use reason to show the message to be wrong so they try to feel somehow superior by attacking the messenger.

They cling to their attacks and ignore the message time and time again.


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