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comp / comp.os.linux.advocacy / Re: Man Hospitalized After Putting 15 Boiled Eggs Up His Anus

o Re: Man Hospitalized After Putting 15 Boiled Eggs Up His Anuslogan

Subject: Re: Man Hospitalized After Putting 15 Boiled Eggs Up His Anus
From: logan
Newsgroups:, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism, comp.os.linux.advocacy, alt.politics.democrats.d, talk.politics.guns
Organization: - The Internet Problem Provider
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2024 00:33 UTC
References: 1
From: (logan)
Subject: Re: Man Hospitalized After Putting 15 Boiled Eggs Up His Anus
Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2024 17:33:47 -0700
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On 6/2/2024 3:30 PM, neville wrote:
> For better or worse – but probably worse – people just love to stick
> things in NSFW parts of their bodies. But one recent case report will make
> even the most jaded among us wince.
> It all started with a report published last week in The Dutch Journal of
> Medicine titled "Step-by-step approach to rectal corpus alienum" – in
> other words: how to remove foreign bodies stuck in a patient's rectum. A
> truly noble cause.
> "Ladies and gentlemen," the paper begins. "Patients who visit the
> emergency room because of [foreign bodies in the rectum] are certainly not
> exceptional. In recent years the problem has even increased... On the
> basis of three different cases, we present a step-by-step approach for the
> removal of a rectal corpus alienum."
> And it's one of those cases that is making all the headlines.
> "Patient C is a 29-year-old man who came to the emergency room around
> midnight because of acute stomach pain," the study reports. "Together with
> his partner, he had anally inserted 15 boiled and peeled eggs while under
> the influence of GHB earlier in the evening."
> Ik denk dat deze meneer nooit meer 15 gepelde en gekookte eieren in zijn
> anus stopt (uit de nieuwsbrief van @NTvG_actueel).
> — Aliëtte Jonkers (@aliettejonkers) August 23, 2018
> GHB is a drug that can be used for treating narcolepsy, but it's most
> famous for being a date rape or chemsex drug.
> By the time the gentleman got to the hospital, he was suffering from an
> abnormally rapid heartbeat (tachycardia) of 120 beats per minute and a
> rapid breathing rate (tachypnea) of 28 breaths per minute. A physical exam
> revealed abdominal guarding across his entire abdomen. Suspecting
> abdominal sepsis, the doctors gave him a CT scan – and what they saw was
> not pretty.
> "Visible in the CT scan were a perforation in the sigmoid [pelvic colon]
> and a considerable amount of air and fluid in the abdominal cavity," the
> doctors report. "Therefore, we deemed an emergency laparotomy necessary."
> A laparotomy is a surgical procedure in which a large incision is made
> through the abdominal wall, allowing access to the abdominal cavity.
> In a revelation that will shock approximately nobody, forcing 15 eggs up
> your rectum is not a good idea. The doctors confirmed a large intestinal
> tear caused by the side-dish-cum-suppositories, as well as extensive
> inflammation caused by feces leaking into it (fecal peritonitis).
> "The eggs were removed as well as we could and the abdominal cavity was
> thoroughly rinsed," reports the case study. "After the operation, the
> patient was monitored for a short time in the ICU, and after a few days he
> was able to leave the hospital in a clinically good condition."
> But even though this adventurous patient seems to have come out of it
> relatively unscathed, we're pretty sure medical professionals would still
> recommend against this particular proclivity.
> eggs-up-your-butt-49459

Another gay escapade that Democrats want to teach 6-year-old school
children. This is not okay.


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