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comp / comp.os.linux.advocacy / The Fall of faggot Barack Hussein Obama

o The Fall of faggot Barack Hussein Obamakenya today

Subject: The Fall of faggot Barack Hussein Obama
From: kenya today
Newsgroups: alt.politics.obama, alt.sodomites.barack-obama, talk.politics.guns, sac.politics, comp.os.linux.advocacy
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Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2024 22:54 UTC
From: (kenya today)
Newsgroups: alt.politics.obama,alt.sodomites.barack-obama,talk.politics.guns,sac.politics,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: The Fall of faggot Barack Hussein Obama
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I officially retired from the US Army on 1 August 2004 and vividly
recall sitting and watching the 2004 Democratic National Committee
convention. At that convention, a fella named Barack Hussein Obama gave
the keynote speech. He had just become a State Senator in Illinois.
Angela and I listened to a rousing, emotional, rhetorical speech using
the southern pastoral iambic pentameter rhythm and said to each
other...this is the guy the Democrats are going to run for President. We
were correct in our assessment from 2004. We all witnessed a meteoric
rise of someone whom we had no idea of who they were. As a matter of
fact, Obama once quipped that he was a blank slate upon which people
could draw upon. What does that mean?

During his presidential campaign, you were not allowed to question him,
even when he admitted to the now deceased Joe the Plumber, his belief in
"spreading the wealth around."

And so it was, in no time flat, this relatively unknown master of
rhetoric went from State Senator to US Senator, where he mostly voted
present and never sponsored any major legislation, to President of the
United States of America. He was brought into office with high hopes of
putting the past into the past and going towards a better future for
America. Heck, Obama was given a great participation trophy called the
Nobel Peace Prize for doing absolutely nothing. Was it awarded based on
what they thought he would do?

Obama's first trip as President included a speech at the University of
Cairo where he demanded members of the Muslim Brotherhood be seated
front and center. There were many other indicators that this would not
be the "hopey changey" that had been guaranteed. Yet, people still believed.

Obama's first midterm election in 2010 witnessed a massive loss in the
U.S. House of Representatives, yours truly being a part of that shift.
Obama then realized that the government had to be weaponized against his
opposition, the TEA Party. We all learned about Lois Lerner and the IRS
targeting. Obama won reelection in 2012 even after making the most
offensive and condescending statement to American entrepreneurs, "If you
own a business, you didn't build that." And when it comes to divisive
speech and rhetoric, well, it was Obama who talked about "not bringing a
knife to a gunfight," "punish your political enemies," and "Republicans
can get to the back of the bus." Any and every statement, policy
failure, and unconstitutional or corrupt incidents were dismissed. The
response? “You're a racist.” Operation Fast and Furious? Racist.
Creation and rise of ISIS? You're a racist. Economy flailing? Racist.

At the end of eight years, it was decided that we then needed a woman
president, following the leftist identity politics. Oops, that plan did
not work out for the progressive socialist left, namely Barack Hussein
Obama. His legacy was interrupted, and he was not happy about it. When
was the last time a former President stayed in Washington, DC? Heck,
Harry Truman drove away. Obama stayed and made it his mission to run a
shadow government and a political insurgency against the Trump
administration—something he had done as President using the Patriot Act
against the Trump campaign. Non-debatable.

In 2020, Obama got his vindication, his former Vice President, Joe
Biden, won the presidency by not being visible. The left used COVID-19
as a means to an end. Remember Obama's former Chief of Staff Rahm
Emanuel's words, "Never let a good crisis go to waste." Let's not forget
Obama's interview, where he joked about having someone as a frontman
with an earpiece and him giving directions.

And so it was with the Biden-Harris administration—a continuation of
Obama's policies. It was many of the Obama acolytes as members of the
Biden-Harris administration. Do not be fooled; the Biden-Harris
administration picked up the mantle of advancing what Barack Hussein
Obama wanted—then the train came off the tracks. The American people got
a full-bore taste of what leftist, Marxist policies are all about. And
then the fella with the earpiece practically collapsed on the debate
stage. Obama decided to pull Biden, but the ensuing choice was forced
upon him, a very disliked and quite incompetent Vice President Kamala

However, the great master of rhetoric believed that empty, emotional,
and nonsensical words could win the day again. Instead of hope and
change and forward (a Marxist/Communist political term), this time, we
got "Joy." Joy doesn't work at the grocery store line or the gas pump,
and it certainly ain't working at the border.

Now, Barry Soetoro, one of his many names, is angry. It was recently
displayed in his despicable and disparaging rant against Black men in
Philadelphia. How dare you "Brothas" not listen to me and defy my glad Michelle is not here. Huh? So, the crowned prince of
progressive socialism is now relegated to anger, threats, and demanding

What is also on the ballot this November 5th? It is the fall of Barack
Hussein Obama. He will be cast into irrelevance and disregard. There
will be no rebounding in 2028 and his shadow government run from his
residence in DC will not undermine a second Donald Trump presidency. The
whole persuasion of identity politics will have lost its edge and
advantage. Obama's rise and fall is much like that of Icarus, son of
Daedalus. His wise father warned Icarus as they escaped imprisonment
with crafted wings, to not fly too close to the sun. Icarus disobeyed;
the wax that held his wings together melted, and he crashed into the sea
and drowned.

Barack Hussein Obama mounted wings, not those of God as mentioned in
Isaiah 40:31, but rather those of man. He rose and rose but flew too
close to the sun, basking in his own self and not realizing that slowly
his wax was melting. Obama is now in a freefall descent, with no
control, and about to crash into the sea of divisiveness he created.

My Dad, just as Daedalus advised Icarus, taught me a very important
lesson. "Boy, never read your own press and never drink your own tub
water, lest you get full of yourself." Perhaps if Obama had a real
American Dad like mine who, born in 1920, endured tough times, served
his country in World War II, and set an example as a strong Black man
role model, he would not be experiencing the fall.

Steadfast and Loyal.


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