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Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been. -- Mark Twain

comp / comp.os.linux.advocacy / Re: (OT) Losing Control

* (OT) Losing ControlRonB
`* Re: (OT) Losing ControlCrudeSausage
 +- Re: (OT) Losing ControlRonB
 `- Re: (OT) Losing Control-hh

Subject: (OT) Losing Control
From: RonB
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2024 11:52 UTC
From: (RonB)
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: (OT) Losing Control
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2024 11:52:03 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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User-Agent: slrn/1.0.3 (Linux)
Cancel-Lock: sha1:jhgXdn/ami0oS1e0lbN7SnzGcSI=
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A week or so after John Kerry whined about our 1st Amendment's right to free
speech getting in the way of censorship, Hillary Clinton worries about
"losing control" of the news — in her own words...

“Whether it’s Facebook or Twitter or X or Instagram or TikTok, whatever
they are, if they don’t moderate and monitor the content we lose total

Who's "we" Kemosabe? And why does "we" demand "total control?"

You have also known for some time now, that Hillary is exactly the
something wicked that has been coming this way for many years, to the
siren song of the cable news harpies shrieking Trump Trump Trump. . .
Putin Putin Putin at all hours, day and night, month after dreary month,
and all the other avatars of ruin pretending to run the life of our
nation. But this utterance begs enough questions to keep Chat GDP vexed
and perplexed for the rest of its unnatural life: We lose total

Yes, as matter of fact, you do. This might be a book tour too far for
Mrs. Clinton and her claque, now that her basket of deplorables shivers
in the cold and dark out in Appalachia amid the stink of their kinfolks’
uncollected corpses. The Party of Chaos has managed to piss-off the most
ferocious demographic in the land, the wild and cross-grained
Scotch-Irish who populate those devastated hills and hollows of Western
Carolina and East Tennessee, the people who, for generations, were first
to volunteer to fight in America’s wars, the Sargent Yorks, the
moonshiners and the stock car heroes, the Johnson Boys, Boones and
Crocketts, Hatfields and McCoys, the very warp and woof of our folklore,
half horse and half alligator, born fighting. And now you and your gang
of wine-club harpies, Beltway mezzofinukes, Hollywood Satan-conjurors,
Hamptons charity-hags, globe-trotting errand boys, color revolution
maestros, race hustlers, drag queens, lawfare shysters, spooks, cut-outs,
beach friends, and grifters has gone and pissed these folks off royally.

Apparently FEMA has spent all their money on settling and housing for
illegal aliens and there's none left for emergencies. After all, those hurt
by the hurricane are just American citizens, not privileged illegal aliens.

“Evil is not able to create anything new, it can only distort and destroy
what has been invented or made by the forces of good.” —J.R.R. Tolkien

Subject: Re: (OT) Losing Control
From: CrudeSausage
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2024 13:09 UTC
References: 1
MIME-Version: 1.0
User-Agent: Betterbird (Windows)
Subject: Re: (OT) Losing Control
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
References: <ve36d3$2633n$>
Content-Language: en-US
From: (CrudeSausage)
In-Reply-To: <ve36d3$2633n$>
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Message-ID: <raaNO.79018$xO0f.50428@fx48.iad>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 08 Oct 2024 13:09:43 UTC
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2024 09:09:41 -0400
X-Received-Bytes: 3908
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On 2024-10-08 7:52 a.m., RonB wrote:
> A week or so after John Kerry whined about our 1st Amendment's right to free
> speech getting in the way of censorship, Hillary Clinton worries about
> "losing control" of the news — in her own words...
> “Whether it’s Facebook or Twitter or X or Instagram or TikTok, whatever
> they are, if they don’t moderate and monitor the content we lose total
> control..."
> Who's "we" Kemosabe? And why does "we" demand "total control?"
> You have also known for some time now, that Hillary is exactly the
> something wicked that has been coming this way for many years, to the
> siren song of the cable news harpies shrieking Trump Trump Trump. . .
> Putin Putin Putin at all hours, day and night, month after dreary month,
> and all the other avatars of ruin pretending to run the life of our
> nation. But this utterance begs enough questions to keep Chat GDP vexed
> and perplexed for the rest of its unnatural life: We lose total
> control..?
> Yes, as matter of fact, you do. This might be a book tour too far for
> Mrs. Clinton and her claque, now that her basket of deplorables shivers
> in the cold and dark out in Appalachia amid the stink of their kinfolks’
> uncollected corpses. The Party of Chaos has managed to piss-off the most
> ferocious demographic in the land, the wild and cross-grained
> Scotch-Irish who populate those devastated hills and hollows of Western
> Carolina and East Tennessee, the people who, for generations, were first
> to volunteer to fight in America’s wars, the Sargent Yorks, the
> moonshiners and the stock car heroes, the Johnson Boys, Boones and
> Crocketts, Hatfields and McCoys, the very warp and woof of our folklore,
> half horse and half alligator, born fighting. And now you and your gang
> of wine-club harpies, Beltway mezzofinukes, Hollywood Satan-conjurors,
> Hamptons charity-hags, globe-trotting errand boys, color revolution
> maestros, race hustlers, drag queens, lawfare shysters, spooks, cut-outs,
> beach friends, and grifters has gone and pissed these folks off royally.
> Apparently FEMA has spent all their money on settling and housing for
> illegal aliens and there's none left for emergencies. After all, those hurt
> by the hurricane are just American citizens, not privileged illegal aliens.

Honestly, whoever wins the presidency in November needs to defund all of
the three or four-letter agencies and start from scratch. The
incompetence is unbelievable. The moment an organization tasked with
helping Americans decides that it has no money for them but tons for
Third-World parasites, you know you're in deep trouble.

I'd love to see how flaming homosexual Chris Ahlstrom and
low-testosterone tubby vallor defend this. After this, these
organizations are running under Democratic watch... the same Democrats
they believe are awesome.

Catholic, paleoconservative, Christ is king

Subject: Re: (OT) Losing Control
From: RonB
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2024 05:57 UTC
References: 1 2
From: (RonB)
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: (OT) Losing Control
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2024 05:57:48 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 60
Message-ID: <ve560s$2i8nn$>
References: <ve36d3$2633n$> <raaNO.79018$xO0f.50428@fx48.iad>
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Injection-Date: Wed, 09 Oct 2024 07:57:49 +0200 (CEST)
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User-Agent: slrn/1.0.3 (Linux)
Cancel-Lock: sha1:yKJNcYLxNiuCIl+dgkptbDbpKLE=
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On 2024-10-08, CrudeSausage <> wrote:
> On 2024-10-08 7:52 a.m., RonB wrote:
>> A week or so after John Kerry whined about our 1st Amendment's right to free
>> speech getting in the way of censorship, Hillary Clinton worries about
>> "losing control" of the news — in her own words...
>> “Whether it’s Facebook or Twitter or X or Instagram or TikTok, whatever
>> they are, if they don’t moderate and monitor the content we lose total
>> control..."
>> Who's "we" Kemosabe? And why does "we" demand "total control?"
>> You have also known for some time now, that Hillary is exactly the
>> something wicked that has been coming this way for many years, to the
>> siren song of the cable news harpies shrieking Trump Trump Trump. . .
>> Putin Putin Putin at all hours, day and night, month after dreary month,
>> and all the other avatars of ruin pretending to run the life of our
>> nation. But this utterance begs enough questions to keep Chat GDP vexed
>> and perplexed for the rest of its unnatural life: We lose total
>> control..?
>> Yes, as matter of fact, you do. This might be a book tour too far for
>> Mrs. Clinton and her claque, now that her basket of deplorables shivers
>> in the cold and dark out in Appalachia amid the stink of their kinfolks’
>> uncollected corpses. The Party of Chaos has managed to piss-off the most
>> ferocious demographic in the land, the wild and cross-grained
>> Scotch-Irish who populate those devastated hills and hollows of Western
>> Carolina and East Tennessee, the people who, for generations, were first
>> to volunteer to fight in America’s wars, the Sargent Yorks, the
>> moonshiners and the stock car heroes, the Johnson Boys, Boones and
>> Crocketts, Hatfields and McCoys, the very warp and woof of our folklore,
>> half horse and half alligator, born fighting. And now you and your gang
>> of wine-club harpies, Beltway mezzofinukes, Hollywood Satan-conjurors,
>> Hamptons charity-hags, globe-trotting errand boys, color revolution
>> maestros, race hustlers, drag queens, lawfare shysters, spooks, cut-outs,
>> beach friends, and grifters has gone and pissed these folks off royally.
>> Apparently FEMA has spent all their money on settling and housing for
>> illegal aliens and there's none left for emergencies. After all, those hurt
>> by the hurricane are just American citizens, not privileged illegal aliens.
> Honestly, whoever wins the presidency in November needs to defund all of
> the three or four-letter agencies and start from scratch. The
> incompetence is unbelievable. The moment an organization tasked with
> helping Americans decides that it has no money for them but tons for
> Third-World parasites, you know you're in deep trouble.
> I'd love to see how flaming homosexual Chris Ahlstrom and
> low-testosterone tubby vallor defend this. After this, these
> organizations are running under Democratic watch... the same Democrats
> they believe are awesome.

Biden would have been "awesome" to ChrisH even if he had been under hospice

“Evil is not able to create anything new, it can only distort and destroy
what has been invented or made by the forces of good.” —J.R.R. Tolkien

Subject: Re: (OT) Losing Control
From: -hh
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2024 01:44 UTC
References: 1 2
From: (-hh)
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: (OT) Losing Control
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2024 21:44:38 -0400
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 84
Message-ID: <ve7bi7$2s1mm$>
References: <ve36d3$2633n$> <raaNO.79018$xO0f.50428@fx48.iad>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Injection-Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2024 03:44:39 +0200 (CEST)
Injection-Info:; posting-host="dc133df0f88ac5f3646231563f340aa4";
logging-data="3016406"; mail-complaints-to=""; posting-account="U2FsdGVkX18rSxbobpvshh4+NBOzlMRLmRTKFDpPd4k="
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird
Cancel-Lock: sha1:DklO2i3IstJtRLc80OgzY9HuEBU=
Content-Language: en-US
In-Reply-To: <raaNO.79018$xO0f.50428@fx48.iad>
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On 10/8/24 9:09 AM, CrudeSausage wrote:
> On 2024-10-08 7:52 a.m., RonB wrote:
>> A week or so after John Kerry whined about our 1st Amendment's right
>> to free
>> speech getting in the way of censorship, Hillary Clinton worries about
>> "losing control" of the news — in her own words...
>>     “Whether it’s Facebook or Twitter or X or Instagram or TikTok,
>> whatever
>>     they are, if they don’t moderate and monitor the content we lose
>> total
>>     control..."
>> Who's "we" Kemosabe? And why does "we" demand "total control?"
>>     You have also known for some time now, that Hillary is exactly the
>>     something wicked that has been coming this way for many years, to the
>>     siren song of the cable news harpies shrieking Trump Trump Trump. . .
>>     Putin Putin Putin at all hours, day and night, month after dreary
>> month,
>>     and all the other avatars of ruin pretending to run the life of our
>>     nation. But this utterance begs enough questions to keep Chat GDP
>> vexed
>>     and perplexed for the rest of its unnatural life: We lose total
>>     control..?
>>     Yes, as matter of fact, you do. This might be a book tour too far for
>>     Mrs. Clinton and her claque, now that her basket of deplorables
>> shivers
>>     in the cold and dark out in Appalachia amid the stink of their
>> kinfolks’
>>     uncollected corpses. The Party of Chaos has managed to piss-off
>> the most
>>     ferocious demographic in the land, the wild and cross-grained
>>     Scotch-Irish who populate those devastated hills and hollows of
>> Western
>>     Carolina and East Tennessee, the people who, for generations, were
>> first
>>     to volunteer to fight in America’s wars, the Sargent Yorks, the
>>     moonshiners and the stock car heroes, the Johnson Boys, Boones and
>>     Crocketts, Hatfields and McCoys, the very warp and woof of our
>> folklore,
>>     half horse and half alligator, born fighting. And now you and your
>> gang
>>     of wine-club harpies, Beltway mezzofinukes, Hollywood Satan-
>> conjurors,
>>     Hamptons charity-hags, globe-trotting errand boys, color revolution
>>     maestros, race hustlers, drag queens, lawfare shysters, spooks,
>> cut-outs,
>>     beach friends, and grifters has gone and pissed these folks off
>> royally.
>> Apparently FEMA has spent all their money on settling and housing for
>> illegal aliens and there's none left for emergencies. After all, those
>> hurt
>> by the hurricane are just American citizens, not privileged illegal
>> aliens.
>> know-it
> Honestly, whoever wins the presidency in November needs to defund all of
> the three or four-letter agencies and start from scratch. The
> incompetence is unbelievable. The moment an organization tasked with
> helping Americans decides that it has no money for them but tons for
> Third-World parasites, you know you're in deep trouble.
> I'd love to see how flaming homosexual Chris Ahlstrom and low-
> testosterone tubby vallor defend this. After this, these organizations
> are running under Democratic watch... the same Democrats they believe
> are awesome.

What's clear is that both of you have no clue how government budgets
work: its not like your personal budget where you can move money around
willy-nilly however you personally like.

Congress passes a budget with specific funding for a specific purpose,
and to move money between POM lines without formal authorization is an
act known as "Misappropriation of Funds". That's a crime under 18 USC §
648 - 653 which can get you fined ... and up to ten years in jail.




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